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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka

    Dear Body

    I know how that is...hope you get better.
  2. Those are some really funky rules...what a downer! be a rebel and at least trick-or-treat around your neighborhood?
  3. Great idea! We should definitely plan to that sometime.
  4. speaking of which, you can find me as Lady Kaguya there.
  5. Switchfoot is a really good band. I love Hello Hurricane.
  6. Now I -have- to get that book. I don't blame you for not doing 50k, it's a lot of words. You could look into the young writer's program and see what your age group's word count is. You definitely shouldn't put too much on your plate, but if you really like writing, challenge yourself. You'll be proud you did in the end. I like long entries! But I'm abnormal. Sorry that your having issues with school, that's tough.
  7. Lady Kopaka


    Why not? It's a good way to get yourself to write. There's a young writer's program with a lower word count if 50K doesn't suit you.
  8. What's keeping you? Physical ailments? Someone towering over you with a mace to beat you up, once you reach 4,000? You got talent Kini, don't let procrastination take control of you.
  9. LOL. I so agree. Whenever I get the chance to do it, it's so amazingly fun.

  10. Those poor unicorns...but hey, Ice cream is dadgum good.
  11. Yeah, pretty much same here. I'm considering trying it, I don't write a lot so I figure it might be a good exercise in writing things in general. I'll probably take a stab at something Bionicle related if I can, I just love what you can do with bio-mechanical characters who have elemental powers. But I don't wanna use any of the Bionicle related story ideas I have in my head right now as I want those to go towards a possible larger polished work I might actually want to show to someone someday. So if I can think of anything else... NaNo's primary purpose is writing your 'first draft' on whatever your idea is. It's a good idea to get whatever you want out of your head, and then for December onwards you polish it up. (that's actually what I'm doing for Glitch, sorta. The bionicle version is the 'first draft' for the original novel)
  12. You poor aliens with only two fingers...I forget how hard it must be for y'all.
  13. SO EXCITED. Why can't it come sooner? I might just end up being a NaNo rebel... I asked before, asking again. Who's joining me in this madness, even if you're not aiming for 50k? I'm hoping to get some things done; the arts/writing is only the few things that keeps me from falling apart these days (even though I don't do enough). Like last year, I'll make a list of all the BZPers! Is anyone also on the website? (I'm almost certain B6 said we could talk about it as long as we don't link it...sorry if I misunderstood) I'd love to know about y'alls ideas and stalk your word count. I just wanted to bother everyone with this, I'm trying to get my mind off other things. NANOWRIMO YAY! the crazy folk joining me in this! ChocolateFrogs Eyru Skullkid Krayce TNTOS Vezok's Friend Sakaru Krom Arpy Disky
  14. What do you mean? You created the character, you can do whatever you like with her/him on other stuff.
  15. The point of parkour is a quick way to travel around a city--which is the only decent place to do it. I live in the country and it's quite annoying.

  16. Mirror's Edge makes me happy when I can't do parkour...and that's almost always, lol. Saddness.

  17. One good thing about this site is freedom of speech in most aspects, so overall I'm tolerate of this--but I do agree, if you spend too much time around negative, it can cause problems. I just avoid it. Spending time in GD talking about "When is BZP going to die?" not going to help. What keeps things like this alive is the fandom, hence I will support direct news about Bionicle, or things like fanfiction and the like.
  18. Wait, M3 has multiplayer?? I need to catch up on the news...
  19. Yeah, I watch the cut-scenes all the time out of boredom. the artistic style of the game was was very original.

  20. I need to download the demo sometime on ps3 and try it out...
  21. Lady Kopaka


    If it's wrong or you make a mistake, you try again. Best way to get better. Instead of talking about what you do wrong, think about what you do right instead.
  22. I get the feeling the developers were forced to rush with some things--but I really hope there's a sequel. They had something really original going on.

  23. Hmm. Exactly. But, thanks for the compliments, he will now be a character that I'm going to develop. As well as other characters I have... I've actually been meaning to post the first chapter of an epic I've been working on, but I guess I'm not confident enough with the grammar. Oi. Your grammar seems fine to me...I have terrible grammar, and I think I did okay with Glitch in the System. If you're that concerned, get someone to proofread for you. Well, thanks again. And, I think you're being too modest as far as your grammar. But, would you proofread it? I would be happy to, but I have to catch up with other reviews/reads people have asked me to do, so I can't make a full promise--but if life permits, yeah.
  24. Lady Kopaka


    I agree 1000000000%. Sisen. <3
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