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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Usually it takes me...two hours I'd say, to really fall asleep. I only really get tired after 11pm, and then I can go on until 2am without really yawning. Usually that's when I really go to bed, because I never seem to be really tired.


    My advice is to listen to some music. For example I have LotR as an audio play, or Gregs Biocasts help too.

    I also have getting up windows. If I wake up before 7 I am tired all day. Around 8 is perfect. If I sleep much longer then 10 I know I easily get headaches.


    I can't give any real advice, seeing as I am messed up there as well ;^^

  2. German carnival is officially over -.-


    Anyway, I got fingers crossed and prayers that your engine doesn't die on you at a green light and that there are no moron drivers near you when you take your test.


    Only thing I ask though is that you wish me luck for my Biology exam tomorrow. *is freaked*

  3. My what a creative irish lass she is ^^ Looks nice. Purple Matrix look FTW :D

    I believe it's from GiTS? (Shell, not Glitch =d)

    Anyways, nice design so far =D

    It's a coincidence, I just remodeled my blog as well xD


    I meant the purple navigation image :)

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