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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Meiko

  1. Yeah, I've thought about that one before too, but I'm pretty sure that there are custom piece-makers who sell something similar that works the same.
  2. I don't have one either, but I have the app. I get a ton of apps, because when I do get an iPhone or something, I'll have everything I need. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png I come prepared.
  3. I wish that there was a small piece that had two pegs on one side, and slots for two other pegs on the other side. It should be the same height as one LEGO plate. The use for this would be so that you could attach pieces like Witch Doctor, Waspix, Fangz, Scorpio, and Raw-Jaw's head piece to a Hero head. This is sort of what I'm talking about (I'll create a better sketch in AutoCAD... ):
  4. I think that a wiki for LEGO Ninjago would be a good idea, but I don't think that now is the time. The staff are still working on getting HEROsector01 finished and well-underway before they can start thinking of any next steps. The best way to get the idea to be worked on would be to help out HEROsector01 so that all of its needs are covered. As Dorek said, the staff don't have the resources yet. I'd love to help if we do get a Ninjago wiki, but we'd need more help than just us. Also, Ninjago doesn't really have a good step-by-step story, and is more of a sequence through all of the episodes. That wouldn't be very helpful in my opinion, because it would start out with incomplete information, resulting in a lot of stub pages. It's a good idea, but has a lot of problems that get in the way. One thing that could be worked on a lot though, is the Wikipedia article for Ninjago (then again, all of Wikipedia's articles related to LEGO need a lot of help). HEROsector01 would be a good place to help right now, so that we can think about other things after that (Though it won't be any time soon, sadly).
  5. Well, I think that the Furno Bike was extremely well designed, but Fangz, Waspix, and Raw-Jaw were all pretty cool―especially in play value and build style. I'm stuck between those.
  6. Yeah, LEGO Racers has had some great online games. I still play Supersonic RC (Thank you so much for getting me the link Gatanui! ), and I forgot how good I was at it. Here is a nice screenshot I got from when I landed on the BIONICLE hoop in the game: I really like how far LEGO Racers has come over the years. I like Tiny Turbos too, but haven't been getting as many recently...
  7. At some point, I can go through all of them and do that for you, because I have Adobe Audition CS5! I'll let you know that MP3 is a MUCH more lossy format than a Wave Audio/Video File. Not really. It depends on the codec you use. For example, H.264 is a very high-quality codec, and it doesn't work with .wav. That's my main problem with .wav; it's very incompatible with a lot of common devices and programs (DS, iTunes, iPods). .aac has the same problem. That's why I like mp3; it's versatile, it's scale-able, and it's much more widely compatible. It's not really the file format so much as it is the codec that determines how lossy a file is.Yeah, Wave audio files aren't compatible with a lot of things, and they are a large file size too. They do work in iTunes, it's just that it usually requires playback configuration above 24 bits and sometimes 192000 Hz (Depending on your driver). I'll work on the MP3, but it may not be at the same quality. How large of a file can each be for the 3DS? Also, where'd these come from? Were they extracted from the resource files (DLL stuff), or are they in the Program Files folder?
  8. Well, the majority of the process is actually just designing the Hero; they wanted to leave the option for people who wanted to create a Hero with it, even if they can't order it. Plus, if they ever decide to bring it back, it would be easier to leave the option on than to reinstall it, presumably. It is sad, though, that they don't have the chest plate available anymore. I'm glad I ordered two Heroes with it.It would also have to be kept in the database for the heroes that have already been designed with it.
  9. What error were you getting? You probably can't log into the site itself, but I'm guessing you can leave a comment with your WP account.I was just unable to log in. I'll make sure that I'm entering my password correctly, and then I'll see about it.
  10. I never really use it, mostly because I haven't needed to. If I needed any info about the newest story, I'd ask my brother Aanchir, because he knows it all. I was never that deep into the BIONICLE story, so it never really struck me to check for new content. I would, however, check out a HEROFACTORYstory.com...
  11. I checked out the website for the BS01 podcast today. It's a nice site, and I see that it is hosted by WordPress. I tried to log into it using my WordPress account though, but was unable to get it to work. Is that for some reason, or was I just forgetting my account password?
  12. The guy with the big mouth—I mean Flex.
  13. Isn't that the best part!?!? I love Ninjago for many reasons, like the great sets, the storyline, and the hilariousness of it all.
  14. The Hero Factory Story is much wider-spread than the BIONICLE story, letting fans to create their own heroes and teams that go on their own missions, without the official story interfering with it. I had a BIONICLE fan-story I came up with that was destroyed when the 2005 story was introduced. Also, the television episodes go along with the wave at the current time, which helps the fans understand the current sets.
  15. I have seen them sell quite well, because at an area LEGO Brand Store, one kid bought all of the 2.0 heroes and villains from that wave, and I bought every set in the late-2011 wave. I think they are selling just fine.
  16. This should either be discussed here (This topic is for the story and everything else not related to the sets), or as a separate topic in LEGO Discussion.
  17. At some point, I can go through all of them and do that for you, because I have Adobe Audition CS5! I'll let you know that MP3 is a MUCH more lossy format than a Wave Audio/Video File. Sorry, but what does the word "lossy" mean?It means that it looses quality from the original recording. A Wave audio file is a very high quality file, just to let you know. I don't think that the 3DS can use .wav files though, so I'll try to retain as much quality in the audio as I can.
  18. Has anybody here played Mission: Savage Planet on HeroFactory.LEGO.com? I need somebody to contribute to the article on HEROsector01. That would be much appreciated!
  19. My only complaint is that, build-wise, there was no difference between 2 and 3.0. And, I'm assuming only Alpha Team got the animal upgrade, so since it was exclusive to them, it doesn't seem like it should be considered an upgrade (unless I'm mistaken and the whole Factory got the animal upgrade). KalhikiThat's because it wasn't an upgrade. All that happened was that they got refitted with new armor and weapons.
  20. I'm assuming that there will be at least two waves. There are a lot more heroes that they still have yet to make, as you said.
  21. The colors on the new pterodactyl remind me a lot of the old dinosaur pieces.
  22. Problem being that once I start something, it slays me to have stop in the middle of it.
  23. NICE! I could really use some of these (I could also use some new bookshelves for that matter...)! I really like how classic they are, with all of the classic themes.
  24. At some point, I can go through all of them and do that for you, because I have Adobe Audition CS5! I'll let you know that MP3 is a MUCH more lossy format than a Wave Audio/Video File.
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