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Everything posted by FallenAtlas

  1. wait what Well, because Nuju, Vakama, and the rest were doing their Toa thing in Metru Nui, that made them the Toa Metru team. Goes to follow that if they turned Turaga that they would be the Turaga Metru. Can't shake old nicknames.
  2. IC: Erike & Samera Erike swore. Samera laughed. They were lost. Every building looked the same; stone, brown, dusty, and filled with brown and dusty Matoran. Directions were the same as well. "Take a left at the brown building two brown buildings down, and take another left at the pile of dust and rock and heat and misery that this village provides." "Well. Frick." OOC: Erike & Samera OFI
  3. IC: Atlas | Outside Bionifight Facility Atlas grunted when she mentioned the inside of the facility. If she didn't have answers, somewhere inside...there would be plenty. He raised a palm towards her. "I will keep my distance...stranger, but I will follow." Could he trust this female? Most likely not, not yet. Trust is earned....and so far, anybody involved with this...facility lacked his trust.
  4. IC: Augustus : Gym Augustus slid along the wall, his knees shaking slightly. This wasn't a school....this was madness! He stomach kicked a crying Rahkshi out of his way after that thought. "Why-o, Why-o, did I ever leave Mak-Koro?"
  5. How does that even work, with the mask and what not? Is there a face? Or does the mask have teeth? Do Matoran need Wisdom teeth pulled before they turn into Toa? Does that make Toa adults? Do Turaga have teeth on that note? Nuju doesn't seem like it(I'm assuming he's dead, I haven't seen any notice of him in the RP.).
  6. Plenty of material in the Toy lore to make fun of, twist, and make ridiculous. Heck, some of it is already pretty ridiculous(Planet gets shattered, into two perfectly sized moons that take all the jungle and water with it? RIIIIIGHT.). Of course, I am a romantic. If I'm going to write something longer than a short story, I'm going to interject romance into it one way or another(This, coming from the guy that's fallen hopelessly in love with his best friend(and can't even tell her(long story.).). What kinda romantic pairs are popular between the characters? I've seen LewaxGali and VakamaxNomaka(?) with my browsing. Any good comedies to read anyways, period, while we're on this topic?
  7. Thanks Battery for that bit of info. The rest will be taken out and shot.
  8. Anybody got some details on the Matoran Guard of Po-Koro?
  9. I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you want, but I will find you and I will kill you.
  10. FallenAtlas

    The 7th

    Are you the type of person that goes and likes people's pictures from 2007?
  11. IC: Yenroot Yenroot pumped the hand a few times, broke it off, and turned on his heel, walking towards the temple. He had odder meetings, he admitted....but that was up in the top ten.
  12. Read this. Then criticize it. Thanks. That's all. Move along.
  13. Well, I don't know these people, nor their talents, but that just makes the wait all the more exciting to see what will churn out!
  14. IC: Yenroot Yenroot smacked his lips slowly. "Uh, well. Have a good day?" he said questioningly, extending a hand to shake the....obesity's hand.
  15. Sorry man, but you're just riding on the coattails of a great post. Not to the same effect!
  16. I'm going to make a few more characters, and interject them around. See about bumping up activity a lil from my end.
  17. IC: Yenroot Yenroot tilted his head slightly. "Uh. Alright." This information wasn't exactly expected. Nor could he find a use for it.
  18. OOC: School did start up again for the United States(quite a few players there.). IC: Atlas | Outside Bionifight Facility Atlas' eyebrows raised at the mention of facility protector. She...she would have answers. He pulled on his beard in deep thought. "My name is Atlas, holder of the sky and protector of the mortals in the valley." he announced, taking a step forward. "I am seeking answers, and eventually, a way home."
  19. IC: Yenroot Yenroot's brow crinkled in confusion. "That sounds...sinister."
  20. More like annoying. My pig is just hyper-jealous and hyper-protective. She'll run my parents out of the room if they look at me wrong. That was clever. I hate you.
  21. a chance meeting His feet dragged as he picked his way over the rubble and twisted metal of the street. He kept his club in his right hand but the arm was weak; blood flowed from a wound near the shoulder. He gasped in pain as he dropped down into a crater. There were more and more of these things every day. The distant rumbling of artillery made sure of that. He glanced over his shoulder and shook his head. “Forward...” he muttered, remembering the last cry of his commander. He ate a round from a plasma cannon shortly after that. He didn't know how far he had run since then. The Po-Matoran were knocking aside the entire advance; how many divisions were getting chewed up as he stood there? How many Matoran were dying in this pathetic war? He couldn't say. He didn't want to think about it. He turned away from the sounds of death and war and limped along the deserted road. He found an empty school to sleep in for the night. Desks made a good barricade for the door. This used to be a city-wide known school. Turned out some of the best thinkers of all Ga-Metru. Guilt pained him as he looked over the classroom. Many of the students put down their notes and picked up weapons. March, march little soldier, off to war over petty matters. Was it worth it? He flopped onto the ground. He didn't know. He had fought before. To protect an innocent Rahi from some trouble-makers. To insure his co-workers got a fair shake. He fought for what was right. He rolled over, drawing in a sharp breath. His shoulder throbbed in pain. Now he was wounded and running from a fight. Was it right to run? Was the fight right? He closed his eyes. He didn't know. He would think that over in the morning. His rest didn't last that long. A clattering woke him in the night. He rolled over and hopped to his feet; the burning in shoulder didn't make it an easy or quiet task. He transferred his club to his left hand. “Who's there?” he whispered. He hoped the shaking in his voice wasn't noticeable. “I'm a non-combatant.” a voice hissed back from the far side of the classroom. He snorted. That trick had be used far too many times to overwhelm scouts and pickets. “And I'm Mata Nui.” he retorted. The voice went silent and he could hear breathing. He raised his club, about to rush the being when it started talking again. “I'm a Ga-Matoran. This is my school. My name is-” He hissed at her. “No names.” “Why?” “I don't want to know the names of the people I might have to kill.” He replied, voice shaking. The Ga-Matoran grew silent. He tapped his club against the ground. “Why are you here, and not at the Temple like the rest of your people?” He almost laughed as that came out. There were enough Ga-Matoran sinking ships and marching in armies. “I...I came to get my notes. I didn't want them to get destroyed.” He laughed in the darkness. “You came to a war to get some slabs of stone? Are you nuts?” “This war is nuts.” He paused. She was right. It was nuts. And it was the Po-Matorans' fault. He coughed in the silence. “There isn't much left here, teacher.” Shuffling came from the other corner of the room, followed by the creaking of a drawer. “Just enough left. Do you have a light?” He shook his head then smiled to himself. She couldn't see that in the dark. “No. It's too dangerous.” She sighed in disgust. “I need to find the right-” “You want to find the right notes. We need to stay alive. There is a difference.” He could almost feel her gaze fall on him; he shivered a little. “Some of us are looking to this war ending.” she retorted. He opened his mouth to argue, but shut it. He was just thinking about that earlier in the day. Or was it yesterday? He didn't even know the time of the day. He hooked his club back on his belt. She didn't seem dangerous to him. Just a teacher, trying to survive, like the rest of the Metru. “How can we get back to the Temple?” he asked quietly. There was a clatter of objects against the floor. His felt his heart jump from the sound, but he calmed down quickly. “What?” came the reply, a shaky voice. “The Temple. How do we get back there?” Feet scooted against the floor. “You're a soldier. The Temple is for non-combatants.” He sighed. “There's no point to this war. I'm done fighting.” “....I can't trust you.” “I'm done.” His voice was firm, absolute. “I am done. This war has done nothing, started over nothing. Trade rights? The price of pots and tools? Laughable.” He sighed deeply. “I'm done. I don't want to pick up the pieces of my friends anymore, and I don't want to make the other guy do it either.” He listened, waiting for a response, but none came. A sudden crash made him dive to the ground, club pulled and ready, but nothing followed. He listened for a few more minutes. “Hello?” Nothing. She ran. She ran and left him there. He swore silently, swore at her, the war, and the entire city. He adjusted his position on the floor and felt himself begin to cry. He fell asleep shortly after. – He dipped the mask back into the fire, frowning as he did it. The left-hand side of the mask wasn't matching up properly with the right, and that just wouldn't do. He let the magma flow over the mask slightly, and- “No, no, no!” he shouted, pulling his tongs back quickly. What remained of the mask was just enough to make a spoon if he wanted. He swore and tossed the tongs to the ground. “Fifth one today!” he yelled at the forge in front of him. He turned on his heel and ran into a pair of pillars. “Oof!” he grunted, falling to the ground. He blinked and glanced up at a pair of golden and red legs, attached to the powerful form of a Toa. He was holding a stone in his hand, and as he bent down, he said- – He jumped awake and glanced around the school. Still alive. Still in Ga-Metru. He took several deep breaths and climbed to his feet. “Freaky dream.” he muttered. He shook his head and yawned. Wouldn't be the last of them either; he'd been having dreams like that for....years now. He checked his shoulder. “Huh.” A bandage was wrapped around the wound. “She..musta...” He nodded slowly. Somebody did it. There was still good out here. As he bent over to pick up his club, he noticed a note on the floor near it: directions to the Great Temple. He smiled. He wanted out of this war, and maybe, someday, he would be out. Someday it would end. But not today. Not today. Today though, he would dream, and hope, for the future. He slid his club into his belt, hopped out a broken window, and began picking his way towards the Great Temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Note: This is my first, and possibly not the last, of my Bionicle related writings. Set during the Matoran Civil War, a Mask Maker and a Teacher encounter each other on the streets of Ga-Metru, and hope is kindled in both. I admit, when I first had the idea to write this, I almost laughed it off. Write a story based on a toy? Are you serious? But I took the task on, and it has been highly enjoyable. Details regarding finer workings of the Matoran themselves and the surrounding war might be wrong, but the central plot is fiction. The inspiration for the characters is certainly up to the reader to decide, but it isn't a well kept secret for the more knowledgeable followers of this toyline's lore. Thank you for reading, and please comment below any comments or criticism. A tree cannot grow if it is not watered and trimmed, and a writer is the same.
  22. Like always. He sits at the door to my room, screaming and crying because my pig won't let him into the room. Then my pig sometimes chases him away to great noise and event. Needless to say, this makes writing, or doing anything, a hard task.
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