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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Meiko

  1. $4 for a collectible minifigure? I've never seen them sold in retail at that high of a price. Usually they are $1.99! Where'd you see that price? The retail price is $2.99.Oh, sorry. I was looking at the retail price of the older series (1, 2, and 3). Still, where'd you see $4? I've only seen a $4 price tag on a collectible minifigure at a vendor that I stopped at when I was at BrickFair 2011.Well, they're actually $3.50, I just rounded the price up to $4.00. And the place where I see them being sold for that much is Toys 'R' Us. They used to be $2.99, but the price was raised.LEGO sells them for $1.99 or $2.99, depending on which series. That's odd that Toys "R" Us sells them for that price, because they have it for LEGO's price at my local stores. What series is it that is charged for that price?
  2. Yeah, I considered that, but I would've thought it would have had it in the illustration. I also considered that it may be because of the fact that the model he used as a reference used a solid black chest armor piece.
  3. Nice set. I'd love to just make a ton of interiors and exterior colors for it. Take a bunch of photos as if I owned a showroom or something. Then add subtle light and a pitch black background and make a cool wallpaper for LEGO fans. Yeah. Yeah, it's a great recreation of the vehicle. I always though of making one of these ever since I got the large-scale Volkswagen Beetle, but never got around to it. This set isn't really at the same scale as the VW Beetle, but I guess I understand why. I never got around to making the large-scale MOC, and probably won't now that there is a set of it. I'm not sure if I'll get this set, but I like it nonetheless.
  4. Yeah, I'd started collecting them about a year ago when I noticed.Nice, I collect a lot of things in my Majhost, but I never got around to these. I thought about it though. I like them, especially when it coincidently matches the weather outside. The Hero Factory website is pretty awesome, in my opinion.
  5. For all the people who got Rotor first, how awesome is he? I know that he is awesome, but I want to know how awesome he is. I'm wondering if I should try as hard as I can to get a hold of him.
  6. Does LEGO Universe work on the Xbox 360? I doubt it, but I'm just wondering...
  7. What colors would be better? I think that red, grey, and black go best with skeletons, because I certainly can't picture a skeleton in pink.
  8. What consoles/systems will it be for? Do we know yet? I't be kinda cool for the 3DS, but I don't know how much 3D I can take. If it works on the Xbox 360 Kinect, that'd be so fun (but I don't have a Kinect for myself yet). Looks like a cool game. It'll have to have more content in each year than the first on though, because this one will only have 3 storylines in it. Either that, or they add a ton of cool bonus levels/games like they do in the home console versions of LEGO video games.
  9. So it's so popular to our HEROsector01 crew that all of our staff have it as their profile pictures. I have to say, it makes a great profile picture, but I can't tell anybody apart eaasily anymore. Did anybody notice that he doesn't have an awesome Hero Recon Team chest plate?
  10. I don't know why, and I don't think that they will be. I think it might just be a mistake, because otherwise I cannot find a possible reason for the inconsistent prices.
  11. $4 for a collectible minifigure? I've never seen them sold in retail at that high of a price. Usually they are $1.99! Where'd you see that price? The retail price is $2.99.Oh, sorry. I was looking at the retail price of the older series (1, 2, and 3). Still, where'd you see $4? I've only seen a $4 price tag on a collectible minifigure at a vendor that I stopped at when I was at BrickFair 2011.
  12. I remember the original LEGO Racers game. It was pretty cool. I also remember those 2x2 colorful guys that had the little cars that when they'd hit something, the guy would fly off of the car. It was pretty cool.
  13. $4 for a collectible minifigure? I've never seen them sold in retail at that high of a price. Usually they are $1.99! Where'd you see that price?
  14. Who else thinks it's cool that the Hero Factory website changes the background according to the weather? Also, if you view thhe background image for that, on the sides that are cut off, there are little messages that you wouldn't usually be able to see. Here is an example (view the left-hand side of the image). Also, just to clear stuff up, this topic isn't focused mainly on the sets. This forum discusses the sets. I guess it's fine to talk about the sets every so-often in this topic, but it's supposed to be more about the site, the story, the games, etc (just about anything but the sets).
  15. Yay! I wonder what will be cool with the spinners (like printed patterns and color combinations)...
  16. I'm getting them all. Plain and simple.
  17. Yeah, I guess you have a good point. I wish that there was an option―besides the default―to change the desktop icon for the application. I'd love to have the first logo on my desktop. Manually that´s possible. ~Gata. I know, I've done it before with LDD. I just don't feel like it. I once programmed a .exe file (because they can hold multiple icons in them) to be just full of icons that I'd use for anything. I think I lost that application one time when we needed to wipe a computer though.
  18. I like Fangz and Raw-Jaw more for the sets, but Drilldozer is pretty cool.
  19. Weren't there tiny little comics at the end of each instruction booklet? Those were okay, but never really read them at the same time, so it didn't mean much.
  20. I've ALWAYS been wanting to make a Statue of Liberty minifig. I wanted to do it ever since I saw the large-scale Statue of Liberty set. The farthest I ever got was using Yoda's hands and a sand green leg piece, but couldn't get any farther. Yes, I was doing it in Sand Green.
  21. Cool site. I downloaded a few games from it. I'm going to install them sometime soon. There were a couple games that I never remembered though, so it was sort of interesting.
  22. I've seen LEGO display cases at a variety of local retail stores, and they are rarely just posed figures in a clear box. It usually has a knob designed as a LEGO stud that you can turn to activate a lifting, spinning, turning, or motion feature. Also, I'd like to see more online games, especially ones with more variety. I like the ideas of Mission: Von Nebula, Mission: Ordeal of Fire, and Mission: Savage Planet, but I'd like to see something a bit different. I'm sort of interested in Creep Crushers, but not enough to play it very often. I'd like to see something where you have achievements that you collect for completing different goals, if you know what I mean.
  23. Cool, that's what I thought. I like the colors and pieces in Island Xtreme Stunt. It had some nice orange and blue, and some occasional chrome that popped up here and there.
  24. I do really have to make an MOC with this. but not necessarily white/trans. My bro gave me the idea of using it as a dead/blind eye, which could be great. - 55555Hey, a little touch of Sharpie could make it a healthy eye.
  25. I like the slight distortion on his claw. It makes you really see how he's falling down that cliff.
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