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Lara White

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Blog Comments posted by Lara White

  1. Suddenly, clouds gathered overhead. The happy sheep looked upward, their nemesis appearing in the sky. The Matoran, Krahli, Toa, and the aptly named Makuta-whom-no-one-has-seen-yet look on high, as a great rock emerged from the stormy sea of vapour. As it hurtled to the ground, they could see one word, dooming all:




    Everyone promptly ran for cover.


    OOC: :P



  2. I don't get why people dislike the Toa Mistika so much; they're, IMHO, a big step up from the Mahri. <3 Mistika. I actually think Gali's mask is pretty darn cool.


    As for the Nynrah Blasters: Blasters? Again? I like the other part of the name, and the design, but please lay off the "blaster".


    That doesn't stop them from being easily the best projectile launcher so far. :D






    Gorast's wing is a Buster Sword.


    I mean, look at it! It screams "Make a Cloud Strife MOC and make me his sword!"






    Bitil is pretty cool too, especially his mask. However, I have to agree with the majority here: Kirika is definetly the coolest.


    Vee-hikles: I'm not quite as fond of these as I am of the other sets, but I think Jetrax easily tops the chart here. The others seem a bit clunky.


    Taka:Overall, I like him, but I have issues with two things: The hands (yes, the hands) and his pose.


    Pose recalls too much Makuta of 03, and methinks that's not who we wwant to be thinking of when we see the champion of Light, now is it? :P


    Hands...Eh, they're a bit too...claw-like for my taste. Again, this recalls Makuta of 03, who had claws on his hands in the form of Avohkiis. Aside from that, I like him.


    Oh, and the mask is awesome.



  3. Artist: Method of Simulated Moments


    Album: Real de Gandia

    1. Oceania Croadcasting Network
    2. Steen Herschend
    3. County of Bentheim
    4. Casaletto Spartano
    5. Robert H. Hewsen
    6. Henry Neil Mallon
    7. Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov
    8. Bankra
    9. Markus Rost
    10. The Country of the Blind
    11. Jan Krekels
    12. List of Basic Opera Topics

    Best. Band name. Ever.



  4. Pet Peeve Species: Flame

    My Name: Wysp

    Bio: A Flame is a small, almost cute creature that many people have thought cute and brought into ownership. Although it starts small, it expands as it is fed, eventually consuming whole Metrus and setting them ablaze. It can reproduce like a bacterium, splitting itself into smaller halves, and appealing to its prospective owners.

    Description: A small floating flame with large, cute orange eyes. When it expands, its true being is revealed as its eyes turn bloodred and it actually becomes a real fire, blown to expand by the wind.




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