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Blog Comments posted by Mikerahk

  1. Dude, I'll say what I want, k dude?


    Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Jude. Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude? Hey Dude?


    Okay, new rule. For every time you say dude, I knock out one of your teeth, mmkay?

  2. Inspiration is a tricky subject. I myself can only build when I am inspired, this can happen at any time, and well, drawing or scrawling an idea suffices when parts aren't available. I actually prefer to think things out before getting out the pieces, and I can say 'get out the pieces' now since I finally got them all sorted and off the floor. :D


    If you're not inspired to build, then don't, building when you're not inspired drains you to no end. Go find something else to do: Movie? Book? the Interwebz? A walk outside? Any of those can be a nice way to get your mind away from the plastic and if you're lucky you'll find something interesting you want to try building.

  3. To add upon Czar's comment:


    Fill in the other ends of the tubes with something, something black. Then push the ends into the fin parts so that the black tip to the tube is positioned so you cannot see any copper/gold tubing an the inside of the wings.


    Just my thoughts. I like this a lot...


    I like that idea.... I can't remember exactly why I left the tubes out. Maybe it had something to do with sticking out the other side.... That's a really great idea, I think I'll try it! Thanks!



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