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Everything posted by TBK

  1. The beam is definitely the killer. It won't let the matoran be confused on who has the real power here. I predict that Xaeraz is working for the ceiling
  2. Whoever invented math, seriously. Ok, so 2008... I think that's 6 years now? For me, that's since I was 13... It seems so long ago. Well, it kind of was, I guess. Err ANYWAY, these comics do deserve a glorious ending. I fully regret missing three years of it.
  3. Don't thank me, Biocry is our hero! Though he may be slightly lost after riding a giant kitty for so long... I apologize for the wait on Aurora's comic, I actually planned an earlier release... but life is brutal. So here's a smaller comic to fill the gap!
  4. IC: Tekro He was relieved that distraction of the snowball proved unnecessary as the two Toa railed blasts of frozen air onto the Frostelus. Unfortunately, it seemed to brush off their ice attacks with relative ease. For the moment, there was little more he could do as a matoran with a simple dagger, but he was an opportunist. As the Toa dodged the Frostelus' charge, Tekro turned around and ran behind the buildings lining the street, returning at a vantage point with a clear view of the back of the multi-armed rahi. He waited in the shadows for an opportune moment, knife ready.
  5. I loved seafood But now I'm afraid I'll eat Pupwa
  6. So if it's a front door in that dimension, does that make it a back door in the other? Enhoyed the comic, keep the awesomeness coming!
  7. I sincerely enjoyed reading this. Now I'm really looking forward to this epic.
  8. Seeing Flux carried away on a flock of birds truly would have been a sight to behold. ...just what is that. xD Voltex was just jealous of your kingdom, obviously.
  9. TBK

    Katoris' Comics

    Oh boi. Better find a way out of this before Katoris comes in and throws steaming hot tea at you.
  10. TBK

    Chronic Records

    Takua: Call upon the almighty pepper to guide your way.
  11. TBK

    TCMII: Bluefire

    Is he talking to that waffle? ...Yup, that is definitely Tektene. I love it
  12. TBK

    TCMII: Bluefire

    I WOS TEH WAFFEL LORD WUT Haha, omigawsh! I don't think I could have had a better introduction. =D
  13. It's like in a barren wilderness. The scene is the Gukko rescue force, while my limbs are all I have to feed on. And my metal cogs are not fun to chew. But honestly, Spines, spend all the time you need on the writing-- the scene will be well worth the wait!
  14. I've already made it to my elbows at this point =P
  15. I would feel that feel, but I'm not entirely sure what feel I would be feeling.
  16. If I can get enough authors interested, I may consider starting an MAS. If anyone remembers what that is.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TBK


      Let's do it! And I'm loving the "Mas Effect" idea

    3. Zahaki


      Mas Effect Idea?


    4. tahukan


      I did a pun on the video game Mass Effect

  17. TBK

    TCMII: Bluefire

    I'm gonna need a fork and loooots of syrup for that waffle lord.
  18. Whooop! One-and-a-half new comics! What do I mean by that? Well, it's technically two comics. But one is bite-sized. Maybe we can =P 09- Cats can't read 10- More Likely a Near Miss
  19. IC: Tekro Frostelus? What was it doing in the middle of Ta-karda? He then realized why the Kavinika attack was so well-organized, right before the towering half-rahi bellowed a deafening screech. It had thrown the Toa of Ice further into the middle of the fray -- seemingly effortlessly -- and the Toa was now busy recharging his powers. To buy the Toa time, Tekro bent down to make a snowball and landed a well-placed throw right onto the Frostelus's snout. "Come on!" he shouted at the Frostelus. He pointed his dagger, but by himself, he would be torn to shreds. He tensed to run back into the shambled building.
  20. Oh wait I did derp. NOW it's fixed
  21. TBK

    TCMII: Bluefire

    Haha, poor Kongu! I'd hate to be a speed bump in that particular situation. (I like the little reference to Katoris' comics, too =P)
  22. I am going to fix this. Voting Shadowhawk. MUUAHHAHAHAAAAAH Oh, and vote count: Voltex: 3 RG: Taka Nuvia: 1 Lhikevikk: 7 Shadowhawk: 8
  23. I was six years old when I spotted Tahu Mata on the metal, beige-colored Wal-mart shelf and was quickly enamored with his spinny arms and epic Kanohi. I started collecting the rest, and needless to say, my whole childhood revolved around Bionicle from that point on. I considered myself a walking Bionicle Encyclopedia up until around its last two years... it's a wonder I didn't find BZP until 2008. I also had a knack for MOC'ing and had limited resources other than my sets, so my older purchases didn't stay together very long. I still managed to keep Tahu together, though!
  24. So you could wrap explosives around other people from under a cardboard box. *Don't catch that pun* On a side note, here's a quick wrap-up to that last comic... Death from Above - Part 2 And MK, you look fantastic as a kitty
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