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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Meiko

  1. Link doesn't do anything for me. Maybe because I already have the badge. Also, I have the Old Timer Badge.
  2. As far as I can tell, you're the one starting a rumor about a "5.0" line =P. I have yet to hear about such a thing, and I don't think it exists just yet. Obviously we'll get some leaked info for that relatively soonish (Toyfair is in February, after all), but the winter line is generally out by the time we hear of anything. This could be considered "4.0" (no reason to call it "3.5"), but the line is thematically known as "Breakout", and the Heroes don't actually have 4.0 on the end of their names, which is a big plus for me. I was really on the fence about how they could keep churning numbered Heroes out, but they changed it up, and this looks to be one of my favorite waves.Yeah, I'm glad that it isn't 4.0 from what we can tell. It would get WAY too repetitive. I can't wait until I can add these sets to my Sets Navigation Templates on HEROsector01. :3
  3. I think the nose would have worked better in yellow, but otherwise, it's adorable!
  4. Is that cape cut with scissors from a Knights' Kingdoms cape or Vezon's cape?
  5. The BIONICLE skin is not Networker-exclusive. I know that for sure. I have it, so it's available for users. I don't think that the items necessary to obtain it are still around, but if you need them, I have at least 50 of 'em.
  6. They don't release every hero in each wave.
  7. There are no plans. How many people are interested?Me. How long is the average podcast, because the two that I've listened to are extremely long.
  8. Wouldn't this be able to be put in the Official LEGO Universe Topic? I like the soundtrack for LEGO Universe, but it isn't something I really want/need to download.
  9. I don't think that it is either. Nya was never much of a trained ninja, and Lloyd is the bad guy. I guess it could be Nya, but I think that it is more likely to be a new character.
  10. It was the same type of comment that started the previous argument. You weren't arguing, but it would have most likely gone there. Anyways... Some great pieces were introduced in Power Miners, like the drills, wheels, Rock Monsters, etc. They also gave a lot of great pieces to us in new colors, like some BIONICLE tools in orange, and a lot of slopes in lime.
  11. Matter of perspective. Personally, I think some of the hero sets are as good as the Toa Mata if not better. Hero Factory's larger sets in general don't tend to measure up to some of BIONICLE's best titan sets like Brutaka or Takanuva 2008, but Witch Doctor is every bit as intricate in design as many the 2001 Rahi, even if that intricacy is structural rather than function-based like many aspects of the Rahi's design.The two main things that I found great about the Toa Mata, and still feel about them, is their bright color schemes, and their design that is fun to just build over and over again. Hero Factory has had these qualities for all of the years so far, and I expect it to stay that way. I feel that Hero Factory has gone farther in the bright color scheme characteristic than BIONICLE ever did, with Nex and Evo. Their color scheme is very bright, and uses colors that you don't usually see as a main color.
  12. I thought that Alpha Team was a pretty good theme. I personally never got many of the sets, but my brothers got some. I think that it had some pretty odd color schemes, and in the ice-based wave, I still can't find many uses for those parts. It was a pretty humorous theme too, in that it had puns and it had some funny minifigs. I liked that Ogel's name is LEGO spelled in reverse (When my brother's pointed that out to me, I laughed so hard!). I never saw many of the first wave sets in real life, and I've only built one or two of the underwater wave. The arctic wave, as I stated above, was definitely not my favorite. I've seen and built more of the sets in that wave than any other though, but I find the large pieces somewhat useless, and the colors were pretty bad in my opinion. The thing that I still think was nice, was the BIONICLE tools in dark red. I never have been much of a BIONICLE MOCist, but I like to have a colorful variety of pieces, if you know what I mean.
  13. Who is he supposed to be? I think that it is Furno, but I can't tell. If it is, then he needs a helmet. Cool sprite nonetheless.
  14. I wouldn't expect them to make it limited to just the new build style. I'd expect them and even want them to throw in a few of the 1.0 Hero and Villain pieces, because some of those were pretty sweet, and I want more of them.
  15. The Makuta's Guide to the Universe book was pretty cool, in my opinion.
  16. I'm fine with it. It is kind of annoying though when people don't spell a tag correctly or don't properly capitalize it. I use it yeah, when I'm creating a new topic.
  17. They shouldn't bring it back. They ended it respectfully, and they now have a theme to take its place. They had honorable reasons for ending it.
  18. My Skype account is on my profile I believe, if you want to get in touch with me. I think all of you have my email too though.
  19. Good luck. I hope you find that you will be happy by doing this, and I feel kinda sad that you are leaving both wikis in all and not just the staff, but something in me feels happy for you, because I feel that you did well on the staff team. Farewell, my good (newer) friend.
  20. I like the fact that there is a Twitter profile for BOGA (@BOGAproject). It's cool to be able to know the going-ons in project.
  21. That bites. That means there isn't much for me to do.
  22. I already completed all of the BIONICLE content. I never finished the LEGO Universe content, and I have all of the arcade games. I think I remember there being something about LEGO City sometime... You can check out my page there. I'm only level 5, because I didn't play for a few years, and I wasn't really focused on leveling up (I was instead collecting every item I could. I have a total of 14,105 Red Bricks. ).
  23. I don't think I know of any Yellow guy, especially not in 2006. Do you know anything else you can tell me about him?
  24. I've been building all of the Architecture sets on LEGO Digital Designer. I'm impressed with a lot of them, especially the Robie House, the White House, Brandenburg Gate, and the Seattle Space Needle.
  25. I hope that they continue making vehicle sets for two reasons: [*]The Furno Bike and the Drop Ship were both great sets, and I want more like them.[*]We need more pages to add to the Vehicles Navigation template on HEROsector01.
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