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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BioGio

  1. It's really not a question of opinion but rather one of fact. LEGO has stated that BIONICLE is considered done and over, removed projects from CUUSOO that had been attempting to return the line, and has repeatedly refused to return the line despite large petitions of hundreds and even thousands. So you really don't need to dredge this up again. That BIONICLE will return is not an opinion; if anything, it's a delusion. Sure, it might, but a practical assessment of fact implies that it isn't likely.Also, I never wanted wonderful literature from kids' toys, but there's plenty of children's literature that's better than Greg's work. Either way, this is truly a matter of opinion and taste, so I'm not going to insist that you should hate Greg, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't insist I have to concede that he meets a certain level of quality.~ BioGio
  2. Yes, any Matoran who is destined to become a Toa can indeed become one with a Toa Stone (plus a few other methods). The only question is whether their destiny includes becoming a Toa (which is more likely for Av-Matoran than any other variety).In other words, it's possible, but not extremely likely. They have relatively good odds, but nothing is certain.It doesn't even matter who gave them the stone, since we've seen that Helryx's Toa Power could make Krakua into a Toa even though they don't share an element.~ BioGio
  3. Woah, what happened to all the comments? Even my feel-good song comment got removed! *overstated distress*
  4. Hi, and welcome to BZPower! Based on your posts so far, I really think that it's going to be awesome having you.

  5. I don't think that would be creepy enough!Anyway, it's great having the heart of BZPower staring into my soul yet again; I've been looking forward to it.However, ever since it got pointed out, I haven't been able to ignore that one stray pixel--it's a mind virus more potent than the game.~ BioGio
  6. Man, there are way to many people reading this post. Even two guests! Quick, guys, let's try to demonstrate how much we really love one another, since we obviously can't have people from the outside seeing that we're all at each others' throats all the time. "Kumbaya..."
  7. BioGio


    Posted in "BZPower"? I'm assuming RPG shenanigans, since there are very few glaciers in most forums.
  8. Man, Eucliwood, you took the words right out of my mouth! Really, I don't mean to seem rude, but you're too fixated on this toy line. I mean, I can see being unhappy that it ended, but when people just state that in a relatively blunt way, you don't really have much reason to take genuine offense.
  9. "Offence"? You're offended by a frank assessment of a toy line's activity based on currently known facts? There should be nothing personal enough to warrant offense about something as minor as using the word "dead" in relation to a toy.
  10. No, it's not. It's just a common unpopular opinion, like enjoying the Inika build. This is, after all, a topic asking for unpopular opinions, so the less common beliefs get stated a lot. It's like claiming that people loved the name "Teridax" because a few posters have commented on how it wasn't bad and didn't deserve the vocal backlash it got.A lot of BZPers disagree with the idea that Greg's a bad writer, if the contents of Greg's profile feed are any indication.~ BioGio
  11. Well, I do see an unsurprising lack of BIONICLE news, and BIONICLE was always a part of LEGO, so this is really just a step sideways--not back (or forward or whatever).
  12. BioGio

    Oh Hey Look

    Clairvoyant! Anyway, it's great seeing the soul of BZP staring into my soul nonstop.
  13. BioGio

    Teaser Shot

    Maybe two or more for the Rahi, since those definitely deserve more focus and depth in their reviews.
  14. It is actually extremely helpful, as I feel it proves the necessity of a partial (or complete) nervous system for the mechanical components of Matoran. We see that some portions of the Toa's body are exclusively "skeleton" with no "muscle." Now, unless there are, for some reason or another, other organic components located in these portions of the body, there would be no way for a Toa to realize they had been damaged there without any sort of nerves embedded in their machinery (even if the nerves were just in the metal "skin" or top of the armor).~ BioGio
  15. Such strict constrains and deadlines are really not excuses. A lot of children's books are written in very little time with similar restrictions and requirements, as DeeVee explained, but there are still good--sometimes even spectacular--books for kids. But they aren't all on the level of Time Trap (which I'll concede was pretty good), so it's clear that his writing is inconsistent to say the least. When he isn't producing the better books (Time Trap being one of the few that was particularly high-caliber), his work is really sub-par. How much of society can one include? More than two short games specific to a single setting, I'd think. Literature of acceptable quality is subtle, and that means that there are some "Happy Times" within the struggle. Works like The Lord of the Rings, the Riordan books (to use a children's example), Neal Stephenson's body of work, and even Star Wars contain the ability to include the positive side of life and more than just a showdown between pure evil and absolute good like Greg portrayed. Again, that's a poor excuse. Greg could have allowed for some of the minor characters to have less development so that we at least could have major characters change and become more than stereotypes, but what ended up happening was most characters getting basic, rudimentary, and cliche personalities with little change. It was unwieldy, and one person couldn't do much to write well under some of those conditions, so there shouldn't have been a single person controlling the story. DeeVee addressed the fact that this is just why Greg shouldn't have been the only one controlling the majority of the story. I'm sorry, but that challenge is ridiculous, poor argumentation, and beside the point.Since when do I have do do better than something I criticize? Is disliking something impossible since I haven't done better? By this reasoning, Roger Ebert should be discredited as a film critic because he worked on the horrible Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, you and I shouldn't be able to dislike Twilight because we haven't yet written anything that sold millions of copies, everyone should vote for and support only incumbents because the average voter has never been involved in the government, and people who dislike the Comedies and Comics sub-forums should have to read these forums until they write a high-quality comedy/comic. Eucliwood/LM has never made a toy line, but it's fine for her to find BIONICLE a waste of money.----------To add a positive side to this post, I'd like to chime in on the question of the Inika build (which seems to have popped up once or twice) and agree that it was an actually interesting piece that had a lot of potential uses. I also liked the Piraka torso, but it was sadly much less versatile.~ BioGio
  16. Your Tuyet points sum up how odd that all was, and stuff like that is basically why I try to avoid the serials except when they focus on something I'm interested in.Honestly, I could name dozens of characters who were overused simply because they never actually changed personally despite how often they appeared. Takanuva is a relatively good example of this. For all that he appeared (five or six years total), he never really developed. Sure, he had that time when he was really terrified of duty in the movie, but that lasted all of 90 minutes and didn't really alter his fundamental personality (rather daring and curious) and even fit with what we knew of his willingness to shirk duty and responsibility. After that, he just grew a bit, deciding that he could claim some more responsibility (just as he had in MNOG). There were his dark urges in 2008, but they didn't even come from character change--just a leech.~ BioGio
  17. ? The difference between sociopathy and psychopathy is generally held to just be based on the source of the disorder, sociopathy being mostly social causation and psychopathy being mostly hereditary causes. My guess is that you're using sociopathy to refer to antisocial personality disorder specifically, one contested definition. If anything, based on David T. Lykken's ideas, the psychopath should feel pure apathy due to a disposition to cortical under-arousal. Then again, this is all just a matter of conflicting theories, so whatever works for you is probably best for the art.
  18. People still use them, but it's like the word "hip"; it gets your point across, but you end up sounding as though you're a visitor from the past. They were a fad, making them overrated. As for what to do with old ones, dump them in an entry and link to it on one of the side-blocks.
  19. Supposedly, the word "derp(y)" is ableist against those who have mental disabilities (disregarding the fact that it was really just used to describe her eyes). People complained that this made the character offensive, and you probably know the rest.
  20. Would you mind including a warning of some sort in your sig about dead topics and those that lead to the old forum (perhaps with acronym tags)?

    1. Legolover-361


      You actually checked out the links? =O


      I don't know why I haven't added a warning already, but I will do so.

  21. I never had any problems in viewing either of the chatlogs--even considering this apparent issue with end tags.Either way, if you really must see the logs, one could just quote the post (as Legolover-361 did), changing to BBCode editing mode if need be, and just reading out of that.~ BioGio
  22. No, that certainly does not happen, since Matoran consider the actual ingestion of food via the mouth to be disgusting. ("Skakdi are known to chew and ingest their food, choosing to do so over the typical method of absorbing energy, as other inhabitants of the Matoran Universe view this act as repulsive." In other words, ingesting food is considered repulsive even though it's possible.) Obviously, there are plenty of disgusting things that are necessary to do--eating a root being one of them in BIONICLE and stuff like eating bugs in real life (to some)--, but the fact that there is a taboo implies they aren't done with the frequency that this hypothesis would suggest.~ BioGio
  23. As to energy and mass: They would be able to consume the mass, yes, but there wouldn't be any of the sources of (potential) energy, so presumably the mass would only be good for certain nutrients.As to waste: We can only assume so. I think Skakdi have this ability, but choose to eat with their mouths. Correct me if I'm wrong, however.Yes, the Skakdi choose to eat with their mouths because it is seen as repulsive and frightening. Source. Species of Spherus Magna all eat and drink using their mouths, as was mentioned multiple times in the books set on Bara Magna.Further, absorbing energy directly from food is not actually necessary for most Matoran, as there were "feeding points" for Matoran to recharge (like batteries) yearly. Source.There is another interesting question that arises when we do not allow for eating and replace it instead with "energy absorption": How do the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe obtain nutrients for their biological components? I've posited that many of the necessary elements for compounds of nutrients come from the air, and there are simply many processes that make these basic molecules into the more complex organic compounds necessary. This may not allow for very much in the way of nutrients, but MU inhabitants are only about 15% organic, so they don't really need too much.~ BioGioMore than likely from the food. They would use the food to give nutrients to their organic parts, but get a yearly recharge to charge the rest.But they don't eat as we understand it. At all. (Except when absolutely necessary.) Unless you're trying to imply that they don't exclusively absorb energy from the food, which would make more sense, although it seems that only energy is absorbed. To quote the old Life Processes Topic: ~ BioGio
  24. BioGio

    Oh, K

    Potassium Am I doing it rite?
  25. I think Skakdi have this ability, but choose to eat with their mouths. Correct me if I'm wrong, however.Yes, the Skakdi choose to eat with their mouths because it is seen as repulsive and frightening. Source. Species of Spherus Magna all eat and drink using their mouths, as was mentioned multiple times in the books set on Bara Magna.Further, absorbing energy directly from food is not actually necessary for most Matoran, as there were "feeding points" for Matoran to recharge (like batteries) yearly. Source.There is another interesting question that arises when we do not allow for eating and replace it instead with "energy absorption": How do the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe obtain nutrients for their biological components? I've posited that many of the necessary elements for compounds of nutrients come from the air, and there are simply many processes that make these basic molecules into the more complex organic compounds necessary. This may not allow for very much in the way of nutrients, but MU inhabitants are only about 15% organic, so they don't really need too much.~ BioGio
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