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Master Inika

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Everything posted by Master Inika

  1. I'm so used to Kazi's hand-head seeing him with an actual head just looks weird. Excellent model, though. The custom limbs look like G2 (I'm out of the loop, maybe they are) but they still fit as quintessentially Kazi in terms of scale and feel. It almost looks too good. Canonically, the Voya Nui Matoran are supposed to be poorly-made, so Kazi looks too healthy and strong to be the Kazi we know. But that's hardly a criticism of the build. Good job.
  2. I'd rather see the 2015 Uniters in 2001 colors. This is an interesting project though, and thanks for putting the idea in picture form. It's not the type of thing it would have occurred to me to wonder before, but now that I can see it in front of me, it's really fascinating and I think it shows how differently LEGO uses color in 2015 vs. 2001.
  3. Reminds me of the Tim Burton movie 9. He looks wise and noble, but he also looks like he's wearing khaki shorts, like a goofy grandpa. Very expressive yet also quintessentially robotic like BIONICLE is known for.
  4. Gali's face is going to haunt my nightmares. Seriously, these are so creative and abstract, yet together they're all clearly the Nuva. They look like the Nuva if they were also Dark Hunters. I love it.
  5. This is beautiful to look at. The ramp in particular looks a lot more complex and full-scale than it really is. It wasn't until I really looked at it that I noticed it was all normal pieces. The portal itself is magnificent. The parts flow together seemlessly. It's one of the best types of BIONICLE MOCs, the kind that doesn't even really look like BIONICLE at first it all goes together so nicely.
  6. Episode 10: The Battle for Metru Nui Poison had just finished his second serving of apple pie a la mode. Vengeance committed to memory the name of the department store where Claire Smith had purchased her drapes, intent on ordering some for his cell on Odina upon his return. Darkness licked from his bladed fingers the residue of melted ice cream. Finally, the Shadowed One rose. "Enough!" he roared. "The time of waiting has reached its conclusion. The time for action has come. We will march on the Coliseum. We have no need for more weapons, we are Dark Hunters! We have powers and skills beyond those lowly Matoran, their laughable Vahki or that pathetic lone Toa of Fire. Come!" Primal sighed. "But I wasn't finished with my--" "COME!" The assembled Hunters reluctantly left Claire's house and headed toward the Coliseum, leaving the frazzled housewife alone. All she could do was wait and hope that help was on its way. Jake always said something in times like this, and it only seemed appropriate for her to echo him: "Mata Nui protect us." ---- Claire led Vakama, Nokama and Matau through the halls of the Coliseum. They found Turaga Dume in his office, flanked on either side by a Vahki. "So, the false Toa have returned," he said calmly. "Surrender now and perhaps I'll--" "We don't have time for this!" Vakama cried. "An army of Dark Hunters is headed right for us!" There were many excuses the villain was expecting the young Toa to make, but that was not one of them. If he was telling the truth... "They can't," Dume said, more to himself than anyone else. "It's too soon." He turned to the Vahki on his right. "Summon every Vahki unit in the city. Either we turn all that aggregate power on the Dark Hunter army approaching us... or on these liars if no army arrives." ---- It was a rare sight on Metru Nui: all six metru devoid of Vahki. All squads had been recalled to the Coliseum, which they ringed in a defensive perimeter. If Dume knew the Shadowed One, he would not be approaching in a straight line. The Dark Hunters struck where and when they were least expected. In the chaos, Claire had managed to slip through and reunite with Jessica. The mother and daughter embraced. "Did Dad and Jake make it back yet?" Claire asked desperately. "No," Jessica said. "It looks like we're on our own. We have six Toa and those robots, but that's nothing compared to the Hunters. We tried to tell Turaga Dume, but he wouldn't listen." They approached from the east: hundreds upon hundreds of armored beings, every shape and size, all of them looking ready for a fight. The Vahki prepared for combat, but the first wave of Dark Hunters made quick work of the first wave of Vahki. Even the mechanical minds encased within clockwork in the remaining Vahki's heads could calculate that there was little hope the rest of them would fare any better. "What we need is a miracle," Jessica said. "Did somebody say miracle?" The voice was young, coming from the opposite side of the Coliseum. All looked, and there was Jake, and beside him Roger, and coming up behind the father and son, Toa. First a handful, then a dozen, then a few dozen, then a few hundred. Without words, the epic battle erupted. Rays of plasma melted through spiked armor. Bolts of ice froze enemies solid. Protosteel shields deflected blasts of fire. Gale-force gusts of wind blew towering giants to the ground. Elemental blasts of every kind flew in every direction. Blades, sword, axes and spears rained upon every area of the Coliseum. As both armies slowly lost troops, the Smith family, together with Turaga Dume, watched the action unfold from the top of the Coliseum's central tower. "That's it," Roger said. "This has gone on long enough. I'm ending this." "But how?" Claire said, clinging to her husband. Roger looked back at her and smiled. "Don't worry, honey. I've got a plan." He stepped out and shouted to the warring crowd: "Everyone stop!" Roger was so puny and insignificant that the combatants were too curious to ignore him. What was this short, squishy being going to say that could change the course of so great a battle? The man said nothing, simply held up an item he had hidden away in his pocket. Most in the crowd failed to recognize it, but the Shadowed One did. "No," the creature said. "Impossible!" "Yes," Roger declared. "I hold in my hand a device capable of causing extreme pain in any biomechanical being's mechanical components. Just one press of a button, and this battlefield turns into a living Karzahni for all of you." He looked back with a smile at his family. "All of you with mechanical components, that is." "You wouldn't dare!" the Shadowed One roared. "You would hurt your newfound allies as well as us." "I'll do whatever I must to protect my family," Roger countered. "Unless you'd like to see if I'm bluffing, order every Dark Hunter off of Metru Nui." The Shadowed One weighed his options. Roger knew not the capabilities of the weapon he held. He could kill the Shadowed One purely by accident if he turned it on. A retreat, even one dishonorable as this, allowed for the possibility of revenge. The Hunters would do as they always had: return to the comfortable safety of darkness and await their next opportunity. "We accept your terms, Roger... for now," the Shadowed One snarled. ---- Not a moment after the final Dark Hunter boarded his boat, the terrified Matoran controllers pushed it out and it rejoined the fleet headed back to Odina. "By the way, Roger," the Shadowed One bellowed back to the shore from his boat, "you're fired." So there was peace, and with it the great challenge of rebuilding. "To repair all this damage will take years," Dume grieved. For a moment, his voice darkened. "I sought to rule a city of legends, not a city of rubble." His eyed widened as he realized he said that out loud. "Um, I mean..." "Oh, give it a rest, Makuta," Claire said. "We've all been listening to Jake. Even I know you're really a bad guy hatching some sort of sinister plot." An old, frail Toa in a tattered cloak approached. Her hands and feet were blue, but little else could be seen of her. "Follow me, please," she said in a raspy voice, wise and battle-hardened. No one was sure if they recognized her from the great conflict. The Smith family followed her. "I am Toa Helryx," she said once they were away from the crowd. "I am--" "You're the first Toa!" Jake explained. "You lead the Order of Mata Nui. You do the jobs regular Toa can't. You're so cool you even get to break the Toa Code!" "Um... yes, I am," she said. "Anyway, you don't belong here. It's going to be hard enough for my organization to make sure things proceed here as they're meant to as it is. The time has come for you to return to where you do belong." The Smiths looked at each other, a myriad of emotions in their eyes. "I suppose it is time," Claire said. Roger nodded to Helryx. He had to do what was best for his family. Beside Helryx, a gold and blue giant approached. "This is Brutaka," Helryx said. "He shall open a portal to your home dimension--or at least, as close to it as he can get. Farewell, and thank you for your service to our world." The Smiths wanted to remain and say goodbye. So much had happened. Lhikan was now a Turaga like Dume/Makuta. The Toa Metru were still wanted fugitives. Two Dark Hunters remained crawling around the city, somewhere. But all of them--even Jake--seemed to comprehend that Helryx alone could properly appreciate who they were and just how out of their element they all were. Brutaka summoned a portal, and one by one the Smiths walked through. They expected to walk into sunshine and see perhaps a few clouds in the sky. That expectation was met. What they did not expect to see was a beautiful yet alien-looking city on the side of a distant mountain. The four Smiths looked around and made sure all four of them had made the journey safely. All immediately knew from the strange city before them that, wherever they were, it wasn't home. "Hi, there!" a cheerful voice said from behind them. All turned to see a purple horse with wings. "Welcome to Equestria! I'm Twilight Sparkle, and it looks like I'm your first friend!"
  7. I enjoyed reading this. It's a very realistic depiction of Le-Wahi. Seeing it in MNOG, you get a feel for the physical beauty, but you really captured the actual danger of a jungle. That orange pollen sounds horrifying. In canon, the way the Makuta created everything gives it all a purpose, but in the real world, sometimes nature just hurts you for no good reason. There were certain spelling mistakes, and some proofreading would have gone a long way to making it a cleaner reading experience, but what you've presented is excellent. As someone totally unfamiliar with the BZPRPG, I was able to follow along well and quickly get an understand as to who's who and what's going on. Thanks for sharing this, and keep writing.
  8. I once played the game and intentionally didn't get the chisel and it still let me progress and win. Without knowing exactly what you've done, it's hard for us to pinpoint the problem. There are one of a million things you could have missed. I'd start by just going around and re-delivering the letter to all five Turaga as a starting point.
  9. For unknown reasons, the set is supposed to be that way.
  10. It's a great model, but I can't in good conscience formally support it (or any of these enormous Bionicle Ideas sets) just because I know I'll never have the disposable income for it to be responsible. Something I actually am considering is Swert's Kolhiiheadz. As much as I admire LEGO Ideas as a concept, I feel it was poorly-executed, and a great MOC doesn't necessarily make a great official set.
  11. With regards to Bionicle's numerous G1 cliffhangers: nothing will retroactively make that experience more rewarding. At the time when the original audience was ready to receive more Bionicle content, and we had reason to believe it was coming, it didn't. Even if Greg picked all those serials back up today and finished them perfectly, it wouldn't reverse the obvious problems with fulfilling expectation there were. Not that Greg did anything wrong--the man was becoming a father for Pete's sake, I'd say that's reason enough to disappoint the adult fans of your canceled toy line. If Bionicle were really going to come back, really really, it would only work and be worth doing if they captured the feel and tone of G1. Not tying up G1's loose ends. Not changing it so much it might as well not be Bionicle. I haven't heard anyone mention this name before, but the only person who could really reassure me that any G3 could be worth pursuing (aside from Greg or Christian Faber, of course) is Henry Gilroy. I first noticed his name pop up in important creative roles in the Bionicle movies as well as Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In behind-the-scenes interviews, he always comes off as understanding what makes a franchise popular and how to generate and maintain interest. The man just has an uncanny ability to produce content that appeals to your inner twelve-year-old. I would go so far as to say his Star Wars work (Clone Wars and Rebels) is the closest Bionicle has to a spiritual successor. It's the only thing I've watched as an adult that actually comes close to making me feel the way Bionicle did as a child.
  12. If I had to guess, it's probably the Huai Snowball Sling.
  13. I voted mixed. I don't hate HF, but there's really nothing about it that I enjoyed more than Bionicle.
  14. 2005 was fine, 2007 was when lime joints became a problem. 2008 is when all joints became a problem. On that note, I've been having more and more difficulty with original 2001 parts. Not the sockets, but the axle holders, mainly at the area where the Toa's legs and Bohrok's limbs connect to the axle coming out of the body.
  15. Conspiracy theory time: It's actually Xboxtravis, and he's only pretending to be against it here to raise its visibility.
  16. Honestly, the best idea is to just pretend the GSR isn't a thing unless it's directly plot-relevant.
  17. I wait until Saturday Night Fever, then you'll all be the ones feeling silly.
  18. Really, you could ask this question for half of all Bionicle weapons.
  19. When I think of fantasy adventures, I don't think of fisticuffs. Choreographed fight scenes with cool weapons is one of the best parts of fights in franchises like Bionicle. That's not saying it was never, or should never have been, part of it. In particular, the way the Web of Shadows movie gave the Toa Hordika one weapon fused to their arm arguably makes them entirely hand-to-hand fighters. Presumably, most Toa are fully capable of fighting both with and without weapons, through a mix of proper training or experience. I imagine fighting with tools is preferred because of their utility (most Toa tools have secondary uses) and they seem to augment their power to a degree. As for hand-to-hand combat vs. elemental powers, why would any Toa favor physical combat? What benefit is there to punching someone in the face when you can shoot fire or electricity at him from a distance? As to elemental powers vs. "using your brain", the most competent Toa in the series always look for unexpected uses of their powers. Even though it ended up being unsuccessful, Tahu's attempt to trap Panrahk in that column of heat was a good idea.
  20. This is my first time hearing about this. It's cringey but it's also something I 100% would have been doing ten years ago.
  21. Everyone else beat me to it, but the Rahaga eye piece. I'd always cram the second one between the two pieces to force them apart, but that would bend the axle noticeably even if I only did it a few times. I don't consider the Mata eye stalk to be truly irritating because they seem designed to go together, and even as a kid I could sort of tell. Unlike the Rahaga pieces, the Mata head elements don't have much utility independently, especially the eye part. I also wouldn't necessarily count physically flawed pieces like lime joints.
  22. Bionicle doesn't need a high school. Most Toa learn informally from Turaga or more experienced Toa, but experience alone can also be an excellent teacher. Lhikan was still a novice when all of his comrades were killed by Frostelus, and yet he matured into one of the best Toa.
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