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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hahli Husky

  1. (he's a banned member so his profile can't be accessed and we can't discuss banned members)
  2. Oh there's violence in Putt Putt. Remember when that hippo slipped and ran in to those penguins and exploded and they all died?* Yeah *whats citation
  3. I haven't joined Eurobricks because I'm Canadian, not European (tbh I just stuck with BZP because it was all I could handle)
  4. I can verify that both individuals in reality have very tiny feets. Uh, maybe when compared to you, yeah. Otherwise my feet are nearly 11 inches long. Check your foot privilege
  5. Hahli Husky

    Is it just me?

    Ahhhh it is. It was extremely frustrating when they first rolled out the merger. They made it a little better since then, but it's still really frustrating to have to specify that I want to browse as my YouTube account instead of my Google+ account every time I visit YouTube.
  6. Oh whoa it happened; look at my name it's like, a blood orange color ~ I'll still be lurking, as Janus does, but instead of yelling at people I'll just be laughing at them. One thing I will miss is being able to change member titles and seeing how long it takes for the victim(s) to notice. But some of them still haven't noticed, so there's fun to be had yet. NATE I know that as my heir you will do me proud in the land of fanfictions! <3
  7. LIKE The 16-year-old girl I was when all this Toa Metru stuff was going down is extremely pleased with this. I was always reading between the lines and even bought all the Adventures books just to read them over and over and revel in the glory of Krahka. And also OnewaxKrahka. There was so much there that was never really explored or expanded, and then she was gone and yeah. I hollered about the fic offsite and I want to plug some of that in here. Also I'm not the best at writing reviews so I hope you get something out of this. I'm not really interested in picking at your grammar or structure, and somebody else will probably come in and do it so eh. Okay so Krahka is just too cool for school. Your narrative totally respects her and just expands upon what we were given in the books. A+ Tamaru inclusion, she is a star ~ I laughed and also really love these snippets of classic Bionicle humor that I actually understand and can appreciate. Real talk, I wrote a couple short stories exploring the emotional turmoil the Toa Metru went through as they were turning into Rahi, and this went right through my proverbial heart. That’s something the Turaga had to of carried with them for the rest of their lives and it’s one of the things that made me so very interested in the Turaga/Toa Metru, way more than the Toa Mata/Nuva. Thank you for capturing this. PREACH. THIS PART IS JUST AMAZING. coughgetmarriedcough This is just utterly entirely fantastic and provides a more realistic feel to the whole situation. It was always weird how the Turaga were like OMG LET’S GO HOME YAY FORGET MATA NUI with very little of “Ugh history and all this stuff happened and etc.” It was so much for them to deal with. I don't think a thousand years would have done anything but cause regrets and scars to grow, and eventually become stale. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (I got serious nerve-tingling chills from that part) Pause here for a very important announcement. The way you write Krahka’s sass and snark is wonderful, especially reflected against Onewa. It’s still sassy banter, but not like the youthful rough banter they shared. They have been through a whole lot and while they can pick up just the same, it’s not like it used to be. The dialogue respects their pasts and their parting, and mixes very smoothly with who they are and have been. :( :( :( "Okay call me???" Nate I'm exploding right now. This is something I've always wanted. You're awesome. EDIT: I forgot to include the part about the theming of this story. Seeing a different approach to what could essentially be a fluffy shipfic adds so much more value to it. Pairing the feelings of regret, loss, and acceptance with aged and resigned fondness and attraction came out so beautifully. When I think about it, my favorite stories and movies have similar themes. So this all hit home.
  8. My eyes are going to roll out of my head and down the street

    1. Makaru


      *staff roll*

  9. JEN I DIDN'T FORGET (the last one was nearly 1,000 kb so I had to save it as a bad .jpg please enjoy I love you)
  10. Hahli Husky

    The Gender Ratio

    Nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice
  11. Hahli Husky

    On Representation

    Just wanted to say I really liked this entry and I'm proud of you for it! You stand with us and don't try to speak over us and that's cool. I can see that what you're saying comes from the concerns you've heard minorities express, and that your eyes are open to its presence in everyday life. It's also cool how you keep in mind that a lot of this is a problem in our specific society and not necessarily other areas and societies of the world. And of course, mentioning the utter lack of pansexual representation is A+ in my book.
  12. Yeah I saw them. What I said earlier about it was directed to each and every one. +1,000 mega bonus points to Mak.
  13. Just because you didn't seem to understand what I was saying there: the girls I was talking about are real live actual members I know who spoke about this elsewhere, and were too frustrated and afraid of backlash to respond to anything related to this discussion, not guests or people I figured exist. But yeah, BZP discussion is dominated by men. But there are definitely several women listening in, and I'm not just guessing at that. Sure there are assertive women in this world, just as there are many passive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive ones. But assertiveness is a set of tools, not a personality type, and even women who know how to be assertive may choose to keep silent in certain situations rather than risk someone on the internet being horrid to them or getting in to an argument with someone who just wants to shut them down. This is incredibly common around the internet and in our society as a whole, and sadly has tended to create a lot of passive women who'd rather not speak up. I used the "nonsensical" bit (notice the quotations I used up there) due to some people in the discussion saying that it wouldn't "make sense" to have a larger amount of women in certain media, which is funny because so much of the Lego movie didn't technically "make sense" in the first place, in a real world sort of way. That argument just baffles me to no end.
  14. But we do believe so many lies fed to us. It doesn't make us helpless. Countless women, men, and other people believe the drivel that the media and other sources lay before us and ingrain in us. A lot of sources don't even realize the harm they're doing. Men come to expect things from women. Other women expect things from women. People shame women for not being some sort of norm. You know this; I can tell from this blog entry because you fight to be who you are. The struggle you have is real. Women damage their bodies and their lives trying to lose weight. Girls of color in our culture believe they are not beautiful because they are not white. They try to straighten their naturally curly hair. Women try to wear clothes that make them unhappy. They are shamed into speaking quieter and not laughing as loudly. They are told to "be like this so guys will like you". And it's good that you fight that. It's good that you decided to be yourself. But this doesn't mean all other women are going to do this. Too many of them don't even realize what is happening, and that's why we're having this problem. I've known so many girls and women who try to be what we are told to be, verbally and by implication. Shave your legs because you have to. Cover that face with makeup. Be cute. Be dainty. Be submissive. Be feminine. No man will want you if you don't. No one will respect you if you don't. I starved myself. I picked at my face until it bled trying to get rid of acne. I'm in therapy because I have anxiety and depression resulting from expectations that I should be a certain way "because I'm a woman". I'm not alone. I'm nowhere near being alone. Countless women have hurt themselves, hurt each other, been killed, settled for less, been denied privileges given to others, and ended their own lives over this stuff. But at the same time, there's an overwhelming voice that tells us something else. You shouldn't shave. You shouldn't wear makeup. Don't be cutesy. Be outgoing. Be a STRONG WOMAN who likes fighting and guns and "manly" stuff. Don't be what we told you to be, and you'll be praised as "not like other girls". This compliments some women by shaming the lifestyles and preferences of others. This is also very, very wrong. I copied this from something I can't share as a whole: The point isn't that we shouldn't do certain things because they're a stereotype. The point is that you need to be who you are and don't shame other people for being who they are. People in our culture seem very concerned with telling women what they can and can't be. That's the problem here. And like Pat said, we're gonna come across this stuff in our lives no matter what. We can be all they tell us, and they say we're trying to hard and we're mindless conformist bimbos. We can completely ignore it, and we get ignored or told to "freshen up", "smile", "reinvent our wardrobe", "don't speak up for ourselves". We can do our own thing, and we still get fussed at for "being or not being a certain way". Now, I'll get to why I'm saying all this on this entry. I don't like speaking up on things like this because I get nervous and have trouble expressing myself, especially on BZPower. Guys on BZPower have tried to shame and argue with me too many times, and also done the same to many other girls. But unless they're trans and lived through these struggles, they don't have that firsthand experience. They may accept what we tell them happens. Some of them see all this garbage at work in the world. They want to help. That's why DV and Makaru speak up. I always appreciate what they have to say. They've learned from women around them, such as myself, Nukaya, and Tufi Piyufi. You say you're speaking to an audience of guys, but to be honest, several women are reading this blog entry. They read the topic about more female characters in the next Lego movie. They love the idea of more women being represented. I know this because they're my friends. But why don't they speak up? I wonder if it's because of the backlash we've received, both here and in other faucets of our lives? In the end, yeah, the only one you can control is you. You have to go into this stuff being willing to let go and know that you're not going to change the entire world by yourself and in one go. But I'm not going to give up or fall into "all or nothing" thinking. I haven't changed the minds of plenty of people. But I have friends now who have watched me and what I say and support, and they understood and now stand beside me. Some of them are content creators who are writing excellent balances of men, women, and non-binaries in their works. Would that have happened if I hadn't been fighting and speaking out on my blog and other internet spaces where they could see? I'm not sure. Other, greater content creators have seen this huge outcry for equal representation. That's part of why we have the Lego Movie creators so ready to include more women in the first place. We shouldn't get angry over every single lie told to us, no. But I think getting fired up over feminism is a really excellent cause. Why? Hey, I've got another quote. We don't have to explode or lose our minds. I mean, in this entire post I'm not upset or angry. But as a woman, I want to speak up. My voice is important here because it's about the representation of women, the lack of which has discouraged and hurt me inside. I am passionate about my cause and ready to educate anyone willing to listen to me. And if people don't, okay. But I'll still speak out. I'll still speak up for equal rights and representation and a proper treatment of all women. We need to see more varied women in our media because it reinforces that we all exist outside the stereotypes and we're more than what people say we should be. There are just as many women in this world as men (I hear that it's more women than men actually but I'm not sure atm.) So why are there way more men in so many movies and comics and games? And why is this so when women and girls are close to half of the consumers of said media? If we can have something as "nonsensical" as a giant floating cloud city or mecha cyborg pirate with a live shark on his arm in a movie, then we can have something as "nonsensical" as more female characters, too.
  15. Hahli Husky


    Just needs a bowtie
  16. I'm not like the female stereotypes, either. I'm actually a dog. Actually, I was amused by your stereotype breakdown and wanted to fill it out for myself. Stereotype: "Girls don't like Lego."Me: *was really into Bionicle but kind of appreciates LEGO from the side nowadays* *mostly buys Friends and Mixels sets because I'm poor and they're cute* *also wanted more girls in the Lego Movie* Stereotype: "Girls like fashion."Me: *loves clothes* *is becoming a lolita so as to wear frilly poofy dresses with bows* Stereotype: "Girls like animals, especially horses."Me: *desires kittens you have no idea* Stereotype: "Girls are less likely to enjoy courses in science and math, and rarely do they program."Me: *hated math in school, enjoyed science, did some programming in college but eh* *wasn't for me* *loves programming games tho* *but is an amateur* Stereotype: "Girls are soft."Me: *doesn't have to wear lotion* *ever* *also I just shaved* *feel my legs* *so smooth* *blue belt in taekwondo tho* Stereotype: "Girls like jewelry and painting their nails, etc."Me: *me too omg* Stereotype: "Girls can't use logic."Me: *spills your fruit* *excellent comeback* *10/10*
  17. Ha okay Emzee and I noticed a couple other topics like this popping up in FCM and think it would be perfectly fine for them to be a part of the forum. Soooooo I'm moving you back per our recent rule update. I'm moving this topic back now. Sorry for any confusion!
  18. After discussing the legitimacy of recent topics requesting assistance and suggestions for projects, Emzee and I have changed a couple rules to accommodate said topics. Please note that topics that just try to built hype for planned projects are still not allowed. The rules edited: Topics that were moved out of the forum before the rule change will be brought back.
  19. Obviously the only way to curb the moose-related car accidents rampant in Canada is TO DRIVE ONE. Is there any way you can make a video of it rolling (possibly colliding with one of Maddie's cats in the process)?
  20. I changed the topic title because it's kinda edgy, not sure if a BD staff member will want to leave this open or not. (I still laughed)
  21. Omg I didn't realize you were gonna add sunglasses. This is even more incredible!!
  22. Moving to General Discussion since it's a planning topic. Good luck!!
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