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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. I didn't care for Past Sins, myself. There were too many references to existing episodes, and I didn't feel like everyone was written in character. But not being a fan of fanfiction, I have no alternative suggests. Although I do somewhat enjoy 'Friendship is Gaming' (or is it 'Magic of Gaming? 'Gaming is Magic'? Something like that).
  2. You should have turned him over your knee and given him what-for. ... Or maybe not. I don't think manners are old fashioned or that they're vanishing. There have always been rude kids like that in the world, and there always will be.
  3. Not necessarily. It's perfectly possible to be successful (ie, not work at McDonalds) without going to college.
  4. Simply: Rarity Shadrahk: Rahkshi of Shadow works too.
  5. I calculated about 41.75, assuming he gets back the five biscuits dropped as the guys ran away. But math was never my strong subject...
  6. I heard this one today and loved it so much I plan to print it out and put it on my wall: “Crushes are kind of like a good thing or a bad thing… they kind of go up and down like a stock market.” – Alec Greven
  7. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Holy God

    No, I definitely meant sow. Didn't you know you could create these things by throwing seeds in the ground? I thought everyone knew that! ... yes I meant sew. :blush:
  8. Vorahk1Panrahk2

    Holy God

    >Learn how to sow > Make giant MLP dolls > Sell for money on eBay >Profit! In all seriousness, I'm sure acquiring good materials can be expensive, but how hard would it to make something like that with a bit of sowing knowledge? I honestly don't know. Easy? Difficult? Time consuming?
  9. Ehh, yeah, I'm not really fond of these. As someone who never had an interest in superheroes, I can't imagine myself purchasing these ever. Some of those pieces are quite nice, however. I'll give them that.
  10. Under the Sea- Broadway version. It makes me just want to get up and dance, which sucks because I really need to do this homework. Each little snail here knows how to wail here/ that's why it's hotter under the water/ yeah we be luckier down in the muck here under the sea!
  11. The Gambler? You got to know when to hold 'em...
  12. There's a fanfic for that.™ BDThat's probably one of the few I actually liked. It was so perfect in its over the top ridiculousness. I never understood why there is so much love for the one off and background ponies. Trixie was kind of annoying in the episode she was in. Sure she's got a cool cape and hat (and color scheme) going for her, but there's not much else to like.
  13. All good faces, but I like the last one the best. <3 *gets awkward stares*
  14. I was pretty unimpressed with Pridak. Adding waist articulation was a good idea, but it was terrible executed. The set just seems to flop around like a rag doll. Funny enough, despite the fact that the Kal were clones, I liked them.
  15. When I watched the first episode I was like: What the heck is a dragon doing in a show about ponies? I very quickly started loving the character. "Gross! When did you get so cheesy?"
  16. This is why I avoid my old posts. I used to post such ridiculous things... (And still do to some extent. >_<)
  17. If you want to pick a college, I'd start by looking at what's close by and seeing if they offer good programs in the areas you're interested in. Also keep in mind that community college isn't a bad idea either, especially if you haven't fully decided what you want to do yet (they're also cheap compared to traditional schools). Paying for college can be tricky, and I recommend you check out what kind of financial aid programs your schools have. Some schools are expensive on the surface, but if you meet their criteria for financial aid they can get much cheaper. And apply for scholarships. And sometimes schools will offer to take you for free. You should jump on those opportunities if they come up. But you should talk to your school counselors since they probably know more about schools in your area than anyone on this site does. Their advice is what you should be seeking. EDIT: Also, definitely apply to your first choice schools regardless of how much they might cost. Don't dismiss your favorite school just because there's a chance you might not be able to afford it. Financial aid can work wonders (even if it might not reduce all costs).
  18. My keyboard is closer to his average desk height and my back is probably hunched slightly, but otherwise I'm pretty close to what what's represented there.
  19. Genealogy can be so cool. I have an aunt (I think?) who researches into family history, but I can't remember what her research pulled up.
  20. Camping is always fun, just make sure you don't camp in the middle of a typhoon. That's not fun.
  21. I feel like the pilot had to have lots of dinosaur in order to bring the viewers in. The second episode tried to dish out more of the family drama, but I felt it wavered a little too much into soap opera. Not wanting another Jurassic Park (or Stargate... or Dinotopia...or Lost) is a perfectly valid viewpoint, and I suppose I can see the writers wanting to avoid that. Which is probably why they took the mystery route what with the weird writings and the sixers and all. There seems to be enough drama in those stories without dragging the ex-boyfriend in. Hopefully we saw the last of him but I doubt that's the case. Also, does anyone know what dinosaurs the 'slashers' are supposed to be? Where they made up for the show?
  22. This makes me want to go back and read those old comics. It has to have been years since I've even glanced at them.
  23. Vorahk1Panrahk2


    I'm going to agree. The best part is when the sky is grey and the brown/red/yellow leaves are all littered on the ground. Unfortunately most of the trees in my area are evergreens so I don't get the pretty colors. And it's too sunny. I seem to remember most of the autumn days being dreary when I was child, but during the last few years it hasn't been that way. My memory playing tricks on me, perhaps? Rain and cold is a bonus. Is ANYTHING better than curling up in a warm room and drinking hot chocolate/cider while listening to the rain pitter patter outside? I think not.
  24. I watched the first two episodes (since they're the only ones available online right now), and I'm not impressed so far. I feel like it's a show about dinosaurs that's trying not to be a show about dinosaurs (although I guess with CGI constraints it makes it hard for the dinos to have lots of screen time). If it toned down the soap opera drama I'd probably be more interested. But, then, I've only seen two episodes so far which really isn't enough to make an impartial judgement. I'll keep watching and hope it gets better. Also I find it amusing that Stephen Lang is basically playing the same character he did in Avatar. 20 bucks says he's going to become the bad guy.
  25. It's amazing what sort of things the fandom can come up with. That plushie is just brilliant. Are either of those names official? I thought the first was made up by the fanbase, with the second being used in the promo?
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