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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Meiko

  1. I've been waiting for a LEGO Video Game by TT that is of a non-licensed theme! I can't wait to get it! So it'll be for the Wii U? Does anybody know if it will it also be available for the original Wii too?
  2. Yes, his name is Merrick Fortis. He is the leader of the Hero Recon Team. Here is the article on HEROsector01.
  3. That would be pretty difficult. It's easier to use Exo-Force robot arms and some SYSTEM parts. Are you thinking of just having the eyes being transparent, or the whole head? If it were to be just the eye area, that would cause some major inconsistencies, which wouldn't be good at all.
  4. I don't really have a least favorite titan set. :/
  5. That makes a lot of sense, actually. I haven't really gotten an interest to draw any Hero Factory characters (I didn't for BIONICLE though, either), but I do like to visualize what they would look like with a more realistic touch to them.
  6. DX, in the past, has been used by LEGO to mean "Deluxe", but in the case of Ninjago it was seemingly just their way of designating the dragon suit ninjas. ZX's meaning seems less obvious, although it should be noted that the ZX ninjas are in all cases the versions that pilot their individual vehicles. Beyond that, the letters are just the way the versions are identified. I don't think they actually stand for anything, especially since they never appear in any story media.Yeah, I sort of figured that "DX" may mean "Deluxe", but I just wanted to make sure. "ZX" probably has no meaning, sort of like the Gameboy Advance SP was. The letter Z is cool though, so I'm happy.
  7. What do you assume DX, and now ZX are supposed to mean? Do they have a meaning?
  8. Dino Attack/Dino 2010 had larger, worse pieces. Why do you need to start off complaining about something that has been worse in the past?
  9. Pretty interesting. The first thing I reacted to (positively; just in case you were worried) was the way you put the head around the launcher. It's a lot like the Ninjago dragons in that way!
  10. The talking animals didn't bother me in Savage Planet much. What bothered me was that they had nothing meaningful to say. It seems as though they were just given voices so they could be given unfunny, non-dramatic battle banter like the Heroes.What bothered me even more was the fact that there was not even an attempt of explaining how the animals acquired the ability of speaking, even though it would have been incredibly simple to integrate the explanation. Quite obviously, it's the quaza which started changing the fauna of Quatros. But why was no explanation ever given? I think it would have contributed much to the consistency of the movie if this aspect had been cleared. ~Gata. I don't think it would really be necessary though. I don't think it would be a necessary point in the story, nor would it contribute much to the episode. It's more of a know on don't need to know situation, if you know what I mean. As you just did, was proving that we can draw our own conclusions about it. That's only my opinion on it though.
  11. Anybody remember LEGO Factory? :PLDD runs much better on my computer than LCAD, because my screen resolution is so small (1024 x 600). Half of the screen is toolbars just about (same problem I have in AutoCAD).
  12. I haven't seen those 2-minute mini-movies yet, but I am a huge fan of the 30-minute television episode series. I enjoy the plot of each episode, and the script is well-written. I'm hoping I get to see more of them when they come out.
  13. The only problem that I face with Rocka's new helmet, is that it doesn't resemble his 2.0 helmet, which a lot of these characters' helmets do.
  14. I don't think that they are wings really. I'm not sure what they are, but if they are "wings" they don't work for flying.
  15. According to my profile, I post approximately 0.21 time per day (The downtime really messed that rating up though). I only post when it's necessary, or when I feel the need to. I'm not obsessed with posting though.
  16. That is amazing. I love the integration of SYSTEM parts, and the transparent neon green works great too. I love it!
  17. It is certainly interesting. I'm not sure I know what it is supposed to be though...
  18. Love the characteristics of the art, like the glow of light on the Hero Core, and the perspective looking as if he is falling fast. It's very suspenseful.
  19. Hey, girls like guys. If I were a girl, I'd totally adore Furno. He's all young, and strong. Why not?
  20. I'm not really interested in BIONICLE anymore, because there is nothing new for me to get into. I still have my full love for LEGO, and I am very interested and enjoy Hero Factory a lot.
  21. The piece that holds the leech pod thing in the Phantoka Makuta Chest pieces, and the Phantoka chest pieces themselves.
  22. The thing is, how would it attach? That's one problem I can see in designing accessories for BIONICLE and Hero Factory sets―finding an attachment point.
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