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Blog Comments posted by Tavakai

  1. What is your hair color?


    On a scale of one to ten (ten being the highest), how much energy do you have right now?




    What should I do for AC16?


    This statement is false.

    This statement is a statement.


    EDIT: I did not copy the guy above me on question 3. I didn't even look at any of the other comments until I made mine.

  2. VakamaTK's birthday is exactly a week after Halloween.

    VakamaTK is not a morning person.

    VakamaTK's eighteenth birthday is the day after the 2012 US presidential election.

    VakamaTK does not like his username, but is terrible at thinking of Bionicle names, especially one he would like to use as his own.

    Around 99% of VakamaTK's Bionicle stuff is not lost. The other one percent is either shredded with a lawn mower or in an unknown location.

    VakamaTK would have joined BZP when he discovered it in early 2007, but he didn't have an email address. He got one, but forgot about BZP until October 2007.

    VakamaTK got his first Bionicle set when he was six and a half. The age requirement is 7+. Please don't tell anyone.....

    VakamaTK has a TV with a messed up screen, causing everything at the top to stretch out and everything at the bottom to shrink down. Therefore, everyone on the TV look short with big foreheads.

    VakamaTK is not obsessed with Vakama.

    VakamaTK has never been stung by a bee, or broken a bone.

    VakamaTK is one of those lucky people that doesn't need braces.

    VakamaTK can type very fast. That's why his posts are sometimes long.

    VakamaTK lives in ____ ______, ______.

    VakamaTK is an only child.

    VakamaTK has his own computer.

    VakamaTK has his own digital camera.

    VakamaTK just got a Gamecube, because all of his friends had them. Now all of his friends switched to Wiis, and VakamaTK just spent $100.

    VakamaTK's name spelled backwards is KTamakaV.

    VakamaTK is slightly good at writing things without looking at the paper.

    VakamaTK has read the dictionary. Just not the whole thing.

    VakamaTK found a spider nest in his Antroz Phantoka Jutlin, which was on Antroz Phantoka's face. He's pretty sure Antroz didn't like that very much.

    VakamaTK is 14 as of this typing (November 10, 2008).

    VakamaTK once used a green Rhotuka spinner in a green field. He didn't use his brain much, did he? He lost the Rhotuka. See fact about lost pieces.

    VakamaTK lives somewhere in the Milky Way galaxy.

    VakamaTK got Legends #11 on its release date.

    VakamaTK thinks this list is getting long.

    VakamaTK typed these facts.

    One of these facts is not true.






    Interwebsitial portal to Brickshelf

  3. It was Mcdonalds that gave us Mctoran. Saying that Mcdonalds is an insult to Bionicle means Mctoran are a complete insult.


    I say everyone should stop complaining.




    That's exactly what I thought when I read this blog entry.


    Also, I sometimes spell Bionicle in all caps. Sometimes I don't spell BIONICLE in all caps. Would I be a half-true fan if I spelled BiOnIcLe like that?


  4. Chuck Norris or Exo for President?

    Tie. Therefore, the government steals the Spear of Fusion from GregF, and fuses them together, forming Exo Norris.

    Y/N on proposition #19: Should Lois admit to Clark that she was really wearing her device thingie when that guys asked her if she loved him?

    asdlfasdklfsjd wha?

    What's your favorite season?

    Of what? The year? Hunting? Stuff you put on food?

    Free hugs! Do you ( A ) hug or ( B ) run away?

    ( C ) All of the above.

    Did you know that I was actually the Whig party candidate this year? I think I gunn win

    You had a wig party? :???:

  5. As I said in the Talkback thread, "that Planetperson's one smart guy."



    Here's what GregF said in his blog:

    2. Is Mata Nui the Matoran universe?



    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Yes. The actions of 2004-2008 all took place inside the Great Spirit. The action of 2001-2003 took place on the surface of Mata Nui's "face." Since Mata Nui is not normally laying still, that explains why Matoran were never meant to live outside the domes.





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