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Everything posted by CarumEsSarene

  1. Just yesterday I found a Hero Factory alone among a shelf of Bionicles in Barnes & Noble's. It had "HF Sucks" written on the packaging in permanent marker.
  2. New-Age Kolhii isn't exactly like lacrosse, there are noticeable differences. Traditional Kolhii is s bit like soccer (or football outside the US) except the ball is 25-50 lbs and involves lots of broken bones. Crushed my chest several times while practicing. New-Age Kolhii isn't exactly like lacrosse, there are noticeable differences. Traditional Kolhii is s bit like soccer (or football outside the US) except the ball is 25-50 lbs and involves lots of broken bones. Crushed my chest several times while practicing.
  3. Has anyone tried playing Kolhii in real life? It's fun but painful. Anyway, what are your favorite moments from either MNOG or MNOGII? Mine has to be the Matoro scenes in MNOG and the kolhii matches in MMOGII (for some reason I never had difficulty winning :/) as well as my unnumbered attempts to reach the bottom of the great mine. I never knew you had to actually click on the air bladder.
  4. Good luck finding one. Thanks to the McToran and Metrutoran, there isn't a 2001 mask you can't find on BL, and given the hardness of the 2001/2 mask plastic, those are the only ones you'll want to modify (barring damage and such) Are 2001 masks in great condition rare?
  5. I see theyre able to mix colors for masks, I'd like the same to be done for eyestalks, hetero chromia. Bring back some Gen 1 characters. Id love to have Tomaru back ♥ Gay or flamboyant characters or villains Mainly just try to break the mold outside of normal expectations
  6. Yes. And no. The toa is shown as who she was before her involvement in Gen 2. There's a story for her in both Gen 1 and Gen 2. But in Gen 2 she's more victimized to match the story Lego has.
  7. I hope Tahu doesn't scorch her XD shush. But yes, I'm still deciding who will appear in each story. Lewa is first, but I'm not sure who to place next. Maybe it will be Tahu.
  8. Besides the snowman bedsheets, I also have penguins. I have a comforter from my old children bed, a brown heating blanket, and my security blanket.
  9. What kind of bed covers do you have? Show them off here. It can be a picture of your bed of just a picture of the pattern. Here's mine: http://i.imgur.com/t6FWuZW.jpg
  10. Is there a way for me to get MNOG or MNOGII for mobile? I have a droid.
  11. It's alright. The healer is Okoto's last remaining toa. Considered the mother. When Ekimu was laid to rest, the healer vanished as well. Each toa will treat her prescence differently. From hostile to passive.
  12. Thanks I have it planned that each toa sees or interacts with the healer in each chapter. The chapters being written between season sets.
  13. It could. I wish you luck, and the mask looks great so far
  14. You still have to use what defines Onua in the MOC. He needs claws, hunched, be black, etc; as well as the character defining his personality. And just because others use tires in a MOC, doesn't mean its always a good thing. I may not have MOC experience, but I have eleven years in character designing. Certain things can work and certain things won't. If you want help in character designing, which will contribute to your MOCs, message me on the Kik messaging app. Same name as here or #CSarene
  15. this feels, no offense, like the same mindset that got us into this problem to begin with. :0That doesn't matter. We aren't the target audience. As much as we might hate it, that's the truth. Thus, this whole shenanigan shouldn't even exist. Bionicle is targeted toward young boys, who prefer buying male characters, and that's that. We can complain all we want; the truth won't change.That's still stereotyping. A very common one at that. Young boys do love female characters and it actually gives a stronger attachment. That's why boys often end up playing with Barbie's or my little pony and saying their sister invited them. Female characters give boys a motherly attach that causes them to stick to the toys much easier. Otherwise the boys only play with the toys a little while then move to something else.
  16. Thank you! I consider myself not only a writer but a literary artist. The main focus of my writing is my imagery. Being able to literally paint the story in your mind as you read. It takes a while but the effort is worthwhile.
  17. If Lego wants Bionicle banned in Russia, then this is what they ought to do. It really sucks, but that there is territory that Lego just can't really cross into yet without getting massive backlash from certain countries/states. I'd love for them to have gay characters, but it's just not really possible just yet But anywho, like Lyichir says, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early to be thinking about future reboots, surely? There's not likely to be another one for maybe 10 years! I agree with Archon on the 2:1 idea though. That seems fair. Elemental tribes should also not be gender-locked - and anyway, part of me doubts they even are in G2, honestly. Eh, Russia will be 'gone' by 2025. I think we'll be good. I'd have the elements still have a main gender, but allow some opposite gender characters too. Like keep the Ga-Matorans female but have a few males too. I'd also get rid of the thing where masks change as they evolve from matoran to toa to turaga. For some reason that always irked me. :/
  18. I somewhat agree, I say INTJ for Kopaka because he is more logical than emotional. Also turbulent (perfectionist) G2 Kopaka got in a brawl with Tahu on a whim. I think his feelings are pretty dominant. See also, the last panel of all 6 of the Toa's comics. INTJs can be impulsive, and the main difference between T and F is the head/heart decision making.A man I do roleplays with is INTJ, and he is very impulsive. He is a logical thinker and perfectionist. But when it comes to getting something he wants, he acts on impulse. He stops thinking with his head and starts thinking with his... I'll leave it at that.
  19. And can still mean a unit of time. In America we call a moment a short while. Whereas a moment is an actual unit of time for 9 minutes.
  20. The feet look a bit off, otherwise it looks fine
  21. I'll post a piece count later today. Thank you, this is my first completed MOC, took me a week I think. Users suggested combining Gen 1 and Gen 2 parts, I experimented to see what stuck. Users like Fiordian also showed their creations, which helped me see what could work. I was also told to add nature pieces, to which I didn't have anything to work with. So I improvised with what I could. I also like the Y joints better than the hand pieces. The lower legs are actually the body frames for the protectors in Gen 2 Sorry for a double post but I added more pictures and the piece count
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