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Blog Comments posted by -Bionicleman-

  1. So, you're saying, for example, that I should maybe not wear my Megadeth shirt in public because someone might see it and think I'm a satanist or part of a cult, and be uncomfortable around me, for liking a metal band?


    'Cause that's what it sounds like. And sorry, but if someone's uncomfortable or imposes misconceptions on me based on a band/image they know nothing about, or the colour of my shirt, then I don't want to make them happy or comfortable.

    Slippery slope alert.

  2. Dear Stephanie Meyer,


    Though I am not a female, I do find offense in telling girls it's okay to have abusive boyfriends. We nice guys have enough trouble as it is.


    Also, your writing style sucks. I couldn't make it through the first page of your book.




  3. It's an interesting idea, as communicating orally is generally considered to be a natural, biological process for humans, while written communication is a human invention. In other words, if we advance like you say, we could actually be getting closer to what would be considered "natural" for humans.


    That being said though, I'm not sure this advancement will happen any time soon, as humans have relied on written language for so long. But we'll just have to see (assuming it would happen in our lifetime of course).

  4. Thank you thank you.


    But really, sexy dark blue? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT.


    Anyways, if you want an explanation for why that is terrible writing, read on.


    First of all, even if the only writing class you've taken was in fifth grade, you know that having each sentence structured "subject-verb" is a bad thing. Unfortunately, all of these are subject-verb sentences, which makes reading it very stunted. Second, this paragraph describes a whole lot about Bella's current situation, but in the end these descriptions are really unnecessary. Do we really care what the exact temperature of Phoenix is, the material of her shirt, or her cary-on item? I haven't read much past this, but something tells me these details aren't very important later. I do think descriptions are important, as they put you in the situation. However, to describe every minute detail pretty much pushes people away from the story, not attracts that to it. Unless, of course, you're the target audience of this book, female teenagers who need to know everything about what a person is wearing.


    As for why I spend this much time analyzing a paragraph of Twilight? :P Well, I consider half of my life's mission to destroy the popularity of Twilight, not only because I think the writing isn't very good, but because of the message it sends to girls. The other half? Sitting down and watching TV with a piece of pizza. Actually, that sounds like a good idea now that I think about it...


    *calls Papa John's*

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