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Everything posted by Phovos

  1. Is that a skeleton down there? Where? Down there. Necromancers run rampant around here. Necromancers? Are they beings who bump old threads on forums? Don't be silly. They obviously bring skeletons and dead things back to life. Oh... Did a necromancer cause the zombie apocalypse in the previous chapter? Of course not! That was Voxumo. Which explains why he was already at the scene. Are you seriously blaming the guest star for the zombie apocalypse? It is not an apocalypse if the world did not end. Although there may be a similar fate here. Alas, we have almost arrived. Wow, it's bloody freezing here. This is the Throat of the World. The highest place in all of Skyrim. I can see my house from here! You can? Yes! Through that shiny portal! Oh yeah! But... It's getting smaller! I am unable to reach it... Aw, it's closed now. I really hope we are not trapped here. I shall land us on the ground. I think your friend may be here with Paarthurnax... And then I said "Don't worry, I'll save you!" and I jumped down and threw the bad guy into the lava and I grabbed the princess and leaped away, using my awesome gravity powers. And then I was challenged to a competition in which I had to sell the most lemonade, but the other guys cheated by selling their lemonade as a de-aging potion and... Oh, hello, brothers! Me and Paarthunax were just chatting. Lokmahro... Thank heavens... Ahem, I mean, what brings you here? Oh dear. You have brought more of these beings... Has Nuhvok been talking your ears off? ... Hey! You just spoke a whole paragraph. What? I was enjoying the conversation! Monologue. What? A monologue is when one being speaks. You were speaking too. And technically a monologue is a dialogue. That is true. You can be rather wise with your words if you take a few seconds to take a break every so often. I don't need to breathe. What's your excuse? How is that an excuse? Are you well, Paarthurnax? No. Take this creature away. Hey! Please. You're making me angry! Hey, Nuhvok! What? Pahrak made cookies! Oh, cool. Do you wish to ride on my back too, dark being? Lokmahro, I do suggest not speaking to these Daedra. They are Daedra? Daedra? Yes. Their voices have the habit of driving one to insanity... Oh, hello, Phovos. Phovos. Phovos? Phovos? Combo breaker. ... Dov, you wished to speak to me? Oh, yes. Phovos. The Mage College in Winterhold has discovered a portal. They are saying that Dovah have created it and they are spilling out. They were unable to contact you so they contacted me, rather annoyingly. Shall I bring Gerik along? Leave him out of this. I do not wish for him to kill every Dov there is. Understood. Oh, and Lokmahro and his Daedra friends will accompany you. They are not my friends. Aw. Of course. Shall we? Yes. Let's go! ...
  2. We need to hurry. Those zombies might get out of control! Yes sir, Pohatu! Look! There's another Toa already there! Smash your skull... Break your bones... So many monsters... Fellow Toa? Glad you're here, we could use all the help we could get. Indeed. These monsters have already devoured many, many Agori and Matoran. Oh dear! Stand back, let me flame up all these zombies. Good idea, Pahrak! You distract them, I'll get all these survivors and take them up the hill. We can defend more easily there. Or we could just kill all the survivors as they are probably infected anyway. Or we could be rather sadistic and dark... Who are you? Voxumo. Toa of Ice. Obviously. They should call you the Toa of Being Bleak and Depressing. All Toa of ice are like that... That's a shame... Wait, are these zombies randomly exploding? I altered the chance of the zombies dying from the flames. That's an interesting ability! Can you alter the chance of them turning into confetti instead of black bile? No. Aw, that's a shame. That Mask of Possibilities must be quite limited... I could if I wished, but we do not want Matoran thinking that becoming infected is a good thing. I thought that turning into a zombie would obviously be a bad thing. That's what I thought, but never mind. You two ought to be quiet and concentrate. Oh, I am. Being a machine, I can do more than one thing at once! Missed one. Thanks... No worries. Pohatu Nuva, do you wish for me to assist you or help the Bohrok destroy this menace? Stick with me for now. Pahrak's got it under control. Are you sure? Yes. Positive? Yeah. Double positive? Yes. Triple positive? Bohrok, do not make me alter probability so that your Krana turns into confetti, as you desired earlier. Aw. Don't be cruel. Pahrak's doing a fine job. Actually, I have an idea! Oh great. I do, seriously! What's your idea? Why doesn't Voxumo here change the possibility of this illness, so that it's got no chance of spreading and it's 100% likely that it can be instantly cured by oxygen? That's... That's a really good point... Hang on. Give me a second while I work on that. Yes! Pahrak, cover him! I'll keep these stragglers away and move those Matoran over there. Sure thing! Ew. Exploding flaming zombies are nasty. You can say that again! Ew... Pahrak... I wasn't! Okay... I have done it... Where am I? Don't worry, Matoran, you're safe now. And cured. Yay! Good work, team! ... Too soon? ... He's a Toa of Ice. You get used to it.
  3. Oh, that didn't take long at all. Once again, war is just around the corner.
  4. I can do pretty much any date but weekends can be problematic. You know, family and all that.
  5. Not busy then. I'll send you a PM when I'm on my computer. Sending PMs via mobile is annoying.
  6. Thanks! Yeah, they are really simple, I wanted to make custom bodies for Retvik and Elksia but I simply don't have enough pieces any more. You know the pieces that are used for hands that connect to joints? I swear I only have 20 that aren't broken or are being used on Phovos, Lehvak-Kal and Turahk.It's so bad that, if I want to build Veekay (Arkay's brother) or Arksi (one of Arkay's students) I have to take Retvik apart. I can't have those three characters built at the same time.
  7. Chapter two with Kandar's dream was very interesting, hinting at much bigger things to come. Chapter three though seemed to unravel rather quickly, kinda melting into a pot of semi randomness. This led to a gap between what was actually going on in the two chapters.Make it a tad more coherent and it'll be even better!
  8. Okay, there were parts that were genuinely funny, but it all seemed a tad too random. The jokes are great, they really are, but there is a lack of actual plot, and that is sorely needed to tie the jokes together.Although, I must give you credit for making me laugh out loud twice, once with the scene of Teridax eating a sandvich, the second with Velika starting his rhyme and wondering what rhymes with Circle.I know this was pretty much a one-off, but it did suffer from the lack of plot, which makes it poor compared to your main stories.
  9. Are you guys busy at the moment? I'm considering signing up to be a critic but I have oh so little faith in my own criticising skills (and myself in general) so I don't know if I'd be any good.Also I'd like another review for The Bohrok-Kal's Ramblings at some point but I'll ask you properly when I finish the current Skylim (spelling mistake intended) story.
  10. The bomb mask story was great, even though Akhmou was a tad tok random. The other story honestly made little sense, as if I was reading one of Nuhvok-Kal's rants, but for all I know, that might have actually happened in the game..
  11. I think he looks lovely! My main niggle is what was mentioned above, what with the use of the Gukko Bird's head on the chest armour. It doesn't fit the rest of him. I think he'd actually be great if you just took those off.
  12. Pahrak-Kal? Arkay? No, Pohatu. That yellow 'threa' thing went back to using yellow the second the previous chapter ended. Oh. Sorry, Pohatu. How are you? I haven't heard from you since I decided that I wanted to be a Toa! Yeah... Did my application go through? You're already officially a Toa. I told you that ages ago. Erm... Where are your brothers? Which ones? There are six of you, right? Yes. Which one do you want to speak to? Well, preferably, all of you. But I'll take whoever I can get... Is something wrong? You sound all shaky and nervous like you saw a zombie. How in Mata Nui's name did you know about that? Know about what? The zombies! I... I didn't? Oh... So, yeah, we've got a problem. With zombies? Zombies are icky and nasty. Not as nice as flowers. I wonder where Tahnok is? I want to talk about flowers again. Yeah, they are nasty, but I need your help, Pahrak. Oh? How? Plasma and fire are great elements to use against fighting zombies. So is gravity or magnetism. Electricity or vacuum at a push. Not sound then? Sound is a stupid element. I HEARD THAT! I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE COMPLAIN THAT SOUND ISN'T A GREAT ELEMENT. THAT BLOODY ARKAY IS CONSIDERED ONE OF THE BEST DARN THREAVOK AROUND AND HIS ELEMENT IS SOUND! SO DON'T YOU GO AND TELL ME THAT SOUND IS A BAD ELEMENT! O...kay then... Yeah... Kohrak always gets annoyed. He's been grumpy the last few days because he was ill on his birthday and we didn't celebrate it properly. That's not very nice. Well, Tahnok made him a cake. It was Tahnok's birthday too. Huh. Well, after this zombie thing is sorted out, remind me to buy them both a present. Sure! Wait, you want me to help with the zombie thing? Yeah. We've got NO Toa available. But the other guys are busy... Well, apart from Kohrak, but since he's in a bad mood, he won't help us anyway. Nuhvok and Gahlok and Lehvak are in a strange place called Skylim with loads of dinosaurs and stuff. That's... Weird. I know! So, are you going to help? Of course! I'd love to help my bestest Toa friend! Good. Come on, let's go. Those zombies won't kill themselves. Okie dokie!
  13. Group Photo Outside that Bionicle dimension, there's a whole multiverse. And within that multiverse lies the Phoviverse, inhabited by many different species, the most common of these being the 8 Retha species. While four of the Retha species are rather normal, the other four are unique, standing on two legs instead of four.They're not the only species though. Skirting around the edges of existence are two god-like races, who have been threatening war for thousands of years. The huge, powerful Anexartans believe in pure order, that all should bow down to them. The smaller, mischievous Kronospasts believe that the species of the Phoviverse should be free to do as they please.Now, war is knocking on the Phoviverse's door and the only way to stop it is to send four warriors into the future to bring peace to the multiverse once more. These four warriors became the Dessaron."May the Shadow protect you..." Elksia, also known as Elxy, is a Trehavok, a species of shadow-warriors hailing from planet Treha. Unlike most of his kind, Elxy is unique with his powerful wings and dark green eyes. He has the ability to travel through shadows and camoflague himself in the dark. Oh, and Elksia likes decapitating people, especially pesky Kronospasts who mock his lack of a tail.Elksia from the front.Elksia from the sidePhovos says: I keep on rebuilding Elksia. I don't know why, there's just not enough green to make me satisfied. Trehavok are supposed to be very upright, the way Toa are, but with those wrist blade thingies, he's a bit like a dark vampire. He used to have Bohrok feet like Arkay, but I changed them for my last set of unbroken Zesk feet."I'm probably the nicest Rethavok you'll ever meet." Retvik's a Rethavok, the dominant and most powerful of the Retha species. Their heavy claws, long tails, tough armour and strict Spartan discipline means that NO ONE gets in their way. Although Retvik lacks vasts amounts of elemental power or intellect, he's a great soldier and a very all-round guy, with lots of brute strength.Retvik from the front.Retvik's giant backside."Don't mock my tail!"Phovos says: I've had Retvik for ages, ever since I bought that Lockjaw bear-like Hero Factory set. That's basically what he is, to be honest, a Bohrok version of that. I just love those bear claws so much."No, I am not related to a minor deity from that stupid Elder Scrolls series. Ask me again, and I'll blow your brains out." Incredibly loyal but easy to annoy, Arkay, or, to go by his full name, RK0019 K, is a young Threavok. Back at home, he's considered one of the best Ksa to have ever been born. What's a Ksa, you ask? Oh, only the Threan version of a soldier, fire fighter, police officer, master assassin and civil servant, all rolled up into one. Arkay is rather intelligent and builds weapons in his spare time.Arkay from the front.Arkay from the side back sort of thing.Arkay's gun."What did you just say?"Phovos says: I love Arkay. I love him to bits. The yellow and black reminds me of the very first things I built out of LEGO. He matches all over. He's great. I do wish I had some black feet or something for him, but I feel that would actually spoil him. His gun probably took longer to make than he did."Did I want to be turned into an Ethran? No. But since I'm here, I might as well enjoy it." Tenuk, formerly known as Tanohos, used to be a Kronospast until he was deemed mentally ill and was exiled. He changed species many times (although each time it was involuntary) until he finally settled down as an Ethravok. Like all Ethravok, Tenuk is incredibly tall and skinny, with a giant head and huge hands and feet. His tail's tiny, but it's tipped with a lovely little blade. Despite his size, Tenuk is INCREDIBLY agile and can run much faster than even Elksia. Oh, and Tenuk's HIGHLY intelligent. Just like 99% of all Ethravok.Tenuk from the front.Tenuk from the side."Draw me like one of your French... Things... I dunno..."Phovos says: There was no way I could make Tenuk out of a Hero Factory body, since he's supposed to be twice the size of Arkay. I tried using the longer army pieces like on Retvik, but I simply couldn't make him tall enough. So I decided to use my old buddy, the Metru body. I built him up using legs from an old Temthan MOC. Unfortunately, the other black leg piece broke, so he's got one light blue leg and one black leg.
  14. Matoran Makuta is great. I love him. Dark Makuta is pretty awesome too. Bute white Makuta? It's his legs. They bother me. They seem broken and thin, yet bulky at the same time. I think it's the gold piece on top of the Hordika chest piece. And the little hints of silver stick out too.
  15. No, it's a one-off, although I MAY be doing a comedy loosely based on this some time in the near future.
  16. Huh. Parallel universes. They are always interesting.
  17. I'm happy right now, I just got my 1000th bit of reputation on another forum, ending 3 years worth of jealousy. BUUUUT, have any of you ever felt jealous on BZP? What? You expect a survey? Fine. 1. Have you ever been extremely jealous of someone on BZP? 2. Who were you jealous of? 3. Why were you jealous? Was it an MOC of theirs? Their huge collection of Hau masks? Their ability to draw or write? 4. Have I asked enough questions for this to be counted as a survey? 5. Bonus question: Anyone ever been jealous of you? Okay, I'm going to go away now. -Arkay -The Medic -Tenuk -Phovos the Raptor
  18. I've always been called Phovos for short. Some people call me Raptor though, which is weird. Elsewhere on the internets, I'm known as The Medic.
  19. I got into Bionicle when my bro got given a Gahlok-Kal. I became addicted to Bohrok. Other Bionicle sets followed, but nothing really satisfied my love for Bohrok. I still like Bionicle and all that, but now, I only use my Bionicle and Hero Factory pieces to help me build and create my own characters, such as the powerful Rethan general, Retvik, or the gun-making Threan master of sniping, Arkay. My golden BZP days were back on the old forum, when I was writing The Bohrok-Kal's Ramblings, Phovos's (Stolen) Diaries, Reading Over My Shoulder Is Dangerous To My Health and Virus - Curse of a Victory.
  20. Oh good. I do have A SINGLE IDEA for a comedy.
  21. That was a bit of fun. A nice, chatty Ko-Matoran finding something unexpected. I do agree that using Pro-Tip did seem rather out of place though. Maybe replace it with something like "Korako's tip of the day:" or something like that?
  22. I haven't written anything in ages, so I'm just going to free-form this and see how it goes. ... Two large claws and a thumb almost tickled the console controlling the movement of the spacecraft. It was one of many, designed to explore a multitude of pocket dimensions. The prototype had been made on Ethra, by the best Ethravok scientists available, but once they got the prototype working, the plans and instructions were shipped off to Kryada to be built by humble Threans, only to be sent back when they were done. Most Ethravok didn't like sending factory work to the Threans, but they were just so good at building things. Most of the ships though were used for scientific exploration, exactly what the two lone occupants of this spacecraft were doing. "I don't like the look of this..." Erik tutted as he peered into the navigational instruments on his console. "I don't like the look of this at all. There's nothing here." His partner tutted. "There were some blips on the motion sensor. Honestly, I think we've come here for nothing. A false alarm. We'll land and make sure that this place is dead first though. Altric Ethra Laboratories will not be happy if we only do half the job." "Whatever, Tenuk..." Erik frowned. Well, he didn't really frown. Ethravok lacked that ability. Their shield-plated, heavy jaws were only really good for two things, eating and biting things. Despite all their intellect, Ethravok weren't that powerful. While 4m tall was considered average height, their large, clawed hands and feet made small work needlessly fiddly. Their large eyes meant they had good eyesight, but not as good as the Threans, who could see in almost complete darkness. And their tails... For all their achievements in genetics, making many illnesses and viruses extinct, they'd never been able to grow the thick, beautiful, long tails that the Rethavok so admired. If it wasn't for the fact, like all Retha species, that Ethravok had telepathy, they'd have died out a long time ago. The planet in question was coming into view on the navigation screen. Erik flicked a few switches which set up the automated landing sequence. There was a single large city within the desert-plains, surrounded by what looked like huge pieces of rock and debris. Oddly, the larger pieces of rock looked like body parts. Various limbs poking out of the ground. Tenuk was watching the navigation screen with interest, but Erik was shaking his head. He'd seen things like this before. Worlds where clueless natives have wasted the resources around them building statues to unknown deities. His thoughts were interrupted by an alarm, warning the pair to strap themselves in for landing. "Look, another race that has destroyed itself..." Erik sighed. Tenuk rolled his eyes as he did up his horizontal harness. "You don't know that. It might have been plague or a war. Or maybe it's something else entirely. There might be something alive down there and the sensors haven't picked it up yet." "You're so optimistic..." "That's why you love me, darling!" Tenuk joked. The spacecraft came to a rather smooth landing, only about a kilometre away from the city. A short distance for an Ethravok to walk, what with their huge strides and long legs. The ground was rocky, with any sand being coarse and stony, vastly different from the soft, sandy Ethran beaches. The sky was swirling with colours, tinted pink from the leftover sand from a recent dust storm. The harsh breeze meant the footprints of other visitors would have faded away a long time ago. It didn't take long to reach the city. It seemed vastly different on the ground. The main entrance, at least, that's what Tenuk thought it was, had once been defended by guard posts. Now those posts were just as empty as the city. "Actually..." Erik inspected a claw-mark against the wall where huge gates once hung. "This is recent. No more than a couple of weeks." "How do you know that?" Tenuk asked, peering down the dark main street. Even though it was daylight, the city just felt needlessly dark and bleak. "There's traces of organic liquid here. Not blood. Something similar though. If this happened a long time ago, any organic traces would have faded away." "That means there could be something alive here... Wait..." Tenuk froze. He'd obviously heard something, although he was unsure whether he'd heard it with his ears or his mind. After a few moments, he moved again, shrugging his shoulders. Erik growled. "I hate it when you do that. You did that when we were tracking Raptors on Thanatia III and you scared the heck out of me. Raptors aren't even dangerous these days, what with them being much more civilized than those Thanatians." Tenuk didn't say anything. His eyes were scanning the shadows ahead. He had heard something and now he was sure he had seen something too. Erik was ranting on about how he was taking too many precautions and was generally just paranoid, but Tenuk wasn't paying attention. Something was watching them. "You know, we should just get some samples, call it a day, then go home and hit a bar, possibly ending it all with a bit of..." Erik spun around as something leaped at him. He tipped his body to one side, sending whatever it was flying past, landing painfully on the floor. He reached for his belt, ready to fire, but Tenuk beat him to it, using his scaling slick-net to keep the creature down. Erik loved Ethran weaponry, what with most of it being able to shrink down and fit in their belts. Tenuk calmly walked over to the creature, holding his telescopic spear. It was a strange creature. It wasn't too large, no more than 3m tall. Its whole body, including arms and legs were heavily armoured with what looked like silver and white metal, rather than the organic plastic that Ethravok were used to. It seemed partially mechanical, and a small light glowed within the creature's chest. The beast had a small tail, but it appeared that it had recently mutated, as the tail seemed to only match the organic parts. The creature's face was also very interesting, as if the creature had been wearing a mask that had fused and mutated to match a new, bestial face. One of its eyes remained permanently closed. It appeared that it used to be some sort of mechanical eye piece. It was quite possible that this being once stood tall and proud, much like those silly Sapiens. The beast was relatively calm now that it had been pinned down. It wasn't showing any signs of struggle. It did appear to be trying to communicate though. "Any idea what it's saying?" Erik asked. "Give me a second, Erik. I'm calibrating our xenolexon so we can understand him now... But I don't know if he's speaking a language... Oh..." "It sseemssss assss though you are lossssst..." If anything, the creature's voice scared the Ethravok more than its failed attack did. "Y-you can talk?" Tenuk gripped his spear tighter. "And you understand us?" "Yesss. You Sssshould leave. I wisssh to leave too. It issss bad here. We are all... Hungry now..." "We?" Erik glanced around. "... Oh... Tenuk... We have a problem..." "Wha..." Around them were more of the creatures. But unlike the first one, they were all different colours. Their faces were also of different shapes. But they did not seem as interested in the Ethravok as they expected. One of the creatures, coated in red, orange and silver armour, decorated in flames, stepped forward. "Kopakaaaa. You thought you could leave usss here?" The trapped creature behind them whimpered. "No... No, Tahu... You know I would never..." "DO NOT LIE! You have tried to leave before!" "I wasss looking for... Food..." 'Tahu' growled and turned to face the Ethravok. "What are you beingsss? Asss if sssome Makuta made an unholy union between a Bohrok and the long-dead Rahkssshi..." Erik grunted, unsure what to say. "Well... No. We're Ethravok. We're not from this world. And we're probably quite inedible." "Did that thing mention Bohrok?" Tenuk whispered. "We ssshall sssee about that..." Tahu spun on the spot and growled at some of his followers, who quickly leaped over and grabbed the two Ethravok, securing their arms and ordering them to follow Tahu. Another grabbed Kopaka, net and all, and dragged him along the ground. The deeper they went into the city, the more horrific it became. The ground was covered with what looked like masks and tattered pieces of armour. Most of the buildings were derelict, if they were even standing at all. In some areas, what looked like blood still coated the walls. But the worst part was the centre of the city, which was dominated by what looked like a temple. Along the long, steep path towards the top were more of the creatures. But not all of them were alive. Several were dead and decomposing, hanging off crudely-made y-shaped poles. Tenuk glanced behind them. The creatures that were guarding the path were leading their posts and following them up towards the temple. There was little chance to inspect the inside of the temple, as the majority gathered around the centre of the room, while Tahu and the three others led the Ethravok and Kopaka into a single large cell and untied them, locking them in. Tahu growled at Kopaka, before the creatures left. "So much for no life here..." Tenuk sighed as he got up and inspected the cell door. "I never said the motion sensors were completely accurate..." Erik replied. "So, Kopaka, is that your name? Your friend Tahu doesn't seem very nice." "He isss my brother..." Kopaka whimpered. After having seen the other creatures, Erik noticed that Kopaka was a lot skinnier than the rest of its kind. As if it was malnourished and hadn't eaten in a long time. "Care to explain a bit about all this... Nastiness?" Erik asked. Kopaka didn't say anything at first. "If we're going to be eaten, we'd at least like to know a bit about you." "Fine..." Kopaka closed his eye as he started to explain. "We were... Happy. Teridax wasss evil and we beat him... But then... The Virussss..." He pointed to his face. "It turned uss all into Hoardika... Drove usss inssane. Made usss HUNGRY. Sso we ate. Ate everything. Even the Matoran we ssswore to protect... We lossst everything. Ssanity. Honour. Duty. Our masssks and powersss abandoned usss. Everything... We call ourselvesss Hoardikai now... Becaussse we are not Toa... We killed everything... Only other creaturessss left are mechanical onesss... Bohrok, Baterra... A few Rahi..." "Bohrok? There's Bohrok here?..." Erik paused. "So, erm.... What about you and Tahu?" "I... I tried to sssave sssome Matoran... Tahu found them... Made me kill them... Beat me and hurt me afterwardss... Not like Brother Pohatu though... Threw him into a pool of protodermisss... Killed him... I misssss Pohatu..." Erik pulled the net off Kopaka. "I'm sorry. Thank you for..." "It isss okay. I will die and be with Pohatu sssoon. As will you... What issss your friend do..." Before Kopaka could finish his sentence, something clicked. Tenuk stood by the cell door, holding a lock in his hand. "Wow, your locks suck." He dropped the lock and slowly opened the door. It appeared that no one had heard them. "How on Kolasi did you manage that?" Erik exclaimed. "Spend ten years with only a Rethan, a Threan and a Trehan for company, and you learn to do stuff like picking locks..." Tenuk replied somewhat enigmatically. "Come on, let's go. You too, Kopaka." "I... I cannot..." "Why?" Kopaka didn't have an answer, so he got up and followed. Most of the Hoardikai were in the main room. The remains of hundreds of dead beings coated the walls, making it hard to tell what colour they originally were. In the centre stood Tahu, who was giving some kind of speech. There were not as many of them as the Ethravok had expected. No more than 40 of them. Still a large enough number though. Tahu appeared to be explaining some sort of plan, consisting of 'luring beings from the jungle lands to the city'. Erik tiptoed in front, with Kopaka in the middle and Tenuk at the back. Erik had remembered the route best, so he was leading. "Quick, move before they see us... Oh ..." The Hoardikai looked round. One of the Hoardikai closest to Tahu had spotted them and quickly pointed it out. The monsters hesitated for a second, which the Ethravok used to their advantage to start running. "MOVE! SCHNELL!" Tenuk roared as the horde suddenly made up their mind and started chasing the three of them. Small blasts of energy, the remains of the Hoardikai's elemental powers, exploded around them as they ran. Erik retaliated by dropping one of his trademarked Bag'a'Marbles, scattering small iron balls along the ground. Several Hoardikai fell, tripping up a few others, but there were still plenty after them. Five green Hoardikai leaped from nearby rooftops, only to be spiked or thrown away by Tenuk's spear, which easily penetrated their metal armour. They were making good headway. The old city gates were in sight... "GAHHHH!" Tahu pounced on Kopaka and was now clawing at his back. Kopaka roared in agony, desperately trying to free himself from his brother's claws and teeth. He couldn't escape. There was nothing he could do but... Suddenly, the clawing stopped. Tahu growled, Kopaka's blood coating his teeth and claws. "How DARE you deny me?" Standing between Tahu and Kopaka were the two Ethravok. Tenuk grabbed Kopaka and threw him over his shoulder, while Erik covered them. Tahu charged forward, spitting blood and vile words. But with each charge, Erik would simply throw him back, into the ground, into the rubble around them. "No one kills anyone's brother. Not while I'm here." Erik smiled triumphantly as he threw Tahu down one last time. The leader of the Hoardikai didn't get up, his body lay twitching on the darkened ground. The other Hoardikai, which had only just caught up, stopped in their tracks, staring at their fallen leader. None of the Hoardikai spoke. "Come on, Erik. Let's go..." Tenuk sighed, still carrying the now unconscious Kopaka on his shoulders. "What do we do with him?" Erik asked as they started walking, watching as the Hoardikai faded back into the shadows. "Kopaka? I don't know... We can't bring him home though... Quarantine laws and all that..." "Wait... I've got an idea..." ... Kopaka blinked. Where was he? Everything was dark. But at least he wasn't in pain any more. He tried to roll over, but he couldn't. It appeared that he was wrapped up in a blanket. "Please, do not move, Toa: Kopaka, State: Nuva and Hoardikai. You have suffered grave injuries, including: Severe Loss of Fluids and Broken Bone: Left Arm. You must rest." Once again, Kopaka blinked, searching for the source of the robotic voice. It appeared to be coming from the Bohrok standing above him. "Who... Who are you? Where am I?" The Bohrok replied almost instantly, as it started loosening the blanket so Kopaka could move more. "You were brought here by Unknown Species: Tenuk and Erik. They left you in our care. We are currently working on a cure for Illness: Hoardikia. We have been informed of your ill-treatment by other Toa Hoardikai and are taking the proper steps to being you back to full health." "I... I undersssstand..." Kopaka sat up, his eye finally adjusting to the light. His other eye also moved slightly, something that hadn't happened in a long time. "And who are you?" "My name is Pahrak-Kal. You have nothing to fear, Toa..." ... "You think they'll all fix themselves?" Tenuk asked as he fired up the engines to the spacecraft. "I mean, they were all such a mess. And it seemed like they hadn't even tried to cure themselves." Erik grunted. "I don't know. I don't even know what to put in this report. And honestly, I feel really bad. They were probably a nice bunch before they got that virus thing." "At least we saved Kopaka. Poor blighter." Tenuk tried to inject some optimism into the conversation. "Good point. At least we did something... Good today..." Erik paused to groan, having made a third typo on his report. He was about to get rather annoyed when Tenuk put a hand on his shoulder. "Tell you what, let's just go home. We can finish the report later..." Tenuk smiled. "Plus, I really fancy a drink right now..."
  23. If you do another Expo, do I have to do my marathon of like 5 BKR chapters again? Because I'm completely unable to get any other comedy off the ground, especially with me moving away from Bionicle and onto my own set of genderless species (collectively known as the Vrekavok). Random fact: This is my 4001st post and the 5600th reply in Comedies.
  24. Wow, my 4000th post. That's the third most posts I have ever reached on a forum. The most being over 6000 posts on my beloved SPUF. And you're wasting it here. Why not? This is the only thing that people here read. Good point. So, how are you planning on celebrating? I made a cake! I was going to ask Pahrak to make a cake but he's already done it. I'm useful! You're normally useful. If it wasn't for you, the others would just live off cookies. Except we have no physical need to eat... You'd be so fat... You're fat. Grrr... Nuhvok, I didn't know you could sink down to such low levels of stupidity. Calling a Raptor fat? Are you ASKING to be decapitated? And what are you doing here anyway? Oh, we've put our current Skyrim story on hold so we can have a nice 4000th post story instead. SKYRIM? We were in Skyrim? I... I thought you'd worked that out already. We could have been on Threa for all I know. Ah! I think me ol'mates, the Bohrok're back! Ditch the stupid accent, Veekay. Ditch the stupid colour, Arkay. Fine. I'll use gold instead. Despite being bright yellow. Can't use black either because that Bohrok's using it. Ahem. You mean one of the main characters in the comedy? ... Okay, guys, let's stop arguing and go back and think about all the times we've had. Like when ya'll thought my house's haunted! Ya little maties are such scaredy cats! Or when you all nearly drove Tahnok to suicide. Let's not get into that, please, because it reminds us all of... Remember when me and Tahnok were besssstessst friendssss! Turahk... Tahnok! You know I still don't want to talk to you, right. Yessss but... I wanted to ssssay ssssorrrry. Don'cha dare say 'SAW-ry!', Doc! I vas not going to say anyzing. Hiya, guys! Glad you made it! And Ah have a workin' teleporta now, s'we can get home naow. I love your accent, Engineer. Ya're welcome, son. No love for ze Medic zhen? Nope. Hate the lot of you. Dumb humans. Oh, Phovos, did you know that those Argonians are ripping off your style? They're not ripping off my style. They're more like crocodiles than raptors. Plus, those feathers are just decoration. The ones around my wrists actually grow. Is there a point to all this? Yah, o'course, matey! Why d'ya think we spent all that time settin' up those tables fulla food over there? It just seems stupid celebrating 4000 posts on a forum that Phovos rarely visits, to the point that she only posts in THIS thread. Is it a Thread or a Topic? I'm never sure. Does it matter? Roar. Oh hi, mister fluffy-wuffy! I told you, Bohrok, my name is Lokmahro. Interesting. You related to a friend of mine called Lokmah? No. Can someone open a window please? I would like to try some of those sweetrolls. Sure, mate! Here ya go! So what's all this about? I don't know any more. Shall we all go and eat? Yes please! I'm hungry. TO THE PICNIC TABLE!
  25. Okay, I'm getting worried. Where the heck are they? I have no idea! I only wanted to give them Lemonade! My special Pahrak-Kal Lemonade of Heavenly Beauty. Is that what you sold it as? No, I sold it as a cure for Power-Loss and as a cure for acne. Really? Yes. Wow, the things people will buy. Also, I sold it as an anti-aging potion. Because it has tachyons in it. ... What? Nothing. Only a breach of, like, you know... Oh. Anyway, back to worrying. Why on Threa or Ethra or Earth or Kolasi or wherever we are are you worrying? Because Lehvak and Nuhvok are both missing and you KNOW how destructive those two can be! So? Kohrak, they nearly drove me to suicide. Well, that was partially your fault too. HOW THE HECK IN THE BAHRAG'S NAME WAS THAT MY FAULT? You were being a sensitive little daffodil. Daffodil? You know, those yellow flowers that turn into balls of fluffy seeds that you can blow away. They're dandelions. What, really? Yeah. Daffodils are the yellow flowers that grow from bulbs and come back every year. Oh... How do you know so much about flowers? Lehvak made me eat a daffodil. Oh. You done arguing about flowers? You done being a pansy? Again with the flowers! Well, if you weren't such a sensitive little daisy, they'd still be here! Yet another flower reference. Don't be a silly petal. I'm doing it on purpose. ... Anyway, as I said, don't worry! Gahlok's with them! How much damage could they do? If we end up with something utterly disastrous happening, I'm blaming you. No blame for me? And you. You both know what Nuhvok's like when he loses. Next time he loses, I'll steal his Krana for a bit so he can't complain. Erm. I'll push him down the stairs. What's with the sudden burst of violence? Can we go back to talking about flowers please? My favourite flower is a sunflower. Sunflowers are nice. And they can be incredibly tall... Remember that one that grew in Veekay's garden? It was as tall as all of us combined! Yeah... Jeez. You guys are such daisies. And you're a Stinking Billy. A what? It's normally called a Sweet William... Unless you live in Scotland. Oh... Yep. I think I'm going to go outside and get a life. Alrighty then! See ya. We should get some flowers for around the house. Lavender is always nice...
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