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Blue Fire

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Blog Comments posted by Blue Fire

  1. Let us know when you Finnish your degree.



    Thank you, thank you.  I'm here all week.

    It's coming up fast (This May actually), but will do!





    Thank you!


    And as a side-note: The Finnish premier of Star Wars 7 is 2 days before the US version, so I'm really excited for that... mainly because I'm going to give fake spoilers to my friends haha.

  2. I felt beyond cheated when Ted went back to square one, not to mention throughout other parts during the episode.

    Even during the series itself, Ted told his kids that Aunt Robin was with them throughout their childhood. But this episode claims that Robin put her career over her marriage, as well as her friends, to the point where Penny calls her "Bus Lady." So this throws the entire timeline out of whack.

    But naw, let's ignore that in favor of shoehorning a relationship between a guy and a girl who we had to literally watch (with bad green screen too), float away like a balloon... only to go back to her... Yet again... for the ninety-second time? I'm more upset about that than I am of allot of other parts.

    And then the Mother, who we barely got any screen time with throughout the season in general dies, just so that Bays and Thomas can use the footage filmed in 2006... It's nice that they finished their vision for the series, but at the same time, they spent 22 episodes on a 72 hour wedding, throwing that away after the first 20 minutes into the finale... a finale that takes place over the course of fifteen years. I feel as though it could've been planned much better.

    The part of the finale that I'm happy about though is The Barnacle... the creators may have went a bit far by having him shame those two girls at the bar, but otherwise I'm happy with how he ended up.

  3. I'm honestly hoping that this is a "Straw that breaks the camel's back" scenario. LucasArts has been putting out low-quality games for quite awhile, and people have been demanding sequels to two great games. Now imagine the reaction of those people when every last one of them finds out that LucasArts pretty much prevented one those sequels from occuring, but encourage more "Force Unleashed" and "YOU'RE IN THE/ EM-PIRE TO-DAY!/ Star Wars Kinect"



    Of course, I'm not expecting much. Star Wars fans have a tendency to go "BAAWW THIS SUCKS!" whenever George Lucas makes Greedo shoot for ten minutes, but they'll still buy seven copies.

  4. This was the hardest part on Insanity for me. Partly because of the Collectors at the start, and again with the closed doors when I didn't have the Cain.


    This was the absolute hardest part of the game on Insanity. But once that's finished it should be... not as extremely difficult?*


    Providing you'll do the other loyalty missions and get the weapon upgrades.

  5. The Scions, though awful as they are, can be outrun.


    What made me want to throw my controller at the TV (and is making my blood boil as I remember it), is the praetorian. I cannot count how many times I mowed down the scions, only to have that annoying beast get a lucky shot.


    And then the lack of medi-gel...

  6. When I clicked on this entry, I just saw an ad for Old Spice... amazing coincidence.


    I had a can of the stuff, but I rarely used it (at this point its just once every three or four months). The smell is tolerable, in extremly small amounts. But when someone sprays half a can, then I honestly hope whoever does so suffers some brain damage.

  7. The fact that you brought in the cookies and donuts, even when the director was giving them a hard time, probably helped them out a huge way.




    I feel that what we all believe in is that we try to be positive people who do our best to contribute to everyone and to be fair.


    Would you mind if I use this for my yearbook quote?

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