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Blog Comments posted by Johnuva

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with this review.


    Everything seemed to fit neatly into place. You could easily tell the characters each had their own distinct personality, which then clashed with everyone else's, and that they weren't all base shallow characters who get on absolutely fine and dandy. The plot made sense, and was a remarkably fresh take on a widely-recycled plot.



    (I haven't seen any of the Marvel films before this one; I seriously need to catch up. :P)

  2. Discord is the epitome of awesomeness. He creates randomness everywhere, and pretty much the best thing about him is that it's much, much easier to understand him being overconfident because of how random he is. A serious villain (such as Nightmare Moon), you'd expect to have calculated plans for every eventuality, but Discord?

    Heck, he was probably so wrapped up in his chaotic little world to take any notice whatsoever of any forms of sanity, which suits him really well.

  3. Eh, I wasn't too keen on the episode. In my view, it was probably the worst of series 5 - unless it counts as series 6 (in which case I'll reserve judgement until Autumn when both halves of series 6 have ended).


    In respect to Kazran coming into contact with his younger self, it would have also changed his memories to suit that occasion, and thus he would know the outcome of his and the Doctor's visits to Abigail, and thus prevent it, and thus stop the ending from happening as it did, with Kazran having longer to be with Abigail.... :wacko:

    The Doctor needs a portable Paradox Machine.

    Also, RETURN OF THE FEZ. :happydance:


    Next series looks fun, though.

    Stetsons are cool, but the Fez is awesome.



    Also: blog_approval.png

  4. The Kal, looking back now, were too much like the original Bohrok for my liking. Sure, they had fancy silver bits and bobs, but they could have at least been different in build. Heck, not even the Inika and their followers were that skilled in copying torsos and nearly getting away with it!


    Speaking of which, it kind of irritates me how people call Glatorian, Phantoka and Mistika 'Inika clones' when they looked barely anything liek the Inika in the first place - none of the sets utilizing the Inika torso had the same build or armour as another, whereas the Kal where very, very nearly exactly the same as their predecessors. :P

  5. Matt Smith is indeed legendary. Although, what really made the episode what it was was Stephen Moffat's superb writing. Prisoner Zero, like all of his monsters, was well-thought of and very chilling.

    There is finally a Scot playing a recurring Scot (Go Scots)! :D

    The rest of the series looks interesting, as well - I look forward to this Saturday's episode, which involves a futuristic UK in space.

    Also, British-enslaved Daleks and space battles in episode 3. ^_^

    I haven't seen the first Weeping Angel story yet - that's one of my goals before seeing their new two-parter episode.

    Silurians are returning as well. :)


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