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Blog Comments posted by BioGio

  1. Kohila:


    O. M. G.!


    I've always been interested in Ancient Egypt, and even more so when I learned about Kemetism from Toa_Ausar. So, I think I'll look for the books (just how thick are they?). But what are the titles, exactly?


    Anyways, tell us as the journey progresses. Learning a new language/religion/culture should be awesome (unless you're like my class, and only get to learn about Hinduism for, like, a week *exasperated sigh*)!


    ~ BioGaia

  2. All to all stated articles.


    Just one question: why is Koji to be the Matoran Chronicler, and not just an ordinary one?


    Other than that - congratulations to everyone. I love Cap'n Kopakasdfgh and Auserv's works especially. (Maybe I'll post in the review Topics soon, LOL.) I should probably read the other Epics.


    ~ BioGaia


    BTW, is this promotion the revelation you had us waiting for? It's worth it. Congrats Kohila - you've earned it!

  3. I, BioGaia, nominate ~Miyuki Takara~, AKA Cap'n Kopaka for consideration for future C.I.R.C.L.E. expansion. Examples of their work include:


    Early Sunsets: Iaja's Tale




    I, BioGaia, also nominate Auserv: Toa Kal of Emotion for consideration for future C.I.R.C.L.E. expansion. Examples of their work include:


    The Dairuno Toa Series:


    The Tables Have Turned,

    To Be A Hero,

    In The Dying Breath, and

    Story Of The Dead.


    ~ BioGaia

  4. I only have to comment on making sure that everything is good with the creators of the Domes. I saw the Kaiva Nui arguement in the last batch of Articles, and it would be best if everyone goes along with what Roa McToa says (as well as what GregF says).


    That's all I have to say.


    ~ BioGio

  5. Hmmm . . . Tough choice. I just skimmed, and I thought that Nuju Metru probably won. Alex had a couple of big flukes, and Nuju just stayed calm, debating rationally. Sounded to me like he really thought things through. I liked the mentions on both sides of Mythologies; that was a good way to bring everything into perspective.


    However, I would like to point one thing out (and it may already have been mentioned, again, just skimming): The Sun is NOT a ball of fire. There is no oxygen in space, so the Sun is not fire; rather, it is a ball of gas, fueled by nuclear reactions.


    ~ BioGio

    • No Mass PMing


    OK, so, as you may know, this kind of rule brought about a major issue in ((Primus))'s first Challenge. The rule was that one could not PM or post or blog and say "Vote for Entry Number _, it is mine," but they could link to the contest all they wanted. Is it the same here? Are we allowed blog/post and say, "Hey, I entered NBBC#1, vote for me," or will we be disqualified if we do so? 'Cuz I have a long-running MOC Topic (Project Olympus) and like to use it to keep any of my fans that are interested informed about my other MOCs.


    Thanks once more!


    Bio BioGio Gio

  6. Meh. I may try. Three questions though if I do enter: What do you mean by "Yellow." Do you mean it includes Light Bright Orange, or must be the true, original Yellow? Also, forgive me if I sound ignorant, but what does "Destroyedish-like" mean, as you described the Magnetism Toa as having to look like that. Also, can we use the hand pieces from Jaller Inika for Trans-Orange. What about Metru and Rahkshi Eyes?


    Oh yeah, and, will you accept slightly odd/different-from-one-another Toa, like your Flame from the Toa Foipnoi?


    Bio BioGio Gio

  7. Would this PM I recieved from Toa_Ausar be allowed?:


    Hey, just thought I'd drop you a quick line and ask if you could please vote for me in the Prime Time Blog Challenge.


    My entry can be found in the Second Poll under the #4 but :lookhere:


    Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please do this for me when you have some spare time and be sure to vote for one entry in the First Poll as well, otherwise your vote for me won't count.


    Thanks in advance.


    ~ Åusår


    Vote Second Poll #4 (but vote first poll also)


    Because you say that blogging to say "Vote me" is illegal.


    Assuming it is allowed,


    Poll 1: Entry 1. Oh, how perfect . . . I really like the color scheme, which was what this was all about. So . . . And it was executed well and I like Mechas a lot now, so the choice was easy. Sorry, ~Ballom~.


    Poll 2: Entry 10. It was interesting, interesting, different. Sadly, this section was uninteresting in their color schemes. So I chose white. But this MOC was . . . different. I liked it. Sorry, Toa_Ausar.



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