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Everything posted by FallenAtlas

  1. IC: Atlas The Skakdi's house wasn't in the Koro, and at the same time it was. Just past the main gates leading from the fortress of fire, turn left, and head down into the ash-ridden fields you would find the house. Small, leaning to one side, and lacking a window. It was typical of the thousands of poor shacks that dotted Mata Nui. The occupant, however, wasn't worried about his income level at the moment. He was more concerned about the hulking Toa that had him bound to the chair. "Rerez, you have sinned." the Toa rumbled, his large fingers flipping through the pages of a book in his palm. The Skakdi, Rerez, struggled against the iron chains holding him in place. He blinked through a black eye, scowling at the Toa. "You're a madman! Insane!" The Toa paused and glanced up at the Skakdi, raising an eyebrow. "The insane man does the same thing over and over again, expecting something different." He waved at the shack that enclosed them. "You have stolen dozens of times, and you have gotten nowhere." Rerez spat at the Toa's feet. "So what? Are you going to turn me over to the guard? That's the definition of insane. The island hasn't gotten any better with them around. I'm just trying to get back in these times." The Toa laughed, deeply and loudly. "The Guard? No." He folded the book up and placed it into the folds of his exomis. "I get results." He approached the Skakdi, and placed his hands on both sides of his head. "In the name of the Great Spirit Mata Nui, may He awaken soon and deliver us from evil, but until that time may He guide my hands in His law and His justice. I find this sinner guilty of crimes against You, Mata Nui, and I pass the judgement of death." The Skakdi screamed for a little bit, and after that little bit, he made no noise no more. Atlas dried his hands on his robing and cast a cloth over the dead Skakdi. His job here was done, but the Toa's mission wasn't. His name was Atlas, Disciple of Mata Nui, Keeper of the Law, and he would bring justice to the lawless land of Mata Nui. One sinner at a time.
  2. I bet you're fun at parties. I would be, if I actually could host a party. Not worth it, honestly.
  3. FallenAtlas

    beach boys

    *54 years young.
  4. Wouldn't it make more sense to call them "exports"?
  5. Wha...what's an "expie"? Shots fired.
  6. Over the course of the next few weeks, I will be making BZPRPG characters based exactly on Marvel/DC Characters. These types of characters are affectionately(actually, not at all. They are hated pretty much everywhere except on a certain RP site I cannot mention.) known as "Carbons," as in "carbon copy." My starting character is most likely going to be Daredevil. (Mattew Muridock, perhaps?) Any fan favorites around here? *Author's Note: I will not be using these characters in the BZPRPG. This is simply for fun. If an interest is expressed in using them, however, I may allow it to happen.
  7. Eventually, all planets fall; it is simply the job of the Titan to hold it up until that day comes.

  8. The one where I rule all. Oh wait, that's this one in 20 years.
  9. They'll forgive you if they live. That sounds cold and morbid, but it is true.
  10. Makuta is actually dead, killed by Mata Nui during their combat(not by the moon, keeping the MU intact.). Mata Nui was able to switch to the larger universe after his attempt to reform the planet failed horribly. Mata Nui used what was left of his life force to get the MU off planet and keep it powered for another few eons. The "something off" is actually a plot secret. Shh....Wabbits. Giving that the prologue is confusing and the background is too, I gonna write a story to better frame the RPG. The ideas you get when you stay up all night with a 103 degree fever.
  11. The Fallout/Happy version? I might still roll with that. This one I've been calling the Realistic/Computer version. Besides the layout, the R/C version has a larger intro speech from Grotez versus the F/H version. But it's all a work in progress. I am comfortable that I should have both versions up and viewable in a week or two.
  12. Absolutely. The locations aren't even finished yet, but that's going to be something that will be worked in where needed.
  13. End of An Island The red sun played tricks on his old eyes. Mirages of Matoran here, Rahi there. Some days, he thought he saw trees in the distance. He always laughed. There were no trees here. Not anymore. He would walk from one end of the flat expense to the next, and would always stop by the sealed door in the ground. The entrance to a dead universe, but they all wanted out, a long time ago. Before they died. Before the land above died. He rubbed at the chips in his mask, the holes and cracks of age and injuries. His back would creak, his knuckles would pop, and his feet dragged. But he would walk. Here, he would note, was where Tahu arrived, eons ago and here, he would nod, is where Tahu now rests. Here, on Mata Nui, is where they all rest. A final graveyard on top of a dead universe. He craned his neck skywards and squinted at the red sun. Swollen in age, it floated without strings in the grand expense of the sky, night and day. He strained to remember when it was yellow and small. Warm, inviting. He strained to remember when he and his friends played in the trees and the valleys, in the villages and in the markets. He strained to remember when life was full of promise, when the Great Spirit was to come and save them all. When the Toa Mata would save them and defeat Makuta. Something went horribly wrong that day. He remembered that much. The Toa Mata went down, and they came up. Makuta was dead, but he played a trump card. The Great Spirit died with him, and with him went the universe. It tooks eons upon eons, but all died. He remembered building the great seal to hold back the universe from their island. He remembered the cries of thousands of beings. Then he remembered when they realized the trees were dying. The grass were dying. The entire island dying. Some Matoran tried building boats and sailing away. Some went mad and killed themselves. Most, though, just went about their lives, hoping to live as long as possible. He remembered the Toa, all of them, doing what they could for the Matoran. He remembered Pohatu being killed by a mob of crazy Matoran. He didn't even try to fight back or escape; He was the first to give up. Gali was the last one. As the island failed, and grew unstable, she became trapped under a landslide. Nobody could pull her out. He wasn't sure many cared. And now, eons later, here he stood. The last Matoran of Ta-Koro, nay, the last Matoran of Mata Nui. And there stood that red sun, growing brighter and brighter. He hopped down in the hole he had dug for himself ages ago. With a teary glance, he patted the grave next to his. "Well, Jaller, old pal, it's been a good life. I'll see you on the other side." He looked up at the imploding star; ignoring the pain and the heat, he smiled, and an instant later he, and the entire planet, were reduced to dust.
  14. When preforming CPR on somebody, you'll hear the cartilage of the ribs breaking, and sometimes the ribs themselves breaking. On topic, did it hurt badly?
  15. Well put, and completely agreed.
  16. Ark #351 V.0.67. Locations still need to be added. Debating on adding third GM character. Criticism welcome. My father was a Glatorian, as was his father before him. I can still remember the crowds chanting his name when he won. I can remember the hissing crowds when he lost. But he was my hero, every time. It wasn't long after that, his loss, war broke out. Giant gods came from the sky and held battle. My father went out and fought against alien creatures that poured from their feet. I don't know to this day if he died in combat or when the planet shattered for the second time. My mother and me were lucky, I guess. Pulled off the planet and given a place on the larger of the gods. Many of my village made it aboard but many villages went dead that day. The god's body grew crowded, quickly. It began to support millions more than it was ever supposed to support. Fights between my people and theirs grew common. War seemed the answer. But then the ruling Council created the Arks: Large ships designed to take a large portion of the population away, out into the void of space. The goal was for them to find a new planet, a new home, to grow and live on. It solved the population issues....but there was always something about the whole thing....something off. That's not important though. And now I, Grotez, am the Captain of Ark #351. You are a passenger. I hope you brought something to the table, because there's nothing pretty about space. That black and blue will kill you if you let it. Welcome to Ark #351. Good luck. ….........Loading …..........Loading >FileName: Ark#351.7979997 >Load:NewPassengerInstructions – Ark#351 …..........Loading …..........Loading >Loaded: New Passenger of Ark #351: Prepare yourself for a journey of a lifetime. The risks are high, but so is the reward. We will depend on you, and your fellow passengers, to carry on our collected species. Failure is not an option. Thank you, Chrona >Load:InProcessing – Ark #351 Passenger, Before you come aboard, we need information about you. Please fill the following form correctly and completely: Name:(First name is required, last name is optional.) Species:(Are you: Toa, Matoran, Vortixx, Skakdi, Agori, Glatorian, or Skrall?) Gender:(Are you: Male, Female, Other, or None?) Former Occupation:(What did you do before being selected for the Ark?) Occupation:(Leave blank. All passengers are given new ones aboard.) Powers/Abilities/Skills:(List all powers and skills. Anything from control of fire to guitar playing.) Personality:(Two sentences is required..) Biography:(What was your life like before the Ark? Two sentences or more.) Appearance:(Picture or detailed description. Two sentences or more.) Gear:(What are you bringing with you? Weapons are forbidden for safety.) Once completed, post here(Insert link to discussion topic) and continue reviewing New Passenger Instructions. >Load:BridgeCrew – Ark #351 Passenger, The following is the Chief Crew Members for Ark #351. Take note and obey their orders; the mission rests on their shoulders. >Load:CrewGrotez Name: Grotez Species: Glatorian of Jungle Gender: Male Former Occupation: Fighter-In-Training, Farmer Occupation: Captain of Ark #351 Powers/Abilities/Skills: Adept Fighter, Leadership Skills, Amateur Mechanic Personality: Grotez is a calm being, realizing that the life he has been dealt is the one he will have to live with, and as such makes the most of it. Slow to anger, he prefers to handle situations diplomatically. He has seen great bloodshed and the horrors of conflict and war; he doesn't shy away from confrontation nor dangerous situations, but he will do what he can to get the best end result possible. Biography: Grotez is the son of a Glatorian warrior that fought in the arenas of Bara Magma. Very proud of his father, Grotez hoped to follow his footsteps into the arena, but his mother encouraged him to take up farming in his spare time, as it was safer and provided a more steady living. Sometime before he finished training and would be accepted into the Jungle Tribe's ranks of warriors, the Great Shattering happened. Grotez's father went out to battle against the swarms of Rahkshi and never returned from the battle. Grotez's mother convinced him to stay and guard the village they lived in, and as a result they were both rescued from the planet surface into the god's body. He became a farmer in the new lands, working at producing food for the swollen population. His skills and talents at leadership quickly moved him up to overseeing the production of several dozen farms on several islands. As the Ark program started, he was put on a list of potential captains. 350 Arks later, he was selected. Currently residing in Ark #351. Appearance: Grotez is well into his middle-age, and his physical being certainly reflects that: Wrinkles have found their place about his bronze eyes and his gray-green body isn't quite as muscular as it once was. He is average height of the Glatorian species, but has traded the armor of his people for a creased, navy uniform of the Ark program. His proudly has a pair of rough, scarred hands; a sign of his hard work and sacrifice. Gear: Various electronic gear and folders to operate and run the Ark. >Load:CrewChrona Name: Chrona Species: Artificial Intelligence Gender: None; Female-Based Occupation: A.I. of Ark #351 Operation Functions: Chrona is the A.I. of Ark #351. Updated from the previous A.I. model, Ark #351 will be its first maiden voyage. Chrona manages ship speed, rationing, life support systems, population count, ship log, ship manifest, and the vast majority of electronic based systems aboard. LOCATIONS WIP. INCLUDES: Bridge Sleeping Quarters DFAC Medical Bay Gym Library Star Room Life Support Cargo (Still working on adding or removing locations for the ship.)
  17. Well, Zox, I can't say I have ever had a strong attachment to something in the way you describe the way Bionicle has for you. Or for other people here. That's a X factor here I just don't have, and probably will never have. I mean no disrespect when I talk of Bionicle as just a toy. It is quite possible I am overstating things, and even oversimplifying everything in regards to Bionicle. I haven't experienced it like you, so I lack that viewpoint and the emotional experience. This does, in a way, make me the most unattached person on these forums to Bionicle. I can see this community, and I can see the people, and I can see how they interact. I see the old wounds, and the new relationships. I see that things have happened that may never be healed, and I can see where two foes have become friends. And to me, not having a connection to Bionicle, I see it as silly and ridiculous. But with your statement, I have to relook at it all. I see this community, and I think it's great. I see the people, and I see the friendships. I see the interaction, and I love it. It certainly wasn't Bionicle that brought me here, but it was the community that made me stay, and that community wouldn't exist without Bionicle. These friendships wouldn't exist without Bionicle. And thinking over it, it isn't ridiculous. It's quite beautiful how something so simple, a toy and it's lore, can make that happen. Maybe I'll learn that X factor. Maybe I won't. But I think I can appreciate it.
  18. DID YOU GET APPROVAL TO USE AUGUSTUS??? Nah, just kidding. Have fun.
  19. There is nothing wrong with a good debate. There is an issue when personal attacks and hostility come into play. This forum actually has rules against personal attacks and hostility. As a community, though, we've had to go through some bumps in sorting out our interpersonal relations over the years. A lot of those have largely been resolved, and hopefully we will stick together better in the future. Having rules doesn't always mean they are followed. I recognize there are rules; but sometimes it seems like they are ignored. Hopefully.
  20. Ooh, eye surgery or did you get tested for glasses?
  21. There is nothing wrong with a good debate. There is an issue when personal attacks and hostility come into play.
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