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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka

    Made It

    I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NO COLLEGE FOR A MONTH HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE No idea on my grades, don't care right now. I'm so relieved I just survived. Terrible semester, I hope I never have to go through that again. Since three I've been tying to take a nap because I'm so exhausted and hurting all over, but people in my family are so loud, good heavens. Earbuds, which usually do the trick have not been exactly helpful either. Escaped college, yes, escaped life for awhile? I'm still working on that. Been praying nonstop that things will get less stressed here, even just for a bit. I'm really really really hoping I'll be able to do some art and writing over winter break as well, but I have no idea how things are going to hold. Cross your fingers, maybe a miracle will happen. Hows everyone doing? Excited about break as much as me?
  2. well said. =) it's funny how all these 'fans' on bzp are discouraging me from posting much anymore because all they talk about is doom and gloom on it ending...yet there's so much we can continue to talk about, and just have fun.
  3. oh, i'm still stressing myself out--I nearly failed a class this semester. at this exact moment though, i'm all right (I have chocolate).
  4. History II Art History II Intro To Sociology Composition I aaaaaahh I finally can take normal classes and not useless developmental ones. I originally wanted to do another class--like a actual drawing class, but thanks to issues with my advisor and holds, by the time I got things working, most classes were already filled...not much to take at my college. That and I really should not put too much on my plate due to health. Either way, decent schedule, won't have to rearrange art teaching too much, but we'll see what the future holds. In in the meantime, this is how I'm going to react to it: I just have three more finals, three papers (or was it four?) to write, and I am free for a month. One does not know how relieved I am, because I am beyond exhausted, I just want to sleep the holiday season away. So, excuse me as I study some more on my Visual Arts final, and maybe a bit of FF9 before bed. I miss drawing and writing ever so much. :'[
  5. Lady Kopaka

    V G A

    I'm sorta following your logic, but with the games I mentioned...most people know they will be popular, like Mass Effect or Portal. And on a storyline standard, it's just like making a trilogy movie. e.g. Lord of the Rings of such. Sure they might be wanting money, but a lot of these developers make excellent works of art. Bioware is a great example. But I'm don't completely get your point; since you don't play games you're viewing it from that perspective, while people who actually play the games are not as cynical because they're used to the industry and know what to expect. If the game is good, it's good, and I play for the storyline and art mostly.
  6. Do which one you really want to do--just completely separate what others are expecting, how hard it is, and go by what -you- want. Also, it isn't the end of the world if you decide to change your major, a lot of people do that.
  7. Haha oh I wish they did have a episode like that.
  8. Lady Kopaka

    V G A

    Well IMO, these are sequels that were already planned and not 'running out of ideas sequels'. It seems everyone started a trilogy game at the same time and they are all coming out now. So it's all good...hopefully.
  9. I'd care to look at them. It's okay, I epic failed at NaNo again too.
  10. Lady Kopaka

    V G A

    Forgot about Deus Ex! Oh that game is going to be amazing.
  11. I grew up in a environment where I should not have liked them (no consoles and stuff) but somehow, I did. I think it's because I play more for the storylines (akin to reading) and the art. And boy do I love certain games' art and stories, but I can be awfully picky (ew FPS).
  12. Lady Kopaka

    V G A

    my problem as well. it's impossible for me to study like this.
  13. Rise Against is definitely a good band.
  14. Pretty happy with the award choices; so happy Bioware got the best studio. Deserves it over 9000 times.
  15. Lady Kopaka

    V G A

    My brother and I are screaming like little girls. New Elder Scrolls Games? Mass Effect 3? Uncharted 3? If only we had news on the next Mirror's Edge... Either way, I'm going hysterical and I can't wait for some of these, it's just too much awesome to digest. And I can't forget about Portal 2, Guild Wars 2, Dragon Age 2 (so many 2's...); 2011 seems to be a good year for gaming. Not so much for my wallet though. I seriously need to start feeling better and get a job/do more with art commissions... What games are you guys most looking forward too? Sadness that I'm just picking this off the internet, not watching it on TV. oh, hi by the way. I'm sorta of out of it because finals are next week and I'm freaking out and being sick on top of it and my life is stressful so things are just a little crazy. just a little.
  16. That's how I've been with chocolate! A few days ago I was tearing apart the kitchen looking for some freaking chocolate and we had nothing of the sort. I thought I was going to go mad!
  17. It frustrates me too. I'm on Verizon as well and had the same problem when I got my new phone. I eventually got a Casio, which is nice, but I much prefer smart phones--but making you have a data plan stinks, because I don't really want all that fancy stuff, just the smart phones are better in quality.
  18. do we get like, special badges and have a secret handshake? I feeeeeel specul.
  19. when I was a kid, I had to take this super nasty stuff every day because I was sick with some stuff. so, be happy you only gotta do it every now and then?
  20. I keep trying to get my parents to let us have another kitty, but my sister already detests Gibbs so waaaaah. =( But yaaaay, you take lots of pictures. <3 <3
  21. Lady Kopaka

    Goodbye, Future

    Don't let that destroy your dreams! I refuse for you to allow yourself to give up! I know right now it seems like you have no choice, but hang in there. Nothing is impossible, there are solutions and even miracles. While I don't have anything as horrid as that keeping me from writing, I also relate with thinking that certain circumstances keep me from what I really want to do, or what I think I can only do. I'll be praying, and contact me if there's anything I can do, or if you wanna talk.
  22. Wow. Jealous. I wish I was smart like you, but smart doesn't like me back.
  23. Huzzah PS3. I bought one early this year; have yet to get LittleBigPlanet though.
  24. *big hugs* That must have been a scary decision, but good things will come of it, I'm sure. I agree, not everyone needs college...my dad is a genius and has a PHD, but he's barely making money to support a family. Vise versa too--Bill Gates didn't finish college, look where he is now. So happy you're just chilling, enjoy that nostalgic feeling. <3 Remember you can call me or whatever if you need to chat, you deserve this break!
  25. though I am content with my silly Windows 7, she's ah beauty. very very awesome.
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