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Laughing Man

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Everything posted by Laughing Man

  1. I reviewd it in my blog... I think it was a good movie, however there are things Christians might not like, but the acting and special effects and storyline were good .
  2. I speculate that Starscream will try to become really powerful and kill Megs, like I'm pretty sure he did in one of the series (can't remembrer which). Starscream ROX, BTW .
  3. They're not around where I live, either. I heard there coming out on July 6th nationwide, though.
  4. Laughing Man


    Dude, try walking around a theme park in shoes that are too small for your feet for 8 hours. Talk about pain. That's what I did on my vacation.
  5. BZPower Member name- ~Laughin'Man: Toa of Comedy~ Club MooMoo name*- Laughin'Man Cow color**- Red
  6. I don't even wanna know how you come up with this stuff .
  7. Woah... nice. I like that red lightning .
  8. Laughing Man


    In the words of someone... Me likey . I wish I had an awesome background for my MOCs ;_; . Nice background. The colors stand out really well against it.
  9. I can barely understand a word you said. Too... many... big... and... weird... words...... *dies*
  10. *gasp!* Didn't your parents teach you not to play with fire?! Cleo doesn't like you? Then why do you like her so well? Oh and, Cleo is pretty .
  11. <Moo! Moo? Moomoo! Mooomooooooo!> That's cow-speak for "Hey! What's up? I like milk! You should too!" .
  12. Omi started it, most likely. I first saw his seal, then I saw other people doing seals, then I made one, then...
  13. Can you make a black egg with red spots on it?
  14. I totally feel you're pain. I've checked 4 diffirent stores multiple times, and still I have found no Mahri. My only advice is to just keep looking, and calling the places they could be and asking is easier than going there to look for them.
  15. Yay! I like this holiday . THAT'S how much I like it .
  16. Laughing Man


    Woah! That Yoda seal is AWESOME! Just because of this awesome seal, Seriously! I LOVE that seal! Yoda is awesome.
  17. Laughing Man


    I like that nifty seal so much that
  18. I like this story and the blog it's in so much that...
  19. Ahh! It burrrnnnnns! It burns so much that
  20. What's a green llama award?
  21. Oh. Blast, I'm always getting you two mixed up. It's the font color, most likely.
  22. *falls asleep* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... *wakes up* Wow... That is a very effective bedtime story... very good... makes me sleepy... and cold.... *falls asleep* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
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