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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    So this is what I have been doing since my last MoC. It is extremely heavy and large. There will be a contrast color, just not sure if its gonna be trans blue yet. And yes there will be 2 more legs, upper jaw and wings added. So far it uses a total of 26 sockets/ball joints. Alot of the current build is just some ideas I have been messing with. Im open for any feedback, I really enjoy building big stuff.

  2. CzaR
    Read Here

    It seems that there is indeed ice on Mars, which most likely means that the planet could one day be inhabited by humans. There will not be any solid confirmation for a few more weeks as the Mars lander has to take a sample and cook it in the "oven" to scan the gasses released. However, it appears to be ice, and seems to have evaporated after the sun had come into contact with it. This is a great discovery and gives hope for the future of our race. The Earth will not be habitable forever and one day we will have to colonize in either space or other planets to survive.
  3. CzaR
    So I recently got my tax return, not stimulus in the mail. 900 US dollars to be exact. Seems like alot of money but with bills and cost of living and gasoline prices, it really is not a great deal of cash.
    Regardless, I plan on making a toy or video game run with at least some of the cash. Suggestions? Things I have considered:
    All of the new Indiana Jones sets
    A Playstation 3
    A Xbox 360
    A Laptop Computer
    Phantom Hourglass for Nintendo DS
    An Axe(To compliment my sword collection and a possible cosplay)
    More suggestions? What are some of the good newer games for DS, The World Ends With You looks pretty good and I know there are rampant Pokemon fanboys and gals here.
  4. CzaR
    I have been considering this for awhile now, most of the people I have asked tell me no, building LEGO Bricks is not an art, not even if they are of your own custom design.
    Well guess what, I disagree. I think it is just as much of an art as painting on canvas or sculpting from marble. Too many just assume that because lego is themed towards children, it cannot be viewed as a real kind of art. What an unfair stereotype, just because they are considered toys. If painting, even with watercolors is proclaimed an art, why not lego! Lego can yield just as much, if not more complexity, innovation and creativity as any other kind of art. Any type of lego medium can be complex, from the most basic of Duplo and Mosaic, which most consider to go hand in hand with art, to the most advanced of Technic/Mindstorms.
    So yea, I just thought I would rant about this after being discouraged with people today. Your thoughts?
  5. CzaR
    Read Here
    Wow, a 7.8 magnitude, that is the largest quake I can recall worldwide in decades. My condolences to anybody affected by this as it is a major disaster in a densely populated area.
    I tend to keep up to date on worldwide geology and what I have been seeing lately worries me. There are lots of earthquakes in uncommon areas in recent months. The Reno, Nevada area was rattled by a series of progressively stronger tremblors, a rare and unusual event as normally there is a big quake followed by less powerful ones. Residents there were told to be ready for what could be a "major seismic event" given the odd circumstances. Then there was the Chaiten volcano in southern Chile, which was dormant for the past 9000 years, erupting ash and lava recently. I fear there will be more volcanic activity soon somewhere worldwide, as an earthquake of that size in China usually triggers more activity. Many speculate that the sudden spike in worldwide seismic activity in the last decade is due to more violent storms in the oceans. High winds cause waves to pound away at the beaches and ocean floor, increasing the likely hood of tetonic plates moving and crashing into one another thus causing more worldwide earthquakes.
    This planet of ours continues to become more violent, both geographically and the weather obviously is getting more violent. The midwestern US continues to have frequent tornadoes and severe thunderstorms, more so than previous years on record. That cyclone that hit Myanmar was and still is a large scale disaster. Eventually I think the only safe place for mankind will be in space and not on earth sadly. I live only about 50 miles away from Mt. Rainer, one of the worlds largest and tallest volcanoes so I always worry about these things. It has been dormant for a long time but in recent months neighboring Mt Saint Helens was seeing some activity and there have been some earth movements recorded around the base of Rainer also.
  6. CzaR
    To all you dads out there, I wish a happy fathers day. I get to enjoy this day with my kid so I figured I would share the love. I got some scratch tickets and a nice card from my lady, nice to know she still cares! I also got a book which I have not read yet, I think it is for me and the little one to share as it is entitled "Kisses for Daddy". Gosh all this mushy stuff is just not my style .
    Image containing advertising removed. - -Flint-
  7. CzaR
    Yep, finally got my Huna spinner. Has it been 3 years allready? Im getting old I guess. I will have to do something to promote this memorable event. *Hints at new MoC*
  8. CzaR
    Seems like all I do anymore is go to work and go to bed. I haven't the time to accomplish much else lately. I suppose my schedule is to blame, I work Thursday-Saturday nights graveyard, 10 hours 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM. Then I work 10 hours on Tuesday, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. So yea working 3 nights and 1 day really throws me for a loop when it comes to getting enough sleep. It has made the time fly by though, seems like it was just the 1st of May!
    So for anyone that it may concern, I apologize for my lack of activity. I probably will not be entering any MoCing contests or be doing much Wii/wifi gaming for awhile. Real life is kicking me in the pants yet again.
  9. CzaR
    Well I have decided to go for the lego ambassador thing, which you can read more on Here. So lets start with my lego origins.
    Lego Origins
    The year was about 1986, I was only 5 years old. At Toys R Us, I noticed a cool looking building set, I believe it was This set. Anyway I got it home and had some trouble with it, being so young. However it was fun and eventually I built it the correct way. Ever since that day I was hooked, I got all the huge sets like the Futuron Monorail and Airport Shuttle. Then my mom bought me 2 sets that changed my view on LEGO Bricks. They were Nautica and my favorite all time lego set, the Mega Core Magnetizer. For the first time I thought about using those parts for building my own creations or (MoC). Back then I never knew the huge world of customized building and just built simple spaceships, that was the dawn of my MoCing career. I am now 27 years old and find my intrest in lego at its peak.
    Up until 2005, I never really was involved with the lego community other than being a club member. Then I found BZP forums and once I saw that there were so many other people who were interested in not only Bionicle, but all lego themes I knew I had to join. Since then I have had a sucessful MoCing experience, with both positive and negative feedback, with the help of the people of BZP, my building skill took a great leap and I began to build things I never thought possible. Last year I met a man named Dan Parker, who is one of 6 people worldwide who lego endorses to educate people on building and other school related aspects such as Mindstorms and Robotics. When I entered his shop (Brickworld Cafe in Tacoma Washington), I told him he has my dream job. I would love to travel and teach others about lego. I left him a link to my Brickshelf Gallery and said if he ever thought my stuff was good enough to contact me and we can set up a display for his store. Since then him and I have agreed on a display piece but I have yet to set up the actual display. I frequent several lego forums online and some lego themed blogs. I would say that I have become somewhat well known in the lego community, though I have wanted to, I have not yet been able to attend a live event like Brickfest due to personal issues. I love working with children and would gladly impart any knowledge I could.
    Lego Experience
    I have a vast amount of lego parts, most of which can be found Here and Here. Though most of my works are strictly Technic/Bionicle, I have a few System works also and enjoy all mediums of lego. Skillfully, I have come a long way since I was a child, I often find myself building large scale creations as I like the visual impact of them. I have done some online trading and think I am a trustworthy trader. I also have sold several sets that people have contacted me about via email with no complaints.
    About Me
    Not too much to say here, I get along well with other people and work in customer service. I have a daughter and we enjoy lego together. I am a family man and spend most of my time working and have my recreational habits such as video games and sports.
    So there you have it, if you wish to nominate me include some of my credentials and know that I am thankful.
  10. CzaR
    Orange, it tastes good, it is easy on the eyes, it is just one of those colors that appeal to me. That said, orange pulled me in today...

    And since I got some extra orange I went ahead and made this, click for topic.

  11. CzaR
    Not sure if this is just regional or not, but participating Fred Meyer stores have all lego except Indiana Jones and Star Wars sets at buy one get one of equal or lesser value. This means Bionicle, Racers, Castle and the other themes Fred Meyer carries. Ill be getting in on it, I need some more of those Racers sets, new parts in purple and lime green! I used some of the new parts on This terrible MoC. Just messing around, they had a sort of vest looking effect.
    I see someone else has beaten me to using the new purple parts, as seen Here. That is a pretty sweet looking MoC by gabriel, I was gonna use the same part in the same way on the torso, I guess he had the same idea and executed it well.
  12. CzaR
    Man, it has been a long week at work. Seems like my last day off was so much more than a week ago. Since I am up so early today, what should I do? I have a few things in mind, maybe you people can help me decide before I end up sitting on the computer all day and accomplish nothing!
    ~Finish WiP for K's Corner X-Pod contest
    ~Finish playing Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
    ~Continue to organize my abyss of lego parts
    ~Call my family back home
    ~Go to Toys R Us and get in on that Indy set sale going on
    So much to do, so little time.
  13. CzaR
    Well I picked up the game and a spare steering wii wheel on Monday, but I have been too busy to try it out until earlier tonight. It has alot of potential I think, so far I have only done a few time trials and 2 wifi races, I managed to finish 3rd and 2nd so that was cool. I love the fact that you can race many other people, 11 for my first 2 wifi races. The wheel is actually quite accurate and reliable, given the karts I use. I still have a ton of stuff to unlock so Ill be playing this game for a long time I can already tell.
    The graphics are bright and smooth, music is crisp and quirky and I love the sound effects. The courses are my favorite part so far, I have only done a couple but the Coconut Mall is just too much fun. The available characters are many more than previous MK games and I liked the selection, baby Peach sounds cute, too cute. The bikes add a new feel to the game, allthough I have not been able to steer them too well yet. I also really like the ranking and points system, being able to check my time trial and tournament scores worldwide adds to the replay value. Even my daughter has taken to the game, she loves the wheel and is actually not to bad of a racer with it. Displaying her own customized Mii on her MK license had her overjoyed!
    So I would say it has lived up to the hype so far, I imagine it will only get better too. Is it better than Brawl? Well, that is like comparing apples and oranges. I think the wifi is a bit more fun simply because there are more people to play and finding other random racers is very fast. Brawl has more strategy though, MK is straight forward, race and toss items. Lastly, Ill have my friend code available here soon, I had it but forgot to write it down, I guess I got caught up in the fun. I highly suggest the game to any Wii owners, it is one of the best games on the console.
    My MK Wii code: 2026 9680 8563 (Thanks to Kohaku, strangely enough he knew my code when I did not!)
  14. CzaR
    As you may know, Kohaku is hosting a Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament. After an intense battle I was defeated by Kinali and his Wario like attacks. Came down to the wire but he deserved to win. Looks like he will be taking on Bohrok Kaita 1 next, good luck to you Kinali. There are great prizes at stake here.
    On an unrelated yet somehow related note, my BBC 49 poll is up. I think entry 7 has me beat, it has a sweet design and shape, well done on your entry Dr. Keerakh. If you deem it worthy, my entry is number 9, but remember to vote for the best MoC. I have had my run of BBC success so an early exit in the polls is no biggie.
  15. CzaR
    Well, I found out I will be going back to full time, however I also found out that my shift is from 10 pm to 8 am. While there is a raise in pay, anyone who has worked that shift will tell you it gets very tiring. The boss told me he cannot find anyone else who is responsable and reliable, so I am the lucky guy! I used to work this shift, I thought I had proven myself but the store was sold and a new owner changed up the schedules.
    I suppose it is time to become a nocturnal being once again. I like the fact that the new boss realizes I am reliable, but getting put back on the graveyard shift kind of sent me a mixed signal. Such is life I suppose.
  16. CzaR
    Well I am still throwing around ideas for this contest. A few that have come to mind:
    ~Using nearly all of my black/white/silver/grey parts and molding them into a giant sculpture
    ~Build 4 Toa/Rahi, one of each color
    ~Build a 4 headed serpent using Fenrakk heads and a new jaw design
    ~Build a life sized Lance, about 5 feet long.
    So yea, I need some help here.
  17. CzaR
    Well it took 2 years, but Kex informed me that I received a proto boost at last! First time ever!
    And for the record, I did not get a proto boost when I became premier, because I was given the premier membership rather than pay for it. It is so nice to peek at that little bar now and see it just above half way full!
  18. CzaR
    Bumble Bee Rumble!
    Just when I thought his stuff could not get any better, wow. Its got some rough edges but as a whole it is quite stunning and deserved a spotlight here. MoCists take note, THAT is how you build Bumblebee, too bad it does not transform into a car, though that would be borderline impossible while keeping a nice looking humanoid build.
    Nice to see something big out there, well done large bionicle MoCs are a dying breed.
  19. CzaR
    And the weapon:

    Comments? Critiques? Ive been wanting to use the Gadunka head as torso armor for a long time now, I think this is gonna be good...

    Did I overdo the tool?

  20. CzaR
    I was awful busy last week and never got around to selecting a pick of the week. However this week is a different story, therefore our winner is....
    Addiction by Ichigo Kurosaki!
    Congrats Ichigo, your idea for the contest was very clever and you executed it pretty well. I must ask though, where is his right arm? You will be added to the content block with the previous winners.
  21. CzaR
    So I accquired this, metal thing. Im gonna build the car most likely, this is new territory for me so it might be interesting to see what else I can make if I get more of these, things....

    Metal and screws, please forgive me lego!
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