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Blog Comments posted by BioGio

  1. Out of curiosity, why do you think I abandoned?

    My understanding is that you abandoned it because it would be difficult to continue that bulky-yet-sleek feel/aesthetic through the entire MOC. Of course, that's just my understanding/guess, so I bet your real reason was totally different.


    ~ BioGaia

  2. Wow this is actually tougher then the last one :P I never knew how delicate a bridge could be xD


    Did the truck run over the bird? :P

    Did the bridge already collapse? xD

    Was the bridge still being built (as in cables n stuff?)

    Is this really a bridge or is it a bridge as in a different definition for the word?


    If none of these, we need a hint lol


    Lord Oblivion

    To elaborate on this (sort of), was the bridge on the ground or was it being suspended in the air? (That's not the right term, but I'll assume you know what I mean and won't take advantage of the inaccurate wording :P.)


    ~ BioGaia

  3. I didn't :???: at your profiles, if that means anything. :P


    True, but sometimes profiles are just piles of word mush that don't even make sense grammatically.

    1. I'm not certain how much it means, but I'll assume it's at least sort-of positive. :wacko: I suppose the question is: Did you :wacko: or :blink:, etc.?


    2. As for that, I definitely agree; it's just that sometimes a character can be ever so slightly inconsistent without being contradictory--but only when written particularly well.


    ~ BioGaia

  4. Did I do that with my characters (Raiada and Ajoraaq)? Here's a link to my post in the Profiles Topic. (Speaking of which, I need to jump into the game, huh.)


    Anyway, I'd like to point out that some of the things that can occasionally be considered contradictions can also be facets to one's personality. For instance, I know a lot of people who can be quite rude, vulgar, or humorous in certain company, but well-behaved and quiet or nerdy in other cases.


    As for the "loner" issue, I suppose that people want to have excuses to have a relatively fresh start. Or something.


    ~ BioGaia

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