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Protodite Karzahni

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Protodite Karzahni

  1. Wow...I never thought I could be so frustrated just looking at an instruction booklet. HOW AM I GOING TO GET IT OUT OF THERE? AUGH SOMEONE GET IT OUT!
  2. Most excitement I've felt watching a TV show in a long time. Series 3 better live up to that...or else...
  3. Room for one more? I'll have...whatever's left if that's alright.
  4. You wear your misery like a crown. You're only happy when you're down. And the saddest part is you don't even know why.

    1. Zacian


      That ain't true.

  5. Huehue. Also: You sicken me. You're a monster, plain and simple. No two ways about it, you're evil. (Sad to see you leaving BZPower but it's for good reasons and I'm not going to blame you)
  6. Egh, people can like what they like, even if it is to some weird and creepy degree. I appreciate it for a few reasons including its innocence and charm and liking it has resulted in me meeting a lot of fantastic people who I can now call very good friends. Of course the one thing I don't get is why this huge cult spawned around it. I can understand a fandom but I feel that once you start calling yourself "bronies" and adopting other weird terms for various habits then you've just crossed the line into scarily obsessed. I don't see Game of Thrones fans calling themselves "Thronies". At least, I presume they don't. I haven't taken part in the community there.
  7. Ahh, I was wondering where you had disappeared to.
  8. "If I lack your tears of joy, please forgive my heartless ploy," said the fool to his majesty dethroned.

  9. Just to check are we not making a new thread for the next game?
  10. Aaaaaaand I'm back in the game. Didja miss me? No? Oh good, I was worried we'd have to get sentimental there for a second. (This has been cleared up with Dual, just in case you were concerned I was barging my way back in.)
  11. Nine days remain

    1. Taipu1


      And eventually I think I figured out what you're referring to. I hate it.

  12. It's a recently taken photo, so I think it's safe to assume I look a little something like:
  13. Protodite Karzahni

    Equestria Girls

    Egh, I get the idea people normally overreact when they freak out about all the panda rings in the latest seasons. You need to form a distinction between shout out to the fans and the animators just having a bit of fun. Besides, it's not as though it harms the quality of the show, you have to go out of your way to look for them. But that said, Equestria Girls was truly horrific and watching it felt like getting my teeth pulled. I have difficulty deciding my least favourite moment. It was either the cafeteria dance sequence or Luna proving herself to be horrendously inept. Or it could be Trixie's cameo or...I could be here a while.
  14. Protodite Karzahni


  15. Not afraid to admit, seeing King Sombra diving in with his little pout melts my heart every time.
  16. Think of the children! Oh, why won't somebody please think of the children?!
  17. Well, I just found the best day ever of 2013. No more contenders please, we have our winner.
  18. I've heard about half of that song so far...I just don't want to listen to the rest because I remember when Smile got leaked and I listened to that a hundred times, when it came up in the episode it just didn't have the same effect on me. The same'll probably happen to this song too. Of course, I've watched that last scene from the preview over and over again. Here comes the hype train, choo choo.
  19. I'll be the nemesis of expectation.

    1. a goose

      a goose

      i'd expect nothing less

  20. Hmm, have you ever heard of the game Muramasa for the Wii and now for the PS Vita? It's essentially like that. It's a side-scroller with heavy emphasis on sword play and combos. It's about...well, the trailer can probably tell you more about that than I can. And it's spelt "tail" because the characters are anthropomorphic and bad puns are great, apparently. Which makes it weird, because it sounds as though the subtitle is talking specifically about Dust's tail. I don't really know whether it's worth it, but it was my must-have of the summer sale so I just bought it as well, and if I went around criticising a game I just bought I'd be a strange one.
  21. The 50th Anniversary teaser makes it seem interesting. It also feels like it'll be REALLY backed. I'm willing to bet it'll be a feature-length film. Which teaser would this be? I just did a quick hunt and there doesn't seem to have been anything official released yet. Also I think it's more likely to be an extended episode. If it were a feature-length film, it'd be getting a theatrical release. This is appearing on the telly. We're more likely to get a 60 minute special, or maybe 90 if they dare to push to Sherlock territory. I'd link you to it, but you can't link to... that site on BZP. Search "Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary Special Trailer - in 3D!" uploaded by one "John Smith" using a picture of Ten. Uploaded 1 week ago, account has two videos. Length of 1:04. There's footage there NEVER seen anywhere before, it's not possible for it to be fake."Hello again..." Yeah, sorry. That's fake. I'd suggest you watch John Smith's only other uploaded video which is a walkthrough of how he faked it. He did a very good job though and if that were how the episode was going to look, I'd be pretty excited too.
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