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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BioGio

  1. BioGio


    Opera has some cool features, but I don't know of anyone who's actually willing to take the time to investigate them. =P Also, I totally mad, bro. Man, I hatin.
  2. You know, those are the official LEGO models, so tomdroiser isn't looking for feedback on the creativity.However, I agree that most combiner models are rather pointless, and they typically don't end up looking all to good due to the specific selection of parts and colors. Lucas Valor was probably my absolute least favorite of the combination models, what with the torso-armor head and everything.~ BioGio
  3. Woah, you were wood? =P Also, I'm surprised to hear that the gate almost reset the game. I've never encountered that before.
  4. Yeah, "duck season/rabbit season" is the term for that sort of an exchange (2 bits/1 bit). Looney Tunes probably didn't do it the very first time (probably some Babylonian tablet or something was the very first), but it's seen as the most notable ur-example.
  5. BioGio

    Just A Friendly Reminder

    I disapprove of your frank assessment of reality and my other options, good sir!
  6. Happy birthday! Your rants (and other posts, too, of course) about science and fiction (and science fiction) are always fun to read, even considering that their foundation is Wikipedia. =P~ BioGio
  7. BioGio

    Fluttershy Desktop

    Sure, and I bet the sun was in your eyes, too, ah? Yeah, you can't fool me. =b
  8. BioGio

    The Matrix

    Apparently one of the Advanced Placement European History teachers shows that movie after the AP test (a cumulative national test that most AP teachers will use as a substitute for their own final exam) to kill time until summer. He's pretty cool. Also, Keanu Reeves is awesome in the most bizarrely unexpected and nearly ironic way.
  9. BioGio

    Fluttershy Desktop

    That thing is so awesomely sweet, it's like I just caught the diabetes in the best possible way. However, I've got to say that seeing IE was rather distracting.
  10. BioGio

    Just A Friendly Reminder

    MAJOR DISAPPROVAL; I need to be able to watch ponies without having to remove the rest of my family from the TV.
  11. Well, it's only happened about ten to twenty percent of the time for me, so I'd say that it seems like a problem with your computer or even the way that you type quite possibly.~ BioGio
  12. Hello, and welcome to BZPower! :)

  13. Yeah, uranianUmbra was shortened to capital UU, just like all of the other pesterchum/trollian tags. What's really interesting is that uranianUmbra originally seemed like the subversion of the majority of the trolls (and mostly like an anti-Karkat), and now she(?) has her(?) own polar opposite--down to the quirk.~ BioGio
  14. Well, Cederak says that the problem persists for him on Firefox, Chrome, and IE, and Opera can be sluggish (where IE is just plain disliked almost universally).As for shortcuts, Toa Balta #3 is certain that he is not pressing any shortcuts or keys.What I'd like to know most of all is whether this is only an occasional issue or if it occurs consistently, as I've had similar problems very sporadically.~ BioGio
  15. the argument could be made that those people are adults and not as impressionable.That's certainly a fair point, but I meant more that you don't have to be violent or otherwise mentally unstable to enjoy (writing/thinking about) violence. I'd think that, given the idea that enjoying fake violence makes one more aggressive--or should otherwise cause concern--, the people who generate the ideas would have to be highly aggressive (assuming they like their job, lol)--which is clearly not the case.~ BioGio
  16. My problem is that I don't find the super-spammy and otherwise über-noobish stuff very funny. It's just painful to read, really. I prefer posts that have an element of schadenfreude in the form of someone actually trying to be truly taken seriously on a potentially interesting topic and--of course--failing spectacularly at it.
  17. Re: Enjoying fake violence: Batman beats up enemies using a variety of tools and brute force. Reading (and enjoying) Batman comics regularly doesn't make me any more violent that you are. The authors and illustrators of the Batman comics aren't violent criminals (for the most part, I'm assuming), and they have to make up this stuff. So people liking fiction shouldn't "disturb" you. In before the people telling you that you don't understand because their witches are realer. Really, the discussion has gotten to the point that it's like an ouroboros of people refusing to listen to each other.I'll concede that there have been some good points on the other side about how some specific people are rude, uncultured, etc., but I'm ideologically opposed to seeing people's problems with their little brothers or other six-year-old punks (or whatever one may get worked up about) as indicative of a decline in society as a whole.~ BioGio
  18. You did and still do. I'm guessing that it was a way of having his profile immediately on-hand to PM him?~ BioGio
  19. Happy birthday--apparently you're now allowed to rent M-rated games and/or donate blood alone!It is truly rather surprising that you're only seventeen, since you seem so mature and intelligent.~ BioGio
  20. So there are no natural, willingly-made fusions of just two.SourceFurther, a fusion having three gives the title of Kaita, and six means Nui.There could be a fusion of just two Toa, but that would be unnatural. "Prototype" was a fusion of two Toa, you'll remember.~ BioGio
  21. BioGio

    This New Banner Thing

    People freaked out because it says "LEGO News, etc." instead of "My Little Pony BIONICLE News, etc."
  22. The Time Slip Matoran were not necessarily destined to become Toa, since plenty did not (e.g., the builder of the Toa Canisters--as far as we now know). It was really just to ensure that Av-Matoran in general couldn't all be destroyed at once. (This statement is based on the lack of any reference to all of the Time Slip Matoran being destined to become Toa; if anyone can find it stated otherwise, please tell where.) Thus, some of the Karda Nui Matoran could be destined to become Toa, and some of the scattered Av-Matoran may not have had that as their destines.~ BioGio
  23. Greg can't communicate with us due to the problems that arose from LEGO creating a policy based on COPPA (a U.S. law). He may have gotten that "social media driver's license," but there are currently a lot of barriers in communication. So you shouldn't insist on contact with Greg, especially when there's law and policy in the way.~ BioGio
  24. To quote BS01: Source.~ BioGioEDIT: Quotes are way to messy.
  25. I'm seeing "26 Comments" and then immediately below the blue line MoZ's post about how he doesn't like Kumbaya. Screenshot.
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