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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. It sucha weird feeling when people ask me about my art...Because I can never really explain the meaning behind it or that it is fanart.


    But it's always nice when people give you recognition ^^


    Btw. the people who watch you draw propably recognize your work but are to shy to compliment you in person :)


    I know I have a problem with approaching other people who draw...

  2. Um...I can't speak German. Is there a way to get it in English or am I being way too picky and should just sit and look at the moving pictures go speaky speaky?


    Well, the people actually talking speak english and I thought that would be enough. Basically they are just telling you what you see. ^^


    Toa of Kenn said he offered to write a summary and if this makes it on the news which I am pretty sure of you'll get all the info.

  3. I think you are right and I agree with you.


    I myself am a terrible reviewer and I usually don't post in the newbie topics. Now, that does sound harsh and propably makes me seem like a hypocrite when people look back and remember that I was the newbie in 2006.

    I simply don't post because I don't know what to say, except that which the others either have already pointed out or what the artists know themselves. Plus I don't want to seem patronizing.


    On the other hand, I know it sucks to get no replies.

    Espescially if you already have 20 views on the topic, but no posts.

    Not a great feeling.


    I guess what my suggestion as result from these experiences is, is that posts should be kept friendly and useful. Short or long is more a secondary thing.

  4. Hey listen...

    I know it might seems inappropriate that I give advice like this. There is no way I can imagine the pain that you feel right now.

    And it's ok to think about ending from time to time. Everybody does it and there is only so much one human beeing carry on his own.

    But the thing is that the world doesn't stop turning.

    Which is propably one of the hardest parts, that life simply goes on and it seems it didn't make any difference.

    But however things may seem, you can't give up, man.

    I am sure that's what Becca would want for you too.

    I don't know if you find comfort in the thought, but I hope you don't give in.


    If you need someone to talk to, I'll be here. Just drop me a message.


  5. Even with siblings annoying you into being more responcible becomeing an Adult is still scarry.

    and it's more of a procces then an event. so go ahaid and get that theory out of your head.




    Uhhh, could you clarify? What theory?


    That becomeing an adult is an event that just bops onto your head and 'tada' is compleat.

    Becomeing an adult is a hard procces that can take several years.....




    Ah, so that's what you meant :)


    Yah, it is a process (If you ask me, growing up never ends really, it's just that the biggest part is happening now)...but keeping your inner child for a little longer is good too.

  6. Fat... dinosaur... monitor?





    Oh, you know.....




    Guess who's got two thumbs and isn't getting her classwork done and instead is spending it drawing dinosuars? This gal!




    WOOT! ^^ That's genius right there.


    *remembers what blog he is in*


    Righty-ho, *new-monitor-highfive* ;)

  7. As an update: I am not aching anymore or throwing up, but I still feel like my head is going to explode everytime I stand up.


    Drink water....



    And actually SLEEP! :P




    Yes mom, yes dad -.-


    Good boy :D




    Can I get a treat now? *Big dragon puppy eyes*







  8. As an update: I am not aching anymore or throwing up, but I still feel like my head is going to explode everytime I stand up.


    Drink water....



    And actually SLEEP! :P




    Yes mom, yes dad -.-


    "And actually sleep" sais the man who chats with me at midday, my time ;)


    Btw, I had lots of sleep and hydration. And if you wonder: Painmeds and other pills too.

    Junior :superfunny:


    I suffer from insomnia :lookaround: *coughandtheoccasionalonlinegamingcough*


    Good to hear you're taking care of yourself ;)





    Technically speaking, we're both the juniors ;)


    I know you do, I've been joking.


    Yapp, I do. Hard not to when mom is a doc. That practically makes her a House(m.d.)-Wife.

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