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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BioGio

  1. and it was. Except it was just, you know, funnier than what you expected.
  2. I was expecting a post about the 123 meeting of an Eastern Dutch Pop Music Convention. What a letdown.
  3. Welcome to BZPower!

  4. Just use whatever Bfa uses.
  5. It was a news report for two sales (that I think I saw in a new LEGO catalogue) that got me the boost to become an OBZPC. Before that, I had sent one or two in, but they were days old by the time that I learned about them--or basically worthless anyway--and I bet Gata had already reported them. (Seriously, man, where do you find all of this? )~ BioGio
  6. A god version? Does it perform miracles? Anyway, I'm glad that I've got about four libraries (and as many book stores)--within ten minutes' drive--at which to buy/borrow actual books with punctuation and everything--but I've never known how much one can have to put up with.
  7. Welcome to BZPower! It's already clear that you have great taste in both television and sports.

  8. Back to the old avvie? I've gotta say, you seem much more like yourself now. :P

    1. Makuta_of_Oz


      Isn't it smaller than the Pikmin one?

  9. BioGio

    That R2-D2...

    This one. I've gotta say, if I were more interested in System, I would absolutely be fawning over this.
  10. First and foremost: [citation needed] I had seen that a lot of people seemed to accept Lyra Heartstrings as a compromise FAR before this official-ness happened, so it's quite pleasing seeing this.
  11. First of all, programming languages aren't typically ones and zeroes, but that's not really important here.Anyway, any character who speaks Matoran (e.g., Toa, Makuta, etc.) does so constantly, yes. The use of translations like "Inika--lightning from a star" are simply additions within the out-of-universe books to clarify for the audience. In other words, Jaller never spelled out what he meant by "Inika" in-universe, but the "translation" into English (hypothetically, the books are "translated" from Matoran) does in order to allow the audience to learn important words that we would otherwise not know.I am rather confused by your sentence involving "redacted x/y," but I take it to mean that you're asking if some of the words that are translated for us are actually translated in the characters' minds. If that's what you mean, then, yes, it happens occasionally with a Skakdi or something mentally reminding himself or others of the meaning of a foreign language (Matoran), just as you or I might think "Spanish 'siesta' is 'nap' in English."The Smoke Monster explained the answer to the second question pretty well. Of course, a character in the fortress could learn to speak and read Agori (presumably); they just have yet to do so.~ BioGio
  12. BioGio

    Welcome to BZPower! :)

  13. Happy sort of not belated birthday!
  14. BioGio


    I'm pretty sure that's just an urban legend. It is. Also, 8 is the most common number for this legend. The logic is that spiders like wet, dark, warm places, being bugs, so they crawl into your mouth. That we eat 5 or 8 or whatever spiders a year is just ridiculous. Spiders REALLY LOVE wet, dark places--a lot. So the number is WAY too low!
  15. Sort of like how we shouldn't talk about phospholipids because of their hydrophilic heads, right?
  16. 3 - Dr. Bananabot because then you can have a dancing banana (also because its well-made and a fun idea).
  17. When you say, "which one was your favorite?" do you mean in terms of design, story, pieces available, or just in general? Each of those questions has a rather different answer for me.Anyway, answers: IDK, probably Takadox, and Takadox/Mantax/Carapar.~ BioGio
  18. "But Fluttershy, you don't understand! I am your parents--your twin parents." [dramatic music]
  19. I just can't believe that you ruined your desktop after having such a wonderful one. Thank goodness for Burnmad--and thank goodness someone knows whom to ship!
  20. BioGio

    Ponies A Meme?

    Black Six changed Takuma Nuva's name, FTR. Also, I wrote up a bunch on this in some other blog, so I'll find that. Simply put, it's more than a meme, but its spread and origins are surely memetic. Here we are: Important bits boldface and some stuff cut out; emphasis mine. Basically, my point is that a meme is not just a bandwagon that people jump on to. So, obviously, FiM (the show) is not a meme; no one would ever think that! However, one can see how certain people believe that being a brony or fan of FiM in general is rather memetic. They first heard of it being good through people on the Internet commenting about it and then confused people talking about an idea (the way memes spread) with something being a meme. Now, being a fan of MLP is rather like a concept, and it clearly spreads through the Internet. (I first heard of FiM through a media-discussion website that I frequent.) Is being a brony a behavior? Sure. Is, "MLP: FiM is a good show" an idea? Yes. Does it spread due to people talking about it? Not exactly. A meme like "but then I took an arrow to the knee" can spread through discussion alone. Liking something simply can't. People seem to think that people just hear discussion about FiM and say, "Well, I'll be a brony now." That's the issue--with people who know what memes actually are. Others just say, "I saw it on the Internets; it's a meme." Simply comparing MLP to other shows or books or toys doesn't mean as much to either group. It's only the most rigid interpretation of the concept of memes that makes being a fan of MLP into one. And, by extension, it means that being a fan of anything and the very concept of fanaticism are also both memes.
  21. BioGio


    Close. It was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Also, the actual, full quote is (emphasis mine): So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
  22. Hey, mythopoeia isn't mythology. It's what the real-life Tolkien did.
  23. That was way too much fun to watch. The use of the "secret stomach message" was just another ingenious integration of BZP memes--but without being to exclusionary in tone.Also, it's going to be great to get to see another self-insert fascinating character.~ BioGio
  24. I'd like to point out the Tolkien might be into mythology, but mythopoeia isn't about that. It's the act of creating the universe, structure, laws, and myths of a "secondary" world for a story (and a term coined by the real-life J.R.R. Tolkien).~ BioGio
  25. There are two major ways of removing the brains. This one purports to be safer, but this is probably the better-known method.I have tried neither, but I know plenty of MOCists who have. Generally, I think that there's a preference for the one in the first link, but both are hit-or-miss: You could either get the eyes out or shatter the brain piece.~ BioGio
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