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Ayel Hyland

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Blog Comments posted by Ayel Hyland

  1. I was freed yesterday, as well.


    Our school does something similar with our food, but only by adding adjectives to them. For example, there are "Fantastic Fish Sticks," "Radical Chicken Rings," and my personal favorite, "Boom Boom Black Eyed Peas."


    They're also selling a slice of cake for the same amount as a full meal...

  2. I actually haven't gotten any Bionicle sets in a while, but the story is still slightly attracting me. And seeing how Lego will continue the story for a while, I'm okay with the move.


    I think that some of the reactions to the end are a little overdramatic, especially the people who want petitions and start bashing TLG and threaten to boycott all Lego sets. I've seen this before in regards to a forum I was once on, and reactions were similar to what I'm similar. Only this time the sets that the forum is based off of are being discontinued, not the entire forum itself. :P


    Of course, reactions of slight sadness and nostalgia are perfectly okay, but not when they are brought out on the people who possibly had to make that decision.


    And in regards to the new theme, it's not Ben 10. Ben 10 is directed towards the younger fans, although I don't know what the new theme's angle will be. Plus, the new theme comes out in Summer, and Ben 10 comes out this January.

  3. liek zomg wee nedz a pietation!1!!11!1!1!1!eleven!!1!11 (j/k)


    Well, if the story stops adding new things, you could make it semi-canon. What I mean by that is if Bionicle ended at an epic moment where Mata-Nui and Makuta are about to fight and a random explosion occurred, you could make it where that explosion involves one of your characters. Like if Trevor decided that it was a good idea to test out those Cordak Blasters again. :P

  4. Blade, you're lucky. You just need recolors to MOC yourself. I, on the other hand, would need to chop up some masks and glue them together. :P

    I'm even luckier - my required mask has existed since 2003, while the other lesser-known one has been around since 2001. :P


    I'm super-lucky. I modelled my appearance of a random Av-Matoran I created. :P

    I'm ultra-lucky. Mine is simply an amalgation of parts from three different Toa. :P


  5. Am I sad that Bionicle has reached it's threshold? Yes.


    Am I bashing GregF and TLG and saying my life is ruined? No.


    There is a difference between a little grief and overreacting. The latter is overreacting. In fact, it's not the first time I've seen it. I won't go into too much detail since it involves another forum, but said forum was closed and some former members lashed out at its admins.


    But being a little sad at the end of an era of sorts is perfectly normal, even if it's a children's line.


    That said, the storyline is still continuing, which should take away most of the sting.

  6. And the other night, we had some thunder and lightning. When the last time you've had that was years ago, you find it glorious.



    GALILEO! Galileo! GALILEO! Galileo!



    *Er Hr* So I assume that Blade got the rain all warriors strive for. Or at least the thunder and lightning from it. :P

  7. Other than the Nintendo classics, , there's nothing too remarkable for the whole family other than generic party games.


    There are, however, enough great almighty Nintendo classic-etiquette games to keep you guys busy.


    Actually, I can't decide between a PSP or Wii. PSP is going to have Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, and yet the Wii will have the almighty next major Zelda game...

    Remember that we're talking about the Takuma Nuva, not the Blade. :P


    Anyway, I'm afraid I'd be biased towards the Wii, but whatever. I'd recommend Super Smash Bros. Brawl and, dare I say it, Wii Sports Resort.

  8. Before you do it, think about a few things...


    1. The fad is just about over. Although a few more members are adding there names, the fad is losing steam...

    2. You will lose a lot of my respect, because whether it's losing steam or not, it is getting pretty annoying.

    3. Back to number 1, you'll be stuck with that name when the fad is over.

    4. And going back to number 3, you may also have "name-changing regret." Believe me, I've gone through it before...


    Ultimately, it's your decision, and these are just my opinions.

  9. I stopped trick or treating for some reason. It was my own choice. :P


    I actually considered being in a haunted house this year dressed as Freddy Kreuger-type, but I don't know if I'll be able to do that.


    And we don't usually stay at home for Halloween, because we forget to buy candy and kids come up and bug us.

  10. Gavla will find ya, Ger.


    You should upload your past Photo comics and Chimoru works.


    WARNING. There's a dude name Oskarmandude that will watch you there and annoy you. Alot.

    Really? Because I have put two things out there and though he has favorited them, he has made no comment on either one. Or annoyed me. :P


    Anyway, I only know of two PGSes on DA, and both are red. And both would seem to be important to the plot...


  11. I usually save up my money, spending it only occaisonally on a game or gifts for Christmas. The only exception was when I bought my Wii, a game for it, and a guide to another game. Also, I spend a lot of money when I go out of town.


    Most of the Bionicle sets I get are gifts, which is why I missed out on 2008 and only got a little of 2007. I do hope to get Titan Mata-Nui, though.

  12. Well, I can't wait to see the new TMUs. There's not that much to say about that.


    Actually, there's something about TMUCW. If you're going to skip a few chapters, make sure you do it so it doesn't seem too rushed. For example...


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    If this Gerlicky XD character turns out to be something more sinister than what we think he is, and you planned to show him change from chapter to chapter, find a way to condense without it being all "*Bam* imma dork gurky!1!!1!11! imma kill u!11!1!111!!!!" in one comic. (I put this in spoiler tags just in case this is what you had planned.
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