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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. sounds like great ideas to me, can't wait for it; I envy the enthusiasm. I haven't written anything decent in a good six months or more.
  2. yeah; favourite actor and person in general.

  3. Lady Kopaka

    Art Bloooock

    Yeah. been having that problem for the past year...it's horrible. best thing to do is either a) take a break and do something completely different for a few days b) try challenging yourself with something you wouldn't usually draw
  4. It's not really a spoiler since depending on your choices, some, or none may die. He's alive and well now.
  5. I tried watching Farscape, couldn't get into it though--weird considering I'm a big sci-fi buff.
  6. Me? Self control with my obsessions? No wonder I can barely handle college. Jack did fine for me, but I sent Mordin back with the crew like I originally planned, and all is well. <3
  7. That is the most wonderful thought that's ever been conceived.
  8. Finally beat Mass Effect 2 (I know I've had this game for over a year, shaddup). It was so amazing. Cept' Mordin died. I'M SO SORRY MY FAVOURITE SALARIAN. I LOVED YOU AND MADE YOU LOYAL AND WHY DID YOU DIEEEE. Life did this on purpose to me, I know it. Really. Can't figure it out. Everyone was loyal, followed my bro's advice (who saved everyone). WHHYYYY. Going to need a serious talk with my Ron cloned relative... Time to go replay two hours of gameplay, if I can. *hugs Mordin* ... oh. college started today. hopefully I'll have a better semester... but who cares about that when the reapers are coming? EDIT: Fix'd, now my lovely Salarian Scientist is well. Working on the Shadow Broker DLC now! (or maybe I should go to bed...)
  9. i don't really care; whatever that suits your fancy. people seem to really like my story Glitch in the System though. you can view my library here though: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=239112&hl=

  10. Lady Kopaka

    Lego Females

    I was going to say something like this, but ToM said it so much more gorgeously and smarter...ly. <3
  11. Lady Kopaka


    I couldn't get into it, for some reason.
  12. pretty sick actually, but all right considering things.

  13. Lady Kopaka

    My Year

    it's all right, everyone has their opinions...but you do have a point. just because you want a tattoo/have one, doesn't mean you're wasting money, going to regret it, etc. My oldest sister has a beautiful one on her arm and as far as I know, likes it, while her husband has a lot on him and he wishes he could take them off. I'm not going to rush it, but if I did it, it would be for a special reason.
  14. Lady Kopaka

    I Don't Understand

    maybe they'll release some cool Bionicle sets. Nuva? Oh wait, that's 2003, mustn't get ahead of myself...
  15. Lady Kopaka

    Portland Art Museum

    I'm a artist and I'm still with you. of course I'm a politically incorrect one. some of the abstract art is actually hard to achieve; it takes lots of knowledge about balance, colour theory, composition and other things so it is comfortable to view and nice of the eyes. Still, I've seen many of those pieces that just make you go "what, really?". ah, those artsy fartsy types, they are very interesting.
  16. ...go saints, even though they epic failed today? *gets shot*
  17. Saints defense, you offended me terribly today.
  18. can't see another way to greet yourself, really. hello to yourself as well

  19. No, don't -ever- say you are too imaginative. Say that again and I'll find a frying pan to whack some sense into you. You hate it, but you wouldn't have it any other way. It's a love-hate relationship, but a blessed one.
  20. Lady Kopaka


    It's so addicting, so I guess it depends on how much time you can afford on it, haha.
  21. The whole soundtrack is amazing. can't stop listening to it; so inspiring for artistic purposes.
  22. Lady Kopaka

    My Year

    It's a good reason--of course, I'll get the tattoo(s) in logical places so when I do have ugly wrinkly skin, they won't show. No way am I going to show my whole arm and legs when I get like that, if you follow me. I am incredibly sensitive, so I'm slightly mad in wanting one...so we'll see how that will work out.
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