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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Roa McToa

  1. Roa McToa

    Combo Breaker

  2. Roa McToa

    Let's Have Some Fun...

    Those onions were sooo gooood
  3. Seward is close to everything awesome! Were basically surrounded by mountains, with Resurrection Bay at our feet. When I eventually film ToT, I will be taking several mountain excursions like this for filming.
  4. He just 'bout got trampled to death..............
  5. I woke up to Evil Takanuva's hysterical laughter. "mwuaahahahhhahhaahahahaaaaaaaaaa" *cough* *ahem* And even worse, was the terribly hideous beast that was staring down my mask. It reeked of sweet things that made my mouth water. I was paralyzed by its gaze, and was forced to watch it eat sweet treats that it pulled from its pocket. The torture was unbearable! It was eating my favorite sweets! Green Guy was to my right, passed out and buried under a pile of feet. How we are going to escape from this is beyond me at the moment, but Evil Takanuva has my bow and arrows, which really angers me! Me no like when someone else is hoarding my stuff! What oh What could happen next! Stay tuned!
  6. Thanks! I hiked up the mountain thats in my back yard. It took me a long time to get up there. The hike was about 4 hours long up and down the hill. I could see the entire bay, and the whole town from up there! These guys just fit so nicely in my camera bag that I had to take them along!
  7. After being taken hostage I had passed out, and had the strangest dream. Me and Green Guy were on top of a mountain, and he was cuddling this strange doll that looked vaguely familiar. "What is that Green Guy, and why for pete's sake did you bring it here??" Green Guy looked at me and said rather bluntly..... "Because I WUB him!" Then I woke up, to something so incredibly horrid, that you will have to wait until the next entry to see it! Stay Tuned!!!!
  8. Roa McToa

    Brickcon Email

    I got one too, and his reply was awesome!
  9. After we both got our fix swimming in the giant tub of masks, we continued onward in our adventure. "Hey Green Guy, check this out!" I hollar'd. "RWAAAAARGHHHHHH!!!!!" "OH MY GOSHZORZ!" Green Guy screamed as he fell down. He ran off all wide eyed. "Green Guy! It was only a joke?!?" I turned around only to see him standing there, with..... thaa-aaa-aa-aaat? "Hee heee heeeeee! My Rahi is assembled! I win!" "Oh fine then! Lets get going, I know there is a portal around here that'll take us to another dimension. If were lucky, it will be our own dimension..." Walking along further, we both started to hear strange sounds. They were thunderous, and grew louder with each pulse. We both shivered in fear, as it sounded like giant footsteps! Then it happened So Suddenly!!!! ZOMG "AARRRRGGGG! You are not native matoran of this realm, and you will be PUNISHED!" We both screamed in utter fear for our lives as this Evil Takanuva took us up in the air with his big claws. "Let us go... please?!?!" "NEVER! You will have to come with me for your punishment for trespassing!" With that, Evil Takanuva took us hostage......... It seems like things are going downhill for our heroes. Will they be able to escape from Evil Takanuva, or will they be punished to DEATH!!??!!?? Stay tune to the next episode of Letagi's Matoran go on an Alaskan Adventure!
  10. Roa McToa

    It Is Official

    I'm happy to hear that you feel better Kohaku. There is love for everyone in the world, and I am happy for you! May your life be full of awesome!
  11. We were walking along after getting out of the pick a brick field, when we came across this lone horseman. The horse looked too organic to be real, but the rider was 100% lego, and real! He was a shady looking guy, all half robot and stuff. He looked rather battle ravaged, and his face was so angry looking. "Hey Mister" I said. "Are you familiar with this place, could you give us directions to somewhere cool?" He glared at me and Green Guy, and shook his head. "You two have entered a dark and treacherous place. There is something bad going around, and I have a feeling that were being watched." He looked around nervously.... Green Guy shuddered. "I'm scared... umm, Blue Archer Lady. This guy gives me the creeps, and I wanna find goodies!" With that remark, the horseman pointed to the north. "You will find great treasure north of here, but beware the ever watching ones." With that, he rode off, never to be seen again. "Well, that was crazy" I said. "I wonder what he was all about...." "WERE GOING NOOOOORTH!" Green Guy hollered as he started running. "GOOOOOOOODDDIIIIEEEESSSSS!" I chased after him..... My mouth was agape as I rounded the next corner....... Mesmerized, I entered the vat. More kanohi that you could know what to do with, and there was some semi rare masks in there! LOTS of them! Oooh the wonders! "Look at these masks Green Guy! I think we have hit the jackpot!" He popped out of the piles of kanohi and said "Look at me Blue Archer Lady! I found a TNGM, and it fits so nice! Tee hee hee!" Could it get any better? Or are things about to go terribly wrong? Stay tuned for the next installment of "Letagis Matoran go on an Alaskan Adventure!"
  12. "After escaping from those vicious clones, I traveled onward through this strange new universe, and ran across a field of unsorted Pick a Brick. I began my trek through the deep bricks, almost sinking in to their vastness when I tripped. I got up, and lo and behold, I had tripped over my good buddy ...ummm green guy? Neither of use were given names yet.... I was happy to see him, and helped him up from the pile of brick. Together we trekked onward!" What will our brave heroes encounter next on their adventure?? Stay tuned to find out!
  13. I think I have some more clones in my lego bins as well as all these. I have spiderman in this size too, as well as some other figs. Diabolical evil things await!.............. shall I..........Zombiefy? The amount of black cheese was mindboggling. I missed out on it in the PAB plunder, but i got some other PAB thats awesome! minifig accessories and parts were .50 cents each as Arpy mentioned. I got a boatload of SNOT bricks and dark red 2x2 tile, as well as cowls, fairings and domes. I also got lots of trans red dots for bluuuddddddd
  14. Those are my Jack Stone figs, and I got all of them fro free at brickcon! I have evil maniacal plans for them in my next big system creation. I am thinking moonbase.....
  15. Letagi's archer has made her way into my Legorium after being left behind after Brickcon with her little green buddy. She was the first to emerge from the rahi canisters, and set off on an adventure. Her first experience was the Jack Stone Clone army. She surfed the mosh pit onto the next area of the Legorium...... Oh what awaits her next?
  16. Roa McToa

    Ask Kohaku

    African or European?? I don't know that!!! AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! *gets thrown off bridge by unknown power*
  17. Roa McToa

    Ask Kohaku

    What... is your name....? What... is your quest....? What... is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow??? If you answer right, you get a suprise!
  18. I'll send some rain your way! *Makes swooshing noises as I flap my arms in your general direction*
  19. Roa McToa

    Hay Guys

    ROFL! Thats what I did when I scrolled down! XD
  20. Winter quickly approaches up here in Alaska. The snow has already started to fall, but isn't yet sticking, although that may change in a week or so. A large storm front is moving in, so it means either snow, or lots of rain. Rain usually equates to flooding. Hopefully that won't happen again..... oop, the power just went out, good thing I am running a laptop..... *goes to sleep* *wakes up at 6 am* Looks like the power came back on, and its still raining outside. Ahh yes, good ol winter LOL More blogs to follow
  21. Roa McToa

    T3, T6, And T9

    All 3 large vehicle sets are EPIC WIN! I am happy that you get to enjoy an Axalara T9! Brickcon was so awesome!
  22. Brickcon RULED! There were so many good mocs, and Tons of really awesome people! Getting to hang with the Binkmeister was totaly rad, as well as Kopakanui, Letagi, Cajun and you, as well as all the other BZPower members that showed up. Brickcon is by far my favorite convention, and Brickfest PDX is also totally Awesomesauce and I plan on going!
  23. Roa McToa

    Bionicle And Bzp

    This entry is Truthiness! I remember when star wars was a "dead" thing before the special edition was released. Now its alive and booming again. I feel that Bionicle will end up with the same thing if it was to end. Fans are what keep the line alive even now as Lego produces the sets. There is a good story behind the line, and I look forward to seeing what the new story will be about. (Thanks for keeping up with the writing Greg! You Rock!) I will always be a fan of Bionicle, even if the line happens to die. Its a fun system to build with, and allows me to build the creatures I have always wanted to make. This entry needs to be taken to heart by the members of BZPower, because its the dedication that fans have that will keep Bionicle alive!
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