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Blog Comments posted by Nukaya

  1. Hey, sometimes cross training can actually help you come back to racing stronger than you were. One of our distance runners my freshman year had to do a lot of cross training in the pool, and she ended up coming back and running one of her fastest 800m races. What kind of cross training, btw? Stationary bike, swimming/running in the pool?


    Again ICE ICE ICE ICE ICE. And stretching. And possibly massaging it out as well, though from experience, trying to massage around the knees is more difficult than it should be.


    Also (don't call me an expert on this by any means) but maybe a patellar tendon strap would help? I've seen people make ones as well out of athletic underwrap tape since it's apparently a lot cheaper than buying one of the straps (but you have to I think make a new one each time you run since that stuff isn't the strongest), but I don't have any experience with that sort of knee problem or making one of them. I guess suggest the idea to your athletic trainer?



  2. Watch it if you want to. Don't let other people decide and dictate if you view a show based on the popularity of it.



    The show's popularity has nuthin' t'do with this.


    She wanted reasons to why she should watch and that's exactly what we're giving her. Simply because a show is popular is most decidedly not a good reason. I can think of lots of popular shows that are complete rubbish.


    Besides, we, her friends, are convinced she'd like it if she'd give it a try. We're not being dictators. We're just encouraging her to give it a chance. Ain't nothin' wrong with that, is there?


    «Takuma Nuva»

    However, it is popular within your group of friends, even if it is just the three or four of you. You also stated that you "have been unable to convince" her to watch it, but now your claiming you're "encouraging her to give it a chance". Encouraging someone to do something and convincing someone to do something are similar but rather different things.


    Convince: 1. Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.

    2. Persuade (someone) to do something


    Encourage: 1. Give support, confidence, or hope to (someone): "encouraging results"; "I feel encouraged".

    2. Give support and advice to (someone) to do or continue something: "pupils are encouraged to be creative"


    I never said you were or are being a dictator, so please do not elude to that.



  3. You were a little kid once too. We all were little kids at one point. Just as obnoxious, just as ridiculous, just as in your face as the one(s) you're dealing with now. I'm sure there were people who wanted to punch you and everyone else in the face for being an annoying little kid at one point or another. Chill.



  4. Legolicious, definition, make my MOCs look crazy.


    I will write more on this later.


    Very illogical. Need to worry about dress falling apart.

    Not really. As long as it has a base form to the dress (which it does) and the pieces are secured well enough (which, in the way Fergie moves and dances around the stage, they would be by the dressmaker), it would be fine.



  5. Running of the Bulls. It's something that happened at Brickfair for the past 3 years, and shall no longer happen. Basically, all the exhibitors head down to the closest Lego store, where a whole bunch of damaged sets are brought out and sold at half price. It's about one-fourth of the reasons why I go to Brickfair.


    And now it's canceled. :bored:


    What? Whyyyyyyyyyy??


    I was so looking forward to doing that :_:

    iunno :shrugs:


    werent we all :(

    TLG wasn't making enough money off of it to justify continuing it.



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