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Protodite Karzahni

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Protodite Karzahni

  1. Git gud Also what are you doing wrong? Be sure to default so you build up brave points and don't use all your brave points for every character in one turn because you risk leaving yourself wide open.
  2. I'm sure Voltex couldn't make it that cluttered. Brutaka taking out six Matoran and six Toa with a single swing whooo!
  3. Tell me about it. I haven't been part of a game in months.
  4. I would like to be included with my OC who is a red and black Vortixx with all the powers of a Makuta and he's married to Roodaka but also afflicted with a curse that makes every female around him swoon, and some guys too and Scratch that. I'll just volunteer myself.
  5. Something something upboat

  6. Something something upboat

  7. 3/5 - Imagine Dragons are one of those bands that I can like or dislike depending on the track. It's an alright song but the singers voice doesn't really fit all that comfortably with the song this time around.
  8. Oh boy! Now I can find out who's popular and who isn't!
  9. Protodite Karzahni

    It Needs to be Said

    They're all pretty bad. I just watch the Two Best Friends and leave it at that.
  10. ^At times, I don't think Guillermo Del Toro did either.
  11. Only that that isn't Makuhero City at all, it's Antropolis City. -Gata ...Whatevaaaaaaaaaaa Still looks nicer than Makuhero city.
  12. Just caught the latest episode and I can safely say that I found it be...actually pretty awful. Which is pretty depressing because Ghost did such a good job on those promotional Bionicle videos, that I actually had faith in them to keep up the good work. Look at how wrong I was. Now, in its favour it actually managed to fix the mistakes that the last four years of episodes made. Makuhero city felt a lot more fleshed out and realistic than it did in Brain Attack and in general the artstyle shifted from generic to fairly inspired. I loved the exploration of the hive because it had a real alien quality to it. I quite liked the idea of the hero's building their mechs on the spot, as it tied in with the very idea of what Lego is and would no doubt give a kid something else to play around with, as well as extra incentive to take their sets apart and fuse them together into their own creation. It also cut down on the pop culture references that made the last few episodes so very cringeworthy which is always a point its favour. But that's pretty much where it ends. Everything else was pretty painful to watch. The pacing was so jarring, as the only hint of an equilibrium that we get is a flyover of Makuhero city which is then tossed aside in favour of shooting some bugs. The voice actors clearly didn't want to be there and it seemed that their paycheck was being lazily dangled over the script. Seriously, it sounded like everything was done in one take. The guy who voiced Evo didn't even want to be interested in what he was doing, as everytime something exciting happened he just reacted in the same dull monotone. "Oh noooooo...guyssss...Furno's been captured. Or something. Can we break for lunch?" It didn't help that, as has earlier been noted, almost every line felt forced in order to sell the toys. I can see why Ghost were originally hired to do the Bionicle ads because this just felt like a lot of them spliced together, peppered with conversations about how their new robot is the coolest and awesomest thing and how Jimmy across the street is a complete loser because he doesn't have one of these. Yeah yeah, these episodes are made to sell the toys but for people who were paid for this, they didn't exactly seem bothered about making the dialogue all that natural. In Tinseltoon's favour, they actually seemed more concerned about characterisation than Ghost did. Then we get to that ending. Good lord, that ending. Even if it didn't result in the genocide of an entire species, it's still a truly abysmal way to conclude it. So let's just make the point that the Mother is actually in favour of peace so that she can preserve her children and is all too willing to comply with Breez's demands so that they can both live in harmony. And then...they get killed anyway. Just cuz. Didn't need to happen, served no purpose in happening, actually left me with a sour taste in my mouth that it did happen. It didn't even seem to resonate with the heroes that they obliterated a hive filled with sapient creatures as they went back to joking about it as soon as they left. What a truly terrible way to force in a final, climactic minute. And it was all so that we could get the important message that...tunnels are bad...apparently? I don't know, it really wasn't very clear. Apparently miners are now on the level of thieves and murderers and we should all hail our true wise leaders, the bridge constructors.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0TzUNti3rY Let's go out with a bang, shall we? I won't have anything particularly dramatic to look back on anyway.
  14. I do hope you weren't expecting me to listen to all thirty minutes of that. 2/5 - It was alright. Certainly nothing wrong with it. I'm sure in the context of the level it was pretty thrilling, but on its own without any previous knowledge of the game I found it rather uninteresting. Not in a bad way, as I didn't hate listening to it. I just doubt I'd go back to it by choice.
  15. I know just how you feel, though usually more for writing. Sometimes you just can't get a single line right. Or less than that. And then "those days" stretch out into weeks.
  16. 3/5 - During the verses, her voice grates at me a tad. Once the chorus kicks in, however, my mood picks up and I really begin to enjoy the song. It's got a nice beat and some pretty cool lyrics.
  17. Yeah, what he said. Have a good one of these. Or don't, whatever floats your boat.
  18. Glad to hear moving went well enough for you, though do you wonder why you bothered unpacking when it'll all just be going back into boxes again soon enough?
  19. Oh. There. Well, I still appreciate bringing it to my attention. My frustration and anger has been swept away like the tide.
  20. I'm so glad to see The Fragrance of Dark Coffee on the list. I would have hastily corrected you if it were absent.
  21. Protodite Karzahni


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