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Everything posted by Pohaturon

  1. I really loved basically all music related to Bionicle pre-2006. Save for that one actual song during the Web of Shadows credits, they didn't really do traditional music w/ lyrics, and I feel that fit the theme better than the latter direction. 2006 and the All-American Rejects was really... odd. The music wasn't bad, but the two just really really didn't fit. As for Cryoshell, I like their music and am nostalgically attached as most Bionicle fans, but it's still not on the level of the 2001 commercial music, the 2004 Vahki animation music (which is a re-edit of Bionicle music from 2001 I believe), the soundtracks from The Game or Nathan Furst's work from the films. Incidentally, I really liked what little music G2 got. The JtO soundtrack is pretty great, as is the music running under the Mask of Creation phone game (though it gets really repetitive). So basically, that's the direction I'd go in. No lyrics, more soundtrack-sounding music than music-sounding music. Tribal elements mixed with epic style for some cases, more of a MNOG soundtrack direction in others. HOWEVER, if I were to pick an existing performer, and go the way of actual songs with lyrics and so on, I'd go with one that I always felt fit Bionicle - Iron Savior. They're a power metal band whose songs and albums tell an on-going story, which happens to have many similarities with Bionicle. The whole story itself - which is about a living spaceship, the lost civilisation of atlantis and a space war - doesn't share many aspects, however the way the lyrics are worded a bunch of parallels arise. Me associating them with Bionicle might stem from listening to their stuff a lot while reading Bionicle books, building MOCs and playing Bionicle games, but I really feel a thematic compatibility between them. Also, Bionicle with an epic power metal soundtrack? That sounds like all the awesome.
  2. This, no matter how many times people try to argue that it's just a different atmosphere. It's dead, y'all, and not even the Gay Agenda can save it now. I can't believe we're all ghosts. Actually, we're trapped on the Red Star
  3. No community is "dead" until there is at least some activity, and BZP still gets several new topics per day, which is more than some other sites, so calling it dead already is utter sensationalist nonsense. Sure, activity is going down, the site had to branch out beyond Bionicle, but the Bionicle fandom won't go away just because the line was cancelled (like it didn't the first time) and I don't see the core leaving BZP behind - I know I won't. Even if, say, we reach a point when only 10-5 people are active, it still won't be "dead" and we're far from that. This empty doomsday talk seems overly pessimistic while not serving any purpose.
  4. Whetu and Onupi are two very different, yet very similar Matoran. Whetu is a miner, a grunt worker toiling in the vast mines of Onu-Wahi, digging for Lightstones, protodermis and other valuable minerals. He's down-to-earth with the heart and mind of a worker, much like the countless other miners he works with. Onupi, on the other hand, has more in common in terms of personality with Ko-Matoran than his Onu-Matoran comrades. Not much of a speaker, Onupi is Onu-Koro's most skilled surveyor, and his name is known across Mata Nui for never making a mistake and always finding the best veins. Not he, nor the other Matoran, and not even Turaga Whenua know that this isn't talent, but rather a glitch that allows him to minimally utilize his Kanohi Akaku, a feat no other Matoran is capable of. Despite being so different, Whetu and Onupi are bound by a friendship unlike any on the island of Mata Nui. For outsiders, it might often seem like they hate each other, as constant insults aimed at their different positions fly between them, but it's all in good fun and their way of communicating. They would be willing to die for one another, their friendship more like brotherhood. --- This theme of "similar yet different" continues in their builds. They have similar body shapes and sizes, however Whetu's torso is Slizer-based, Onupi's is fully custom using small Technic doodads. Whetu's drill has a working gear function, and his security frame still allows minimal head motion, and he can actually see out of it too. Onupi, when carrying his tablet "wears" his thumb on his back, concealed by the cape. Flickr album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmbUEzt6 As always, comments and criticisms much appreciated!
  5. This is quite literally the first time a Lego creation creeped me out. So, uh, congratulations?
  6. our cat knocking stuff over in our kitchen, loudly - our cat
  7. Tesla vs Lovecraft It hasn't actually released yet (launching late January, 20-something), but there are some perks to being a reviewer It's a funky twin-stick shooter mashing bonkers fantasy Nikola Tesla inventions like a mech, teleportation backpack and electric weapons with Lovecraftian horrors as enemies, and it's a ridiculous amount of fun. Levels are really bite-sized - think 2-3 minutes each - but the whole game has a lot of content going for it, and it's great entertainment. It's also really, really silly. but in a good way
  8. Somehow I only just realised this topic exists, so, uh... hi! I got aboard the transformers hype train a tad late, with Armada being my entrée, and there being a gap of interest between 2009 and last year meaning I'm pretty much out of the loop. The recent Prime Wars lines are pretty impressive though, and as a lifelong Soundwave/Cassettetron fan, I've acquired Laserbeak and Ravage from Titans Return, as well as Overboard (poor Overkill not only got renamed but isn't a cassette anymore either). I'm hunting around for Rumble and Buzzsaw (who's quite rare here), and hope to eventually pick up Soundwave as well, though the latter will be hard because leader class figures haven't been released in Hungary for a few years now, and he wasn't a lucky exception either. Nonetheless, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread!
  9. This is really powerful, thanks for sharing it! It perfectly sums up why Bionicle should never be dismissed as "just a toyline".
  10. I'm a tad miffed that, based on the images, you'll be building this in reverse order, but hey, we can't have everything. However, the set does look stunning. I'd love to have this beaut displayed at home!
  11. I always figured a similar path would be taken as the prototype Keet mentioned above or the Kahgarak. Basically, the titans would be downscaled to canister set size, or better yet to deal with scale, even smaller, but built with regular Bionicle parts. Alternately, they could have been brick-built mini versions of themselves.
  12. Hey, this is pretty awesome! On topic, I wouldn't have minded seeing more Bohrok recolors. Purple Bohrok, Teal Bohrok, Transparent Bohrok, Golden Bohrok, Fohrok... You can never have enough Bohrok.
  13. That's odd... None of my canisters had glitter, and prior to this thread, I didn't even know some had glitter! Curses, this means now I have to go and get the glitter versions too for my collection...
  14. That's a *lot* of green, mate. Also, fantastic use of Reidak's weapon.
  15. Merry Christmas my friends! I hope you all have a Bionicle-rich holiday
  16. I imagine that there may be a celebration associated to each element, and the members of the celebrated element would receive gifts from members of the others. These may all take place in the same year, or each year would have its element associated with it, with the elemental celebration always occurring on the same date within a year.
  17. Finished Assassin's Creed Origins in its entirety. After 81 hours, I've managed to unlock every single achievement, every "club challenge", achieve 100% completion and do all the things that don't count toward completion too. Absolutely magnificent game, and its depiction of Egypt is stunning. The game world is probably the best part of the whole thing, and exploring it in between story bits is a ton of fun. I don't think I ever 100%-ed a game in a single playthrough before. I said this before, but so many times while playing the world made me think of Po-Wahi, and I found myself wishing we had a Bionicle game on the same scale, with similar visual fidelity and so on. Pohatu outfit DLC when?
  18. Blimey, this is super impressive. I love how you incorporated specific elements and motifs of the original set instead of phoning it in with a similar aesthetic and color scheme like many would have. The subtle touches of red and the shaping is magnificent.
  19. Something I noticed is that Lego dumps a bunch more minifigs into sets than they used to, possibly precisely to jack up the price. Like, what is Lando doing in the A-Wing? Pushing its price up to $40 is what. Meanwhile, the most expensive sets in the line barely have more figures. A grand total of five each in the Resistance Bomber, First Order Walker and Star Destroyer. I realize this has kinda been a problem with the line for ages, and has only gotten worse as they've shifted away from the Prequel era (which allowed TLG to inflate the figure counts with battle droids). But really, what is stopping them from including a couple more stormtroopers with the walker, or a few more personel with the star destroyer? Certainly not the design budget - they already have every single mold and printing created. And I doubt the production budget is going to suffer much either, when they're already mass producing these things by the millions overseas. I'd be all on board with them migrating minifig ratios to put fewer into smaller sets and more into bigger sets. I usually find the smaller ones more appealing anyway, and such a setup might bring their prices down a tad. On that same note, as someone who doesn't much care for minifigs but likes the builds, currently most sets are "cheaper" since I get some returns on selling off the minifigs...
  20. Something I noticed is that Lego dumps a bunch more minifigs into sets than they used to, possibly precisely to jack up the price. Like, what is Lando doing in the A-Wing? Pushing its price up to $40 is what.
  21. Interesting how it refers to the word "Bionicle" existing in-universe. While Vakama said it in the movies too, I believe it doesn't canonically exist in the lore, so to say. Also, "Tohunar worship and fear the Toa"? That's.... different. "Tahu is the oldest of the Toa, having been created when the planet was forming..." Yeah, this is pretty odd and interesting stuff for sure. It's nice to see different iterations of the story.
  22. From some reason the MNOG depiction takes precedence in my mind. It was what introduced these characters, what made them memorable and to which I associate their personalities. That carries more weight with me than the seldom depicted "canon" version. And this is rare for me because I'm usually a "official canon is what matters regardless of your preference" kind of guy who avoids headcanon substitutions that conflict with real canon, but in this case I consider the MNOG versions to be the 'real' versions. Taipu wears a ruru, Hafu wears a Pakari, and that's just how it should be.
  23. I believe the year difference and lack of McDonald's branding on the second means it wasn't a happy meal toy, but available via some other means. This also makes it a tohunga that isn't a mctoran. This is a key step in Bionicle genetic research, and might help us trace back the ur-Matoran.
  24. Had my eye on that A-Wing for a while now. Not missing this one!
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