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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka

    My Year

    About thirty minutes.
  2. It reminds me how much more awesomer the shows were years ago.
  3. Lady Kopaka

    My Year

    I'm not sure, but I've been wanting one for a long time. Not going to rush it and regret it though; going to take my time and find something meaningful.
  4. Lady Kopaka

    My Year

    2011 is going to be -my- year. I'm not going to tolerate it running me over anymore. I have lots of things planned for this year. And so far my resolutions are: improve my health: exercise (can has parkour?), better food, and relentlessly stalk doctors until they find a solution for medraw more, even if it's just doodling everyday work on those commissions, and start that danged webcomic.work toward better grades in collegefind a decent paying job, and start seriously digging into art opportunitieswrite! write! write!get a tattoogo to brickfair or a similar gathering!become more active on BZPimprove on my lack of social skills--get out, and trust people moreget my own placethat's pretty much it. I don't really do resolutions, but it's a decent to-do list. those are large, undefined goals, but I plan to take it all one step at a time and try my best to improve my life. as a added bonus, this was my last 2010 drawing:
  5. So frustrated I wasn't able to get the slim version. But at least I did save a good $100+ by buying mine from a friend...I can't believe I haven't thought of a name for mine. I don't do multiplayer either; but it's nice to have people on there anyway.
  6. This. mass effect is like, the only game I'd purposely waste money on.
  7. blu ray quality is superb. my first blu ray (and only so far) is PoP and I watched it first on our ancient TV in the living room--sound and everything is so much better.
  8. what screen size do you have? i keep thinking about getting one someday, they look very nice. it's also nice that games are finally get on mac more often now.
  9. Lady Kopaka


    I was meaning cliche more about the girl, rather than the story...but i agree with you; guess i just enjoyed the overall thing to be finicky.
  10. Lady Kopaka


    sometimes just taking a break from that and getting your priorities straight is a good idea. just chill and do what you think is best.
  11. Lady Kopaka


    Ooh, pretty! Tell me how it is; I think someday when I have the money to afford to get a laptop, I'll get a macbook.
  12. Lady Kopaka


    Christmas spelled backwards because I can't think of a decent title. Hey guys, how was your Christmas day? Enjoy your presents? Ate too much food for your own good like me? I went to visit my grandparents and other family in east TN. My favourite part was getting to see my adorable nephew. He’s four months old now and no word can appropriately describe how cute he is. I think my parents had way too much fun with him...tis’ fun to poke fun at my old man and call him a grandpa now. I'm home now, simply bushed. It's been snowing a lot today; it looks so serene and is quite inspiring for writing and art...something which I really need to start doing more of. I'm digging in the chocolate I got for Christmas; it's all quite yummy and relaxing on this cool evening. If you're wondering, my favourite Christmas present was Beauty and the Beast from my parents. I also got a Muse album from them, a Michael Bublé album from my sister, and then just an assortment of random things (chocolate, a scarf, coloured pencils) from other siblings and relatives. Very thankful to have gotten this much. In addition got to see True Grit--it was a superb movie. It's different from the original John Wayne version, and I have a feeling most people won't like it (ah, my abnormal [or bluntly terrible?] movie tastes), but I fell in love with it. Very witty, realistic, and I loved how it was centered around this young girl—but was shockingly not cliché in the slightest. That’s why it was just so unusual, but a good unusual. It was like Anne of Green Gables bumped into Clint Eastwood and all karzahni broke loose, haha. I'll be going down on Wednesday to Louisiana to visit some more relatives and friends. I'm frankly a bit antsy since I haven't been there for nearly two years. Whatever the outcome, I still won't be very active for the next week or two. I’m feeling pretty sick and sore all over, so I’m probably going to curl up with a book or play FFIX in bed. As much as I love my relatives, it can get so loud and crazy! Take care you dears. (P.S. I bought a present for a certain friend and I apologize in advance that it will be sent late :'< )
  13. Don't trade in for Halo!! Dragon Age is a great game! Try it out first.
  14. merry Christmas to you as well. have a good one

  15. Lady Kopaka

    Goodbye, Future

    Within your power. but time, other people, and other factors play a big role in it. my point is not to give up. I've seen so many bad things happen to other inspiring people, but they still push on to their dreams. I'm not accusing you of not trying, but just don't give up. i'm extremely sick myself and it keeps me from doing things more than one would realize, but I'm not letting that get in my way. I just want to draw and write, dangit!
  16. Lady Kopaka


    aw yeah; I was forced to learn how to drive with stick in our huge truck...and I'm like, 5'1. Suffice to say I'm happy to be driving a car mostly these days.
  17. Lady Kopaka


    I actually thought driving irl is easier than on a video game. of course everyone handles things differently, I adapted all right to driving.
  18. Aaah I must get this game asap.
  19. Glad things are a bit relaxed for you--I've had a similar situation. I was just about to explode with stress, but break can do wonders. I love the season, the cold weather (no way!), and just all that. I'm hoping to catch up on things as well. good luck on that story as well, I miss reading your stuff.
  20. Lady Kopaka

    Made It

    Yes, I do get Christmas off. I just forgot to add it to my days off since its on a Saturday this year. I actually relate. when I was in high school I didn't get much time off either, it was pretty stinky for sure.
  21. I am very sad and miserable about this news. This means I must resort to fanfiction?
  22. Lady Kopaka

    Made It

    hang in there Kini! just two more days!
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