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Alex Humva

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Blog Comments posted by Alex Humva


    deleted post content removed -HH

    For starters, reinstating the draft in the modern day would be political suicide unless it was in the event of an invasion. It's also commonly agreed that, if the draft was reinstated, women would be included in it. Times have changed.




    deleted post content removed -HH

    While I don't identify as a feminist, primarily because I feel egalitarian/equalist covers all my bases in one swing, modern feminism usually has equal focus on both genders. Due to it being a movement that encompasses millions and transcends nations, though, you will find different sects that think of things differently. On the whole, however, you can exchange feminist/egalitarian and just about nothing will change.


    The rest of your points are more or less solid, but I felt these two needed discussing.

  2. I can't remember if they had this on 2.3, but I know 4.1, the version I'm currently running on my tablet, your apps are synced with your Google account. When you reset it, you can connect to the Google Play store and it'll automatically redownload your apps. I'm not sure how that'll work with the free-but-now-paid apps you have, but I think it'd still say you own them and redownload them.

  3. And finally, anger will and should always have a place in the fight against oppression.

    Personally mate, I've found that when I have intense feelings rising up about the continued bigotry against Native Americans and, more specifically of what I think of, the Cherokee, I take a deep breath and prefer to let logic and reason be my guardians, not the frothing anger that will result in me breaking a man's ribs and being arrested for assault.

  4. Personal suggestion here Necro, if you're looking for a calm and relaxing time waster that you would like, I'd recommend Thomas Was Alone or Reus. TWA's soundtrack is amazingly soothing and Reus is very much a slow-paced and relaxed game. Both have their own style of wit and charm and probably would work pretty well with you.

  5. I will say this about Enemy Unknown; it is a lot of fun, but it will infuriate you, and even to this day has a lot of annoying bugs and glitches. I think that in the update from the original, uberhardcore game of 1994, they lost some of the good stuff without really replacing it. I can't really call out any specifics though, which is why the game is so weird to me. It's a good game but it just doesn't feel right to me.


    But I guess I'm just too much a fan of the original 2D game and probably why I sold my soul to Xenonauts instead.


    Other than that, good work on your haul. I ultimately got about twenty bucks worth of stuff when I did some menial tasks for my mother for an extra five. I got, hrm, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Fallout: New Vegas, Terraria, Natural Selection 2, Deus Ex, and Portal 2. Also got Just Cause 2 as a gift from my best mate's brother. So six games, adding up to twenty bucks in total.


    If I actually had a job and a stable source of income I'd probably saved up a hundred bucks and gone a bit more wild in the sale but quite honestly, when you look at the pricing of modern games? I think that's why Steam is so well received; when you can get, what, eighteen games for the price of one? That's a pretty good bang for your buck.

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