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Lazzy the Spazzy

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Everything posted by Lazzy the Spazzy

  1. Some of you may have heard of Exo-Fat's new RPG Fit Program. Due to its success, I'm starting a similar program for story writing rather than role-playing, named the Story Fit. Each week I will post a new prompt or task of sorts, such as a one-word theme to write a story around, or an idea to incorporate into your work. Other than that, you will have complete freedom with what to write – you can write your story in the Short Stories, Comedies, COT forum, or even in the Epics forum. Once you do, post to that week's blog post with a link to your story. There is no deadline for completing the tasks, unlike with the RPG Fit, so you can take as long as you need to write your story -- you still have to write it though. xD The basic idea here is to improve the writing skills of participants through weekly "exercises". But for members who aren't satisfied just with the prospect of becoming better writers, I will also use a point system similar to Exo-Fat's for extra incentive. You get points for completing the exercises, reviewing other members' stories, or inviting other people to join. If you want to, sign up here and I'll add you to the members list. Happy writing! Exercises Season 1 1/20/10 1/27/10 2/3/10 2/10/10 2/17/10 2/24/10 3/3/10 3/12/10 (Special) 4/2/10 (Finale) Season 2 4/3/10 Members Akai Hana no Tenshi Rising Moon Rockhound protohuman Rassiter -Tilius- Emperor Alex Humva Rising Moon ~LG~ ~Monday~ Yukiko The Iron God snoopy82 Toa Velox Lady Kopaka Grant-Sud Parugi .:Makutox The Nomad:. Contrary Spink AZBlue Ardros Toa Spirit Neelh Senjo Hahli Husky MechaFizz Saiph {Zaxvo} Lewa Krom
  2. Sir, EW did not start his sentence with "Sir", Sir. Sir, I am more amazed at the quality of your writing than your content, Sir. Sir, not that the content was any less amazing, Sir. Sir, I think this needs to be disseminated to the rest of the site, Sir. Sir, if anything else, it will make good reading even of the readers don't agree, Sir.
  3. Just say you're a plain-clothes policeman. No uniform necessary. =D
  4. It bothers other people when I take their hat off their head and put it on my own. xD
  5. The group activity hasn't started yet, but since it's almost Wednesday I might as well post my progress so far. #1 Extending the Invitation. #2 - First Guest. #3 - Second Guest. #4 - Third Guest. #5 - Fourth Guest. #6 - Fifth Guest. (Waiting for the sixth and seventh before starting the activity)
  6. I came to your page, thinking to compliment your sig and banner, but it looks like a lot of people got to it already. xD

  7. Ooooohhhh I get it. hehe xD

  8. Did I do something wrong?

  9. I was looking through the EM Contest submissions just now, and I have to say I love your Variable Source Beam entry.

  10. Lazzy the Spazzy

    Relax ...

    I fifth Nuhrii's opinion. Rather than having a whole slew of elements, I want to see the existing ones fleshed out first. I'm averse to having elements "canonized" and being given prefixes and colors...I prefer the freedom of choosing my own colors and prefixes. Once it's canon, it's a bit more difficult to interpret elements our own way, and while it would be nice to see prefixes for other elements like bones suggested, I'd actually like the elements better without all the extra details. Maybe that's just me...I'm sure a lot of people want to see the official prefixes and color schemes. xD
  11. My only complaint about the Short Stories Contests was always that there weren't enough of them. =P I loved writing, I loved reviewing others' writing, but I often had trouble working up the motivation to do either. Part of that may also have been because the Short Stories forum always felt so lonely, as opposed to a couple of the other forums I was a regular to. The contests not only provided me with an incentive to do the former, but also gave me much-needed reassurances that there really was a community here at the Library, even if many of the "legends" I used to idolize no longer dwell there. The Short Stories Autumn Olympics answered my cry for more. More contests, more fun, more community-fuzziness. It was a success -- the Olympics provided unique "events" that were a welcome deviation from the usual "write your story on the day of and submit it" type contests. I especially enjoyed the team event, the round robin story. Of course, that may have had something to do with the fact that my team won, but still. XP My point is, the SSAO was great. It was enjoyable to participate in and I look forward to more of these Olympics. It might be a bit late for a Winter one, but perhaps a SSSO? (*hintHHhint*)
  12. Love the new premise, twisting it around so the Jedi are the "villains" this time. NPC's been taken care of, links and stuff. I agree with the suggestion to have a few key planets/locations of interest in the post itself, at least to provide a place for members to start off their characters. Maybe something about gameplay? Is this a sandbox? What's the level of freedom, how much of the story will be up to us, etc. That's basically it. P.S. Thanks for the help Robo. I've been having trouble with what to call CHEEE...EEEN! Once again I am led to acknowledge the importance of ellipses.
  13. Which one? The last I remember replying to was the one with the 3 villages.

  14. I liked the old avatar better (the orangey one). At least I can still admire it on this page, hehe.

  15. 5 is. >=]

    Not much, you EW? I notice you're using a different signoff now.

    Congrats Dr. Evil lol

    Yeah I do, Ace, want me to PM it to you?

  16. MNN is right but it's also an inside joke as well, from French class. I don't know why I would use that though since no one else from French is on this site...

  17. give a shout out next time you come online.

  18. wait what? last time you were online was march this year?

    and here I was thinking you were gone for good.

  19. We're all trying to help you buddy, not just the Friar. =)

    Just gotta listen. Maybe cooling down a bit might help but giving up on the BZPRPG so soon isn't a good idea.

  20. Oooh, ouch. Asking permission from parents is always the hardest part. gl with that. Yeah, I agree with Omi, flights are dumb. I used to vomit all the time. Now I almost vomit, but my stomach is just strong enough to hold it in but also keep me miserable. =\
  21. In case anyone’s wondering: I do plan to start the NRPG again. Since I saved the first post in Microsoft Word I can always just repost it (once it gets approved of course). The main problem (but actually not a very serious one if you think about it) is the lack of NRPG v. 3 or 4. That means we pretty much have to continue using just our memories. This also means I can’t finish the Naruto RPG timeline since I can’t see what happened in v.3, so some of the newer players might not know what happened before they joined. Still, I worked really hard on my Project Revolution storyline and I’d like to see it through, so we’re going to do the best we can and continue RPing in the Naruto RPG.
  22. Lazzy the Spazzy


    Casting my vote for banner number one. Personally, I think the text in number two distracts from the rest of the image, and seems a bit out of place besides. You could always put that text underneath the banner in your sig anyway.
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