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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Hahli Husky

  1. What the heck is up with these comments below this one?? v

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      In my defense I was not hyper.

    3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      PowerPuff Girls Z! XP

    4. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      HAHAHAHAHAHA. Hahahahah. haha.

  2. A+ avatar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      no problem, i just spent about 10 seconds trying to find the option to like your comments and then remembered this is BZP

    3. Hahli Husky
    4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Is it wrong I just tried to like your first comment even though it pointed out that this is bzp?

  3. Then I bet you weren't expecting THIS

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hahli Husky
    3. otter



    4. Squishyfrog


      that movie is just pure gold in every way

  4. Y u no make your avatar Shining Armor so we match. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Oh my gosh when BZP said you had replied to something on my wall I thought it was a more recent thing and was like "Wut."

    3. Janus


      Hey, I just learned about this dumb profile feed thing today. Cut me some slack.

    4. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Oh man seriously? I keep posting on your wall and everything lol.

  5. It's hawwwwwt in Tooooopeeeeeekaaaaaa

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. otter


      It's hot just a couple hours southwest of Topeka, as well. Or Northwest. Something-west of Topeka.


      Meh, let's just stick with "It's hot in McPherson."

    3. BenLuke


      God, I remeber that!

    4. Toaraga


      I can't remember the last time I saw that show.

  6. werqin it ~

    1. Queen of Noise

      Queen of Noise

      werk it twerk it 'til you go berserk w/it

    2. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      When I saw this I thought of "twerkin it" for some reason

    3. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      it's definitely got the same phonetic bounce to it

  7. Extremely late test because now that everything I said on my profile on the old site is being called "my updates", I look deranged.

    1. Catra


      dude mine did the same thing


      so I deleted them all and now there's probably gaps in conversations on my profile lmao

    2. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      lol wishing for a like button or at least notifications for when people respond to you!

    3. Catra


      isn't there a setting so you can get notifications of replies to your own statuses

  8. Chocolate chickens

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD
    2. Queen of Noise

      Queen of Noise

      That's definitely a cleverly-disguised euphemism

    3. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Ssshhhhh shh shhh shhhhh. Don't give away my plans to the enemy.

  9. I guess Christmas is over so I should probably update this. Happy 6th of February!!(???)

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Happy 10th year on BZP! (And 6th of April!)

    2. Kopekemaster


      Aaaaand now the 30th.

    3. Kanakalackin


      21st of May!

  10. HEY just wanted to say I was looking forward to meeting you at BrickCan and disappointed you couldn't make it, but also I kept thinking "should i really post that in the planning topic??" BUT PROFILES YES. Hope maybe you can make it next year!

    1. Eyru


      profiles are the future!!!!!

      and yes hopefully next year- it will be A+ to finally meet you!!

    2. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Sounds awesome!! We should def hang :3

  11. I saw your sig image and was like HAHAHA who is this cool dude and I looked and it was you. tl;dr your sig is tops the funniest.

    1. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Also by cool dude I mean you are A Chill Guy for real.

    2. Nukaya




      RUN MO RUN.

  12. Rarity!!

    1. Rarity


      ... Background pony I don't recognize! :P

    2. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      Oh menah lamers for real

  13. My eyes are going to roll out of my head and down the street

    1. Makaru


      *staff roll*

  14. FYI saw your blog entry, you're on my prayer list. :)

    1. Squishyfrog


      Thank you. That really means a lot to me. :)

  15. I just wanted to tell you that I love the statement in your signature, I've never heard something like that before but it's -very- true!


    1. Queen of Noise

      Queen of Noise

      Count upon the Sea Ponies when you're in distress!

  17. Love the cronch

    1. Makaru


      Maximum Overcronch

  18. SLAP FIVE sig image = win

    1. Jinkmeister


      Thank you very much! I need to find someone to take Samus

  19. Thank you so much for the lovely sig images!

    1. Splashmaster



  20. *chuckles* It's something else. Very interesting; never a dull moment. XP

  21. Oh yeah Hanners rules the world!!

  22. Dude, ever since I interviewed you I've been noticing your name all over tha place. D= Stop haunting me! You will never find out where I live!!!!


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