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Everything posted by Eyru

  1. Eyru

    Brickfair 2010

    I honestly can't say, because they're all so awesome. But if I were going for something that would stand out, I'd pick Call of Cthulhu, because I've never seen anythning like it before. It's definitely the most unique.
  2. Eyru

    Status: Inosisen

    Voted for you. Pretty cool crossword, btw. Thanks Illuminatus!
  3. Eyru


    technology is the answer or is it the question dang it
  4. Eyru


    What's ninety degrees in Celsius?
  5. You still need help? I sent you a PM about it a couple months ago but never got a reply. Guess it got eaten by the server. Anyway, I'd be glad to offer my assistance, should you need it. And I'm loving the art! Each character looks perfect, really. I can see the personality in each one. You can easily tell who they are.
  6. I think using an MNOG image sounds like a good idea.
  7. Though I doubt not your valor, is it wise to strive against the Empress? Valor will only triumph when backed by wisdom, and I fear it is not wise to openly rebel against She of the Puffins.
  8. What I'm wondering is why the speed of light is the magical speed needed to time travel. What is it's exactly one million miles a second? Or more? The only reason we say lightspeed equals time travel is because light is the fastest thing we know of. ...or maybe it's just my ignorance talking, and there's actually a good reason as to why lightspeed = time travel.
  9. Eyru

    I Must Confess,

    Zaktan looks amazing. It's hard to imagine the Piraka as human because they're so monstrous, but you can tell that's Zaktan. It's a perfect picture of his character. And you also captured Helryx's character very well. It looks like her (though we don't know what she looks like yet, but that's beside the point). Keep it up, Lady K!
  10. Eyru


    Made my day.
  11. Eyru

    Toy Story 3

    I'm so excited I can hardly contain it!! And Andy's voice actor is the same guy? Didn't know that, but that's awesome!
  12. Eyru


    Don't forget about all those names that provoked the Māori back in 2001.
  13. Eyru

    Going On A Trip

    I almost made it to Scripp's two years ago: came in second. Close, but no cigar. =\
  14. A bit late here, but I'd wait a couple months for Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M to come out.
  15. Eyru

    New And Comfy

    I have a feeling 20K isn't going to take very long. =P
  16. I won The Game a long time ago. It was legendary.
  17. Doooo it. Please. Yes please. Indeed, please do so. no but bzp is supposed to be about bionicles
  18. I would vote for his even if I entered.
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