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Kaburimasu 米

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Everything posted by Kaburimasu 米

  1. Buying a Kanohi mask pack (8525) - too risky ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kaburimasu 米

      Kaburimasu 米

      Nah man I'm finicalcially smart ! i get it froms my momma B)

    3. Ghidora131


      ..."What's BZPower?"

    4. Kaburimasu 米
  2. I totally forgot about that one I believe so , yes , even though it's weird how the noble versions are based off of the adaptive nuva mask of the toa . OMG YES i loved this ta-matoran's hau metru that I saw . really wish it were real .
  3. ( that last word in the title says "produced" ) if you recall , G1 canon spoke of a loooot of cool mask - some unnamed - that we don't get to see as a toy , but rather just weird lookin' , confusing images with information about powers and fan made molds on shapeways.com . I for one wished that they all could have been produced and somehow able to purchase . if you could choose any of these mask(s) to have existed , which would you prefer ? which would you buy ? I always wondered what the mask of creation looked like ( before G2 ) along with the mask of conjuring .
  4. Every Toa Hagah , The Barraki during the League of Six Kingdoms along w/Karzahni before mutation , Arthakha , Tuyet , and me
  5. A harmless debate erupted related to the topic and I replied like a typical human , although some may have assumed that I was being "negative" . Maybe if people would provoke less , this would not happen . Do not blame me .
  6. alright , I'm actually reconsidering joining Bzpower . Do not be shocked if I'm soon inactive for days , or even weeks

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Oh, well, crud. I believe I said something along the lines of "It may very well be that you didn't realize it was there when you linked it. I couldn't tell you exactly which link or what the exact wording was because, as I said, I have nothing to do with those reports and had no reason to remember specifics.

    3. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Suffice to say, the pop-up is more to avoid liability on BZP's part than to make it a free-for-all when it comes to members linking. Heck, it was only after we got the pop-up that we started allowing members to even name YouTube and other streaming sites, other forums, and other things you'd think ludicrous to outlaw. But the target demographic for Bionicle is quite young so we have to be stricter in what we do and do not allow.

    4. Kaburimasu 米

      Kaburimasu 米

      Yeah , i know . thanks , though , for trying to inform me about the situation


  8. puss in boots after he acquired a more typical , less undignifying outfit
  9. there should be a rainbow and puppies force : where everyone gets along

    1. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      My agreement, its.. IT'S OVER 9000!!!

    2. Kaburimasu 米

      Kaburimasu 米


  10. Never said throw CCBS in the garbage . I'm asking to be impressed by CCBS , which LEGO has yet to do . I believe the Hero Factory era ruined my trust in CCBS , or perhaps It's simply because I believe the limbs , torsos , and armor pieces pail in comparision to the amazing sets G1 has sold . I miss the 1000000+ count sets they were actually challenging . Because of what I was previously exposed to , it's like now I'm playing with Duplo bricks .
  11. recount - it was actually 64 Bionicles i've had that were thrown away instead of 59 . luckily , my Kraahkan still remains .

  12. not doing 10 but: - all rahaga (maybe if they all had toa forms we couldve come to an understanding) - nivawk (wiings ; flexibility ; maturaga ?) -ultimate dume - kardas dragon ("hey lets take fenrakk's entire head and slap it on this beauty ! jeenyus !) - roodaka (and her revamps lol) - krika (looks incomplete ; looks like something i'd build in the 6th grade) - all glatorian , agori , their titans , and legends besides Tarix and Snowball - skopinikipinikino xv-1 (maybe if it wasn't potrayed as "alive" in the movie....) - all stars (excluding takanuva . why ? 15 dollar Avohkii !!!! I think) and I hate to say it but you guys have horrible top tens lol
  13. me reading everything you just said and possibly everything else in the future , @Aanchir: Edit: Please don't do this again; you need to be respectful. -Wind-
  14. There was juan rule . JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJUAN RULE . and you bowke it .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131


      One rule to rule them all.

    3. Kaburimasu 米

      Kaburimasu 米

      Actually translation:


      Green pizza taste bright with remotes

    4. Ghidora131


      That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure...

  15. Remember when we'd get introduced to a new team every now and then ? Why would you NOT want to see that ? why would you NOT want to see old allies or new coming members ? It'll be an opportunity to create some diversity : get some different genders going on ; make different styles to match different personalities ; have new colors and entirely different mask .Tahu and his group have been present for "ONE year" obviously , but I HOPE Bionicle switches it up every now-and-then . How would that not be exciting ? Ninjago and MLP are not the same thing as Bionicle . I know it was an example , but it's a different audience focused on an entirely different branch . Hero factoroy did this and i've met a lot of people who have gotten got sick of seeing the same characters over and over ... probably because Hero Factory had less interesting characters ... but still . The Inika system : people have gotten sick of it after the Mahri build . That sounds completely idiotic , but it's true . Bionicle had a few building systems and styles to offer and that is what made it exciting and tempting for many . One thing a lot of us Bionicle fans looked forward to every wave was something new . maybe not even a new system , but just new parts that'll change a lot , like how the Phantoka wave introduced three new torsos . now , eventually , CCBS is going to get old (it's been going on for 5 waves and 2016 will make it 6) . There's no arguing this . My boy , it looks like Hero Factory was running low on ideas rather quickly . Same characters , build systems , techniques , and colors is not necessarily what made Bionicle Bionicle . Diversity is the key . I'm not saying create an ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM , but geez , CCBS needs some spice ... But actually , looking at the new sets, it seems as if Bionicle is in fact adding a lot of changes and new things to CCBS , so I'm not complaining at all unless they plain to use the same stuff over and over and over . Infact , I'm not complaining about anything , actually . I just don't want bionicle to make mistakes . And again , LEGO created Bionicle and Bionicle is LEGO , sure , but it's still two different things . Bricks are not Limbs ; Blocks are not mask .
  16. IKR Black Friday is actually very peaceful at most stores . It's just crowded
  17. look at him see it's like society has driven him insane because of all those emotions built up over time so now he's just waiting for someone to ignite his fuse
  18. Deviantart @appatight in progress

  19. a bird attempting that "cute asian that is slightly alarmed" face that wasn't clever enough to be a global trend
  20. •the other toa teams or just not the SAME TEAM EVERY WAVE (hero factory's mistake) •Takanuva •UM MAKUTA PLEASE THANK YOU •A building system NOT RECYCLED FOR FOUR WAVES (hero factory again) •Different color masks , like with the mata and nuva mask packs •Old antagonist , like brutaka •Ice elemental female .... ? •A better design for my Pohatu . Proportional changes arent enough . •Better themes It's actually a very long list .
  21. Kaburimasu 米


    christmas started december 26th
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