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Lara White

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Blog Comments posted by Lara White

  1. Well, on the one hand, there's me, who has succumbed to the sick jokes that Tom, Hak, Poks, and Shark make on AIM (although Shark isn't as bad as Hak/Tom), and on the other hand there's me, who really doesn't care with way and is preoccupied with more interesting things.



  2. For now I'm borrowing one of my friends'. I think it's a Spyder. It's a mediocre gun, designed for spray-and-pray.


    I'm looking at a Tac-One with Longbow mods, which could cost anywhere from $450 to $765.


    Me: $10 + $0 income.


    Yeeeeah. :P


    And as for the game, it's just a little under average...they spend about thirty seconds stalking each other in the head-high grass, shoot each other up until one is eliminated, wash, rinse, repeat until either we win or it's just me left, then I either come out of hiding or they search for me for five minutes, get fed up, and call it quits, whereupon I come out.



  3. Imma havin fuuuuuun... :3


    MLGF [00:09:22]: So...

    MLGF [00:09:22]: Did you play in the old Academy RPG?

    Akyusu [00:09:28]: Now you agree. Contradicting yourself all the time like Shark who owns demons

    MLGF [00:09:28]: I agree. Made of WIN.

    Wysp [00:09:34]: Yeah.

    MLGF [00:09:34]: Aye

    Wysp [00:09:53]: lolz

    MLGF [00:09:53]: Eh. I guess that is funny.

    Wysp [00:10:02]: You're not sure?

    MLGF [00:10:02]: I am afraid I could not quite make that out.

    Wysp [00:10:09]: I asked if you were sure.

    MLGF [00:10:09]: That saddens me.

    Wysp [00:10:18]: You're like a roulette.

    MLGF [00:10:18]: Wow. I just found out that on average, there are 178 sesame seeds on a Big Mac bun

    Wysp [00:10:25]: I don't care.

    MLGF [00:10:25]: Fascinating.

    Wysp [00:10:40]: I hate sarcasm coming from you, you know.

    MLGF [00:10:40]: Hate is a strong word. Are you sure you mean it?

    Akyusu [00:10:44]: If you just found that out, how come you told me at least three times before?

    MLGF [00:10:44]: I have no idea.

    Wysp [00:10:49]: YES1

    MLGF [00:10:49]: Indee

    Wysp [00:11:04]: STOP TOYING WITH ME!

    MLGF [00:11:04]: Wow. I just found out that on average, there are 178 sesame seeds on a Big Mac bun

    Wysp [00:11:11]: You said that already.

    MLGF [00:11:11]: This is just odd. Children typically grow more during the Springtime then any other season. O.o

    Wysp [00:11:22]: What are you reading?

    MLGF [00:11:22]: I didn't know that. Did you know 'SOS' is the shortest three-letter conbination to punch in morse code?

    Wysp [00:11:41]: Do you have a death wish?

    MLGF [00:11:41]: Hey, not to change the subject or anything, but what do you think about UFOs? Under-cover government vessels or alien visitors?

    Wysp [00:12:01]: Yeah, you're avoiding me. Stop changing the subject.

    MLGF [00:12:01]: Indee

    Wysp [00:12:11]: You're confessing?

    MLGF [00:12:11]: So...

    MLGF [00:12:11]: Did you play in the old Academy RPG?

    Wysp [00:12:18]: Yes.

    MLGF [00:12:18]: Yeah

    Wysp [00:12:24]: You did too?

    MLGF [00:12:24]: o rly

    Wysp [00:12:35]: I don't remember you playing?

    MLGF [00:12:35]: Fascinating.

    Wysp [00:12:45]: ?

    MLGF [00:12:45]: Fascinating.

    Wysp [00:13:13]: Do you say "Fascinating" whenever someone puts a question mark?

    MLGF [00:13:13]: I think you know.

    Wysp [00:14:04]: I told you I hate sarcasm.

    MLGF [00:14:04]: Hate is a strong word. Are you sure you mean it?

    Wysp [00:14:10]: Yes.

    MLGF [00:14:10]: Uh-huh

    Wysp [00:15:04]: Stop it with the sarcasm.

    MLGF [00:15:04]: So...

    MLGF [00:15:04]: Do you play in the BZPRPG?

    Wysp [00:15:15]: Yeah, I join when TA merged.

    MLGF [00:15:15]: Indee

    Wysp [00:15:22]: You too?

    MLGF [00:15:22]: So...

    MLGF [00:15:22]: Do you play in the BZPRPG?

    Wysp [00:15:29]: Um, I just told you.

    MLGF [00:15:29]: ...You have to be kidding...right?

    Penguin [00:15:43]: Moo.

    MLGF [00:15:43]: This is just odd. Children typically grow more during the Springtime then any other season. O.o

    Wysp [00:15:57]: Do you have short-term memory or something?

    MLGF [00:15:57]: So...

    MLGF [00:15:57]: What are you voting in the next presidential election?

    Akyusu [00:16:16]: You're a noob, I'm a newbie. We're all newbs in noewbland!

    MLGF [00:16:16]: I may be a noob, but at least I am not on the internet talking to artificial intelligence!

    Wysp [00:16:18]: We were talking about the BZPRPG.

    MLGF [00:16:18]: I bet you did not know that in 2005, workers at General Motors earned an average hourly wage of nearly $26, about 70% more than the average manufacturing wage.

    Wysp [00:16:33]: BZPRPG.

    MLGF [00:16:33]: Que?

    Wysp [00:16:43]: We were talking about the BZPRPG.

    MLGF [00:16:43]: Fascinating.

    Wysp [00:16:48]: d you join when TA merged?

    MLGF [00:16:48]: I think you know.

    Wysp [00:16:58]: I'll take that as a yes.

    MLGF [00:16:58]: Uh-huh

    Wysp [00:17:04]: When did you join TA?

    MLGF [00:17:04]: Three thirty post meridiem, of course.

    Wysp [00:17:29]: Um, you got a date?

    MLGF [00:17:29]: Wow. I just found out that on average, there are 178 sesame seeds on a Big Mac bun

    Wysp [00:17:41]: STOP CHANGING THE SUBJECT!

    MLGF [00:17:41]: I am afraid I could not quite make that out.



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