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Everything posted by CyclonatorZ

  1. Superman Returns.Was it one of the worst films ever? Hardly, not by a longshot. But it is the most mind-numbingly boring experience I have ever had in a theater, not to mention one of the worst comic book movies I have ever seen (keep in mind, I have spared myself from watching mostly panned adaptions like Ghost Rider, the original Fantastic Four, and the Schumer Batman movies). Superman is supposed to elict awe and excitement from a viewer, but apart from the admittedly cool airplane sequence, Superman Returns was about as boring as a movie about a many with laser beam eyes and the power of flight can be. On top of that, it features a climax that is so riduculous that it even manages to assault the inteligence of people who are "willing to believe a man can fly." How is this possible? I can sum it up in a few frentic sentences: "Oh no, Lex Luthor stabbed Superman with Kryptonite! Oh no, he's dying, but wait, he's lifting an island of kryptonite and throwing it into space with no difficulty! But oh no, he is dying, and now Superman is dead! Yes, he's dead, everything is over, but the world needs Superman! But wait, Superman is alive again, for no explainable reason! Yes, Superman LIVES!"Need I say more?
  2. Raid on Vulcanus is just so completely awesome for showing how compelling Bara Magna was at the start, and makes me wish we had gotten more novels in 2009. I'm also quite fond of Downfall, which featured probably the most significant character death in the entire storyline (yes, even more than Makuta's). And hey, might as well throw my hat in for Time Trap as well - the amazing climax is still one of the best proofs that Greg F. does know how to write, and it completely redeems Vakama's character after his executive-ordered betrayal.
  3. Random insight: this movie sucked. :PReally, I'm all for trying to gleam deeper insight into Bionicle out of MoL, but whatever foreshadowings might be found still can't erase the fact that this movie couldn't even hope to capture everything that made Bionicle so cool.
  4. Best: Makuta's speech at the end of MNLOG, of course. Even though we eventually learned he was lying about much of it, in some ways that only makes it an even greater illustration of Makuta's deception, which of course goes right along with the various illusional forms he took during that fight.Worst:Potatoe: Brother!Omoa: Brother!Potatoe: Brother!Omoa: Enough.Potatoe: Brother!Omoa: Shut up!Alright, so that wasn't an actual quote from Bionicle, just from Bionicle Guru's still-phenomenal spoof Bornicle (look it up in the Forum Achive if you have the chance) - but I'd say it pretty well illustrates the utter failure of most of the movie dialogue. I'm suprised people are saying The Legend Reborn was the worst in that respect, because (occasional continuty errors aside) I thought the first half of the movie probably was more tollerable in that regard than most of the first three. But then again, by the end of the film it pretty much fell apart, so....
  5. Heh, Andrew may have been suprised by this, but I wasn't in the least. There's been rumors all over the internet for months now, and I would have honestly been shocked if they didn't pick it up. Of course, this means that Lego Kingdoms is as good as dead, which will no doubt upset people who were hoping the Falcon Knight in the Joust set was a preview of a whole new faction. As for me... well, it's just another uber pricey licensed line that I have no need to invest in, especially since I already have a bunch of TLC's Fantasy Castle sets from 2007-2009.
  6. I don't mean to be negative, but the fact that this new update has essentially wiped the slate clean has killed any interest I might have had in the return of BZP. The forum simply won't be the same now that 10+ years of history have literally become history, and I don't see myself spending any time here beyond replying to the occasional fan fiction topic.
  7. It's from Portal 2, which is easily the best video game of 2011 thus far, not to mention the most hilarious.

  8. CyclonatorZ


    As someone who considers Halo and its protagonist to be incredibly overrated, I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying your comments, Smeag.
  9. I love how the cover is a complete rip-off of Jaws, only with a ship instead of a girl and an island-sized whale instead of a shark. Could this be from the same "talented" people who brought us Transmorphers and Snakes on a Train?
  10. This show is just so awesome. I'm really ticked it didn't get picked up for season 4, which sounds like it would have been the best one yet.
  11. CyclonatorZ


    Anything is better than last years, but that's not really saying much. And considering how many name change fads BZP has had over its existence, I can't say I'm a fan of 2011's April Fool's joke being yet another. But hey, it's not like BZP isn't already losing steam by the engine-full, so who are we to complain.
  12. Is he a he? Because I and others are holding onto the posibility that Rocka is actually the token female in this wave. ]
  13. Heh, I have these all the time. Now, controling what's in the dream... that's a whole different story.
  14. I must say I'm glad that I watched Aladdin just a couple weeks ago, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gotten the reference near the top of the post. ~~END~~
  15. I'm getting an E.T. vibe myself, except that the alien in this movie doesn't appear to be nearly as friendly.
  16. I agree to an extent. However, I will add that, when it comes to science fiction and fantasy, I prefer stories that first establish a set of basic rules that govern the universe they are set in (realistic or otherwise), and then try not to contradict those very rules. The problem with some works, particularly long, drawn-out franchises like Star Wars and Marvel and DC superheroes, is that over time they've created so many plot contradictions within their respective universes, making it hard to take them seriously. So, while suspension of disbelief is fine, that doesn't mean authors shouldn't still try to make their stories believable, if not realistic. Because while a work doesn't need to be realistic to believable, it does need to be consistent to be believable. And consistency is something that much of fiction is sorely lacking, I'm afraid.
  17. CyclonatorZ


    The real reason to watch The Hub is G.I.Joe Renegades. FYI, I was not a fan of G.I.Joe in the least before I started watching this, but now I'm eagerly anticipating the latest episodes. It's great to finally get a show set in that particular universe that isn't just a 22 minute toy commercial, and once you get over the initally awkard animation, you're rewarded with suprisingly deep characterizations and some great action sequences. Transformers Prime only wishes it could be this good. ~~END~~
  18. CyclonatorZ


    Well, what'd you expect? There wasn't really much you could do with just the parts from three Metruan, so it's amazing that they even bothered to give us combiners. ~~END~~
  19. CyclonatorZ


    MAN, I think the catergory 5 MANRICANE of BBC contest 61 has just gone off the charts in MACHO MANLY MANLINESS. MAN.... ~~END~~
  20. CyclonatorZ

    Bring Back Teal!

    Add me, Teal rocks (and is also my favorite color). Unless by some chance I already posted here and forgot, cause I didn't bother to read every individual name on the list. ~~END~~
  21. This is definitely a suprising move, but if it makes the series better overall, I fully support it. I do have one question though: regarding the "filler villians," will we still see them appear or at least referenced? Because honestly, with your skill in writing, I doubt they'd be anywhere near boring. ~~END~~
  22. It was about time that someone actually found a good use for the thing. ~~END~~
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