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Turaga Dlakii

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Everything posted by Turaga Dlakii

  1. Tell that to Turakii and Macku; they shared Turakii's account for a while, and look where they are now.
  2. So then, if I were to set up a topic complaining about people praising the sets, you'd have absolutely no problem with it?
  3. I doubt the people complaining about the Mata-red are the same ones who begged for it to return; same with Vastus's armour, though his is somewhat... less than pleasant.
  4. Argh, this US Father's Day being on a different day from the Australian one is starting to confuzzle me. Also, Labyrinth is awesome, no? When is Australia's Father's Day? Sorry about the confusion! It was pretty awesome! Some of those puppets were just crazy awesome (though seeming as Jim Henson was like a puppeteer genius, what else was I really expecting from him?), and I got a good laugh out of the early use of green screen and the animated owl in the opening credits, because it made me think about how back in the late 80s and early 90s that was so unbelievably high-tech, but nowadays, even amateur film makers are using green screen and doing animations that look really well-done. Meanwhile, my friend sat next to me and went "OMGGG DAVID BOWIE IN LEATHERRRRR" while she ate popcorn. Yeah. -Nukaya
  5. Let me just get this out of the way: NYAN~ =3 Anyway, serval. Its ears are as terrifyingly huge as those of my cat. They both look so huggable, though...
  6. Turaga Dlakii


    Eh, sorry, didn't get you a present. This'll have to do:
  7. The thing is, though, if they can't be pleased, that's their choice and there's no need to make topics denouncing them over that.
  8. Turaga Dlakii

    Air Conditioner

    All I can suggest is that you get yourself as many cheap fans as you can, pronto. We simply don't have airconditioning at all, but fans worked out very well.
  9. I swear, between the lack of spaces and the cut-off word, Candlejack must've been doing stuff to your display na-
  10. Okay, who took a knife to the last letter of your display name? :P

  11. Seriously, how long did it take to inflate all those? Also, WANT. I think that it took them most of the day to inflate all of the balloons. One of the guys told me about how he watched four movies and sat and inflated balloons while he did it. It was about 10 PM when we we all jumped in. -Nukaya
  12. Turaga Dlakii


    You, sir, clearly have excellent taste in sets. I agree; the yellow sets are typically amazing in that respect.
  13. How so? If anything, Omi reinforced the point. also sig'd for egocentricness =D
  14. What are you most looking forward to in the next week? END OF SEMESTER ASSESSMENT D= What did the last entry ever do to hurt you? Seriously.... It sliced your blog's name in half. Mata Nui has a pet insect... what the heck. Rumour has it that Mata Nui's a bit... shall we say, special. Today is my mom's birthday lawl You know what makes a great birthday gift for your mother? Have her pay for your braces on her birthday. That's what she got from me in '07. Shominy? ...Yeah?
  15. Turaga Dlakii


    Takua looks a little weird (I can't exactly identify why), but it's easily ignored, and the whole thing is loaded with all kinds of win.
  16. I swear my sight must be going; I read the title as "Weird Dreams About Tomatoes"... Oh dear! Haha! -Nukaya
  17. Looks like I'll have to try it one of these days.
  18. Squeak Squad and Platinum. Need I say more?
  19. Taken up life as an invisible ninja sort of thing, Zed? :P

  20. I do believe that it's common in the LEGO community to commemorate events with special-edition Duplo bricks. Or something like that.
  21. I agree entirely; in particular, with my lacklustre bandwidth, the constant habit of embedding HUGE images is really beginning to make me kick my computer in sheer frustration. At the very least, though, I strive to not do either... thing you mentioned.
  22. Ooo gosh O_O was she ok after getting it out her stomach? And yep Let's just say that they didn't even need to operate or anything...
  23. Hey wait, Deadpool's not a theme? I kid, I kid. I'd be interested to see what you do.
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