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Everything posted by CyclonatorZ

  1. Good grief, what number are they up to now - 1000? It's a good thing I never got into this series (or most RPG's, for that matter), as I'd probably lose it at about the second generation. ~~END~~
  2. Exactly. Sorry, but droids outweigh clones in the coolness factor, IMO. However, Stormtroopers and the Imperial Army in general will always reign supreme. B) ~~END~~
  3. Then let me say this... if someone was such a die-hard devotee of Bionicle that they decided to hold the Lego executives hostage until they promised to bring back Bionicle, would they be a true fan as well? Yes, that above example is fairly ridiculous and highly unlikely (though considering the world's current state, not completely implausible), but it illustrates a point: that people who let their supposed fandom of Bionicle overpower common sense are not actually true fans. This doesn't just apply to Bionicle either - it relates to any product of entertainment, whether it be a book, movie series, or who knows what else. True fans of anything should not allow themselves to become so devoted to something that their love of it consumes them, otherwise their fandom descends into pure obsession. This is not an insult to anyone, but a mere statement of common sense, and if people take it wrongly, then so be it. It is simply unacceptable for members of this site to be holding grudges against a toy company, of all things, and BZP would be a much better place today if this "fandom" of Bionicle was not taken to such extreme lengths. ~~END~~
  4. CyclonatorZ

    Toy Story 3

    Because he's a brilliant maniac with an ax to grind, that's what! ~~END~~
  5. Hm, I never found Thardus to be that hard, personally. Now, Omega Pirate, on the other hand... *shudders* I kept dying on that boss until I discovered a special way to knock off his armor. Well, okay, I watched a video of someone doing it, but hey, using power bombs to own him was still quite an effective remedy. Oh, and I'd argue that the Prime series as a whole has some of the best video game music ever. Corruption especially is wonderful, since they amped up the omnious latin chants by a thousand. ~~END~~
  6. Blargh, not even your fantastic photo-taking skills can salvage that wreck they call "Fire Lord." More like Fail Lord, Lol - how those legs passed Q&A is beyond me. I don't think I've ever seen an uglier constraction figure titan than him. Etc he sucks etc. ~~END~~
  7. CyclonatorZ

    I Am Not Toph!

    Spirit, you have done the impossible: you have actually justified the Fire Lord set's existence! ~~END~~
  8. It seemed BZP was so congested with traffic upon the announcement that I couldn't even access it that morning. When I opened up the frontpage of another popular lego fansite, however, I exhibited the same utter shock of just about everyone else. Still doesn't make me like the sets, though. ~~END~~
  9. But since this is all ultimately just part of the ongoing Canadian plot to take over the world, doesn't this mean that Canada really just established that base so that they can end Christmas whenvever they want to? ~~END~~
  10. CyclonatorZ

    Shooting Games

    Well, if you have a Wii, then the recently released Goldeneye sounds like a safe, T rated bet. I haven't played it, but considering all the good reviews it's gotten, you're bound to find some great fun there without all the added gore'n'guts. Halo is also still suprisingly tame compared to a lot of the newer shooters. I'm shocked the latest version was even rated M, consideirng that the gameplay seems to have very little, if any blood, and absolutely nothing else that would garner a "mature 17+" rating. ~~END~~
  11. Pixar is genius, 'nuff said. B) ~~END~~
  12. Yes, they were - which is probably why TLC decided to make an awesome fantasy castle line of their own. I'm also with everyone who says the Halo Wars sets look quite nice - if I actually was a hardcore Halo fan, I would pick up some of them for sure. ~~END~~
  13. Meh, the outside is okay if you're with other people, but nothing beats the confort of home IMO. ~~END~~
  14. Oh yes, Homeschooling offers much more free time then public school. Mainly because while the latter institution gives out tons of homework in addition to all the in-school work, a typical homeschooling day consists mostly of reading, discussion, and a bit of book-work. That's not to say that you're not learning anything - on the contrary, I've probably learned far more at home than I ever did in my 3 years at public school. It helps if you get really good curiculums - and when I mean good, I mean curiculums that focus on actually thinking critically rather than just constantly memorizing groups of facts that you'll forget the second you get out of high-school. Once your three to four hours of school are done (which can be spread all over the day if your parents don't mind), you're free for the rest of the day. And in the process, you've likely learned more than the vast majority of public school students, as your day was not filled with pointless busy-work and piles of homework. Of course, this may vary from house to house, but my experience is that homeschooling is overall a lot more stress free and educational than public school. If your parents are willing to spend a couple extra hours with you every day, then I say go for it. ~~END~~
  15. CyclonatorZ


    Not even DV's photography would be able to make those unspeakably horrendous arms look good. ~~END~~
  16. CyclonatorZ

    The Event

    No, that would be ABC's own FlashFoward, which was at least viewed more positively before the plot went down the tubes. I can't really blame them or any other station for trying to replicate LOST's success, but I can blame them for doing it extremely poorly. Oh well, at least they tried. ~~END~~
  17. If you're talking about cartoon comedies, then yeah, your probably right. Action/storyline oriented shows, however, still generally have a lot of integrity. The Spectacular Spiderman and Avatar: The Last Airbender are just two examples (started watching the latter series for the first time, BTW). And there's plenty more where that came from. ~~END~~
  18. CyclonatorZ

    Hey Guys!

    Actually, yes, since it's definitely more original than the name of one of the most well known Science-Fiction characters in existence. ~~END~~
  19. CyclonatorZ

    It's A Girl :)

    Having Greg Farshtey as a dad = AWESOME. Congratulations, and I hope you have a wonderful time raising her up to be a Bionicle fan. J/K, but maybe not. ~~END~~
  20. CyclonatorZ

    Windows 7

    Taking a book out of the DeeVee page, it's okay, I guess. However, Windows XP still reigns supreme as the best Microsoft opperating system ever IMO, and I don't ever intend on upgrading my personal computer from it. However, the family computer does have Windows 7, and I haven't noticed many problems. I just am not that fond of the interface, particularly how it seemingly doesn't allow you to organize files exactly the way you want (I.e. not alphabetical). Then again, maybe I just haven't had enough time to explore all its features, as I do almost all my non-internet computer activities on my room computer. *shrugs* Also, Microsoft Office 2003 is the best Microsoft Office. The versions after that may have lots of snazy features, but they can't compare to the simple practicality of 2003. Also, you can actually draw stuff in the older version of Powerpoint, whereas the newer version has completely RUINED vector art functionality. I've lost count of how many times I've tried to draw straight lines in Powerpoint 2007, only to have them turn into curves that do not function in a useable way. Also, having the screen center itself after a cut or paste opperation = BAD. Again, though, pehaps I just haven't spent enough time with it to iron out these problems - I guess I just got so frustrated that I decided it was much simpler to reinstall Office 2003. ~~END~~
  21. CyclonatorZ

    Six Years

    Hm, I've had the same spinny for at least a few months, and I'm only 17. I guess it just depends on how old (or young) you were when you signed up. I joined BZP around the same time I got into Bionicle, with the end result being that I've been discussing stuff here since before I even became a teenager. Then again, I also probably have about the least number of posts of any six-year, POBZP member. ~~END~~
  22. Sadly, not even your awesome photography can hide the horrible design flaws in the one-piece gun arms. Seriously TLC, how hard would it have been to make them more symetrical and less hollow? It's a good thing these will be gone in next year's wave, cause I would be horrified if they became a trend. Oh, and your third photo reminds me that I still need to watch the third season of Transformers Animated. I'm way late to the Animated party, but that doesn't mean I'm enjoying it any less than all of the day-one fans. Heck, the show has made me actually consider getting some of the toys if I can find decent prices - and this is coming from someone who has never ever in a hundred years considered spending money on a non-lego action figure, even if it does transform. ~~END~~
  23. This blog post compelled me to search for "pokewalker" on Google - and holy karzahni, this could be the future of exercise as we know it. At least, it would certainly be a good motivator for videogamers who spend too much time sitting on the couch: "earn extra points and secret items by getting off your butt and taking a walk!" First, however, they have to take the concept and apply it to all Nintendo games - they really need to make a universal model that unlocks stuff in other DS games. Imagine being able to get a special cart in Mario Kart 3DS or a special item in The Legend of Zelda if you walk a few miles. ~~END~~
  24. As I said in my own blog, Pixar has done the impossible, and made a threquell that is just as good as the first two movies in the series. Aside from Peter Jackson and his Lord of the Rings adaptions, I don't think any other company or director can claim to have accomplished the same feat. Certainly not Dreamworks, whose Shrek series bottomed out at Wreck the Third and just barely recovered with it's fourth movie. Not Sam Raimi, whose' Spiderman 3 was not nearly as good as his first two Spiderman movies. Not even Starwars, which went down in quality with Return of the Jedi and went downhill from there. But really, didn't anyone expect less? This is Pixar we're talking about - the company who has yet to make a truly bad movie. Their philosophy of "never making a sequel unless they have a good story to tell" is something every other movie company (including their parent company Disney) should learn from. In a world where this was followed to the letter, well over 50% of bad sequels would likely never be made or would actually be good. Instead, however, we regularly get junk like "Jaws: The Revenge" and the recently anounced "Saw 3D: The Traps Come Alive," which only exist to greedily siphon up the money of naive consumers. Come to think of it, a world where everyone only made good or well-intentioned sequels would be a world where Pixar controls the entire movie industry, and John Lasseter, Brad Bird, Pete Docter, Lee Unkrich, and Andrew Stanton run the entire company. B) ~~END~~
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