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First Matoran

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Everything posted by First Matoran

  1. Ok who's gonna be the first to start the "funny" comedies
  2. The reaso artpad comes in waves is because if you click on artpad it lets you start your on on the same page. Sure artpad isnt the best I dont really like to use it but I kinda like how easy it is to shade and its just more fun than MS paint and Im too lazy to upload my drawings to a scanner. Honestly just causeartpad doesnt draw the prettiest it doesnt mean you have to get rid of it for everyone. Its absurd. Its like burning a modern art museum because you dont like modern art. It is fine not to post in artpad topics. But I think you might be going go far in forcing other people not to. I really hope you stop this "end artpad" madness
  3. Ha! I have... Ummm... uhhh.. Im still cooler than you. Ya think so?
  4. First Matoran

    Another Po!

    Po rules the world. Think about it Potato pohatu pot potion, pole, poll, pool, Polynmomial, post, poster. Hes in everything. How often do you see my screename in a word? or Torhuki? Heh, I guess you have a point.
  5. Thanks> Did you steal it from Makus room? But Im not lonely. What gave you that Idea Well, you're the second to last Tohunga. There is only two of you.
  6. First Matoran

    Oh, And...

    Well I can honestly say its not going to snow this year MERRY CHristmas.
  7. The best way to help the comedy foruym is to write and reply to comedies Not petitions. You used to write comedies. I liked what a toa is...
  8. Well youre not excactly one to be giving advice. You havent written a comedy sice 004 and quite frankly Im sick of everyone complaining about how comedies are getting worse. Sure some of the classics like Parody corner are gone but I think it is still good. Its so absurd people are writing comedies about the comedies. Edit: I dont want to be mean but whining doesnt help. If we were naturally funny people we would have real friends and not post here
  9. ELLIPSES STINK!!!!!!! ELLIPSES ARE OK BUT SOMEONE MADE IT INTO A STUPID hype/dumb joke and its driving me crazy!!!! Hee hee......think they're.....funny!
  10. First Matoran


    Why cant the the snowflakes rain on us instead of assasinating people? I don't know! Maybe I should ask them......
  11. Obviously the cheese trolls took it
  12. Ive never heard anyone say hapy Chanuka.
  13. Punch your computer than. But well never see you on BZP again
  14. stop teasing the sixth sense! Do it for the creepy kid and bruce willis PS I thought of something better than ellipses. USE 4 DOTS....
  15. Why did I reply to this? Because you wanted to!
  16. say I havent met many people named Zack. I stilll like my name better though Yeah, I guess Zack is an uncommon name.
  17. First Matoran

    You Suck.

    Naw way the coolest thing not on BZP would be a live lion stuck in the computer. It would eat ALL spam and annoying members and it would clean my room.
  18. Torhuki? Samantha But seriously I'm so cool you should draw me anyway. Uhhh...I'm a boy. And you know, I just might draw you. I know, I was trying to make a joke but it didn't work. Chris, heard that name a lot maybe, possibly. Thanks I hope you do.
  19. I like it, and a nice story... but can he wear a shirt Not really, as he can't cover up glowing lens, or the arm doesn't work. -Seran
  20. Same for me Its either gnomes... or global warming. (I think its the gnomes) Dont worry im just ordering pizza (or am I)
  21. You take this pessimism/optimsism thin way too seriously. And besides if you don't know what the message is, isn't that blind faith?
  22. First Matoran


    say your right. Why are you searching up other members anyway. Are you stalking me?
  23. Its both pathetic and disguisting but violence in the world isn't getting worse. But its still disguisting. I don't think the kid will come back for the gun though. And applaude him? That's a little extreme. Its astill disgusting.
  24. That song rules! I like the movie but the book was better. Marvin the depressed robot is the best too. I like Zaphod too. Gotta love the 42 thing.
  25. First Matoran


    Im behind too I hardly know the difference between an FL and FA Im still in the days of mods and ST
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