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Everything posted by dotcom

  1. ugh, default controls
  2. ^The atrocious spelling and grammar in that quote make the whole thing even funnier than it already is. This is just. Wow. Beautiful. The internet really doesn't change.
  3. I hear that Pirañas taste good with some Avakado.* *the correct term in spanish is aguacate :|
  4. ...so that's how Inika is pronounced. (#nineyearslater). This commercial is pretty cool, anyway. I like how Grinder looks with the MoC.
  5. I finished Kore wa zombie desu ka of the dead. I'm not entirely sure if it was worse than the first season exactly, but I know I didn't like it all the same. I finished Heartcatch Precure a bit ago. Fantastic mahou shoujo for what it was with fantastic characters. Gotta hunt down the rest of the figuarts I'm missing. Anyway, spring season is almost over. Things have ended, are ending...Assassination Classroom, (which I ended up not caring for ultimately (though two or so of the later episodes were actually interesting)), Owari no Seraph (which was all in all, through and through, a huge pile of ), Ame-iro Cocoa (whoooo caaaares), Mikagura School Suite (which stopped being worthwhile two episodes in), I can't understand what my husband is saying 2 (guess it was ok ish), Punch Line (pretty solid, not as well fleshed out as I would have liked, game will probably be better), and Nisekoi: (this season made me super sad and even got me regretting my Chitoge and Kosaki nendoroid preorders. Why you gotta do this to me Nisekoi. I used to really like you). The last show I'm watching ends tom...today. Tesagure has been a really solid and fresh show all season and the finale to this spin-off should be no less great. I expect it will be one thing this season that I have unambiguous positive feelings towards. Spring kinda sucked. Pretty disappointing showing all in all...I really liked the winter season, and was hoping I may start watching some better shows going forward from that, but I'd rate spring a solid meh-. I can only hope the summer brings better things. And since I'm gonna be watching 15 shows...it better.
  6. Do they hatch into small sets like Protectors? nop
  7. Yeah, the lack of consistency with the limbs' colors is one of my main peeves, and one of the first things I fixed when I got the set. The fact that it uses black feet and silver hands is particularly problematic, I think. I'd like to make them match, but making the hands black leaves the chest with the only silver piece in the set, which looks weird. But I can't make the feet silver because, well, I don't have any extras, and it kinda takes away from the color scheme a bit too (and removes the symmetry of having half the protectors with silver feet and the other half with black ones). The mask being the only dark azure piece is probably my biggest beef with the set though. It is much too bright a shade for me to see it as matching the trans light blue--which is, although somewhat close in shade, a little dull. It stands out way too much and looks pretty awful in my opinion. I got an extra size 5 azure shell for the chest, which (combined with the aforementioned limb color adjustments) made the whole thing look much, much better. With some modding it's a solid figure, but as it is I am definitely not a big fan of it.
  8. The protector of water is the worst protector. It has a very poor color scheme. I don't like it very much.
  9. Rose may not find that terribly objectionable, none of the gems really treated him with much respect (as was addressed later) so they were not above teasing him. And it's not like Pearl made any effort to hide how she felt generally speaking. So Rose was either aware and played along or just ignored it as a Pearl thing. It's not like she hasn't spent thousands of years with her or fused with her before. She definitely should know how Pearl thinks by that point. On the other hand, while making Greg jealous/uncomfortable was her goal, it's not like Pearl didn't just want to fuse with Rose anyway, what with being crazy in love with her and all that. And the jealousy stems from that love, and Garnet has told us that when gems fused it's not as simple or concrete as just two people being in one body, they become one person and are fueled by the two's mix of emotions. I guess my headcanon would be that everything that is Pearl's love (including her jealousy, loyalty, possessiveness, etc.) kinda gets muddied together without the specifics coming into play. So Rainbow Quartz as an entity wouldn't necessarily be aware (or care) what Pearl's motives are, since they're just a small part of what she is. I guess? I dunno if that makes sense.
  10. I haven't really played many Lego games, least not since the last decade or something...I really like the original Star Wars, really. It was simple, but the concept was fresh an the whole thing was fun. I really enjoyed it. Other than that, I love the first Batman game. I think that one is probably my favorite, just...it's so much dang fun. So many characters, original stories, the villain stories, the suits and everything. It was great. The most recent game I've played (first one since Indiana Jones 2, actually) was the Chima game. I really liked it for the Chima angle, cause I love Chima, but as a game it wasn't all that hot I think. A bit too short.
  11. Sworn to the Sword is like my new favorite episode. Any episode with a song is a winner in my book, make that two, make it a Steven and Connie episode + feature my favorite gem strongly while going off with Rose feels. Best episode, is what I'm saying. Also, new intro, not as fancy as the old one but pretty great. All great episodes though, lots of interesting stuff especially with Garnet and of course Malachite...And we're getting another Steven Bomb next month so that's gonna rock.
  12. Went with number 3, I think it's my favorite Metalbeard in the contest and all around a great likeness of the character. Not to mention a fantastic MOC.
  13. I went with #4 on this one. I hadn't seen it before, it kinda surprised me. It's not an extremely accurate replica of the movie or set micromanagers, and noticeably forgoes the entire blocky shape, but the entire feel and aesthetic carried over extremely well, I think. It looks pretty impressive,
  14. I guess I may have misread or misremembered, but didn't the product pages from Best Buy say that the Warrior/Slicer/Basher combiner would have multiple heads? Cause there's a distinct lack of more than a single head on that combiner. Kind of a bummer.
  15. dotcom


    I decided to listen to these words you put here and buy it. Plus the soundtrack, cause it sounds good. You caused me to use money. Are you happy???? (probably? that's why you made this post.)
  16. These con-exclusive sets are always like this. Very expensive for their price. It's just how they work with exclusive things like these, I guess. Offsetting the cost of making a whole set in limited quantities or taking advantage of the demand or something like that.
  17. dotcom


    zoosmell pooplord
  18. Finished the first season of Kore wa Zombie desu ka. Honestly, the only thing keeping me from thinking it was garbage was the extremely, undeservingly superb ost. This show has some good music. I don't care for it at all otherwise. Second season has been even worse. Though the music is still pretty great. That being said, I do like Sarasvati, I think. The harem genre usually being full of girls who fall for the main character for no real discernible reason (this show included/especially), the notion of a character who just likes the mc because he has a hot butt is...fresh, and really pretty hilarious. So yeah, I guess she's ok. Anyway, I watched Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun over the span of two days (that's some sort of record for me I think). I. Really liked it. The characters are unique, the whole thing is a really unusual and fun romance (I don't think I've ever seen so many confessions in any anime before, these people are honest.). The whole show is funny and charming and kinda weird but most of all, really good. But...unfortunately, like too many anime, it suffers from having a criminally low amount of episodes to really do itself justice. The same studio that did this series did Kuragehime, which is one of my all time favorite anime as well as one of the most unfortunate. It only had 11 episodes, so ended just as things were getting great. Abruptly, and in the middle of things. And Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (though it had 2 more episodes) is pretty much the same deal. It built up to a really good spot for the first stretch of the show, but the last couple of episodes or so were sort of trying to build up some plot threads that never got to mean much since it ended in a really awkward final episode. (pretty sure it's a filler ending too, it didn't feel like something any manga would have to do ever). So even though I think it was mostly fantastic, in the end I'm just left kinda conflicted. And with a massive desire to read the manga. So I will do that. Thankfully, this once it turns out a manga I'm interested in is being licensed over here. Woo. Oh yeah, and I started Nichijou a few days ago. It's pretty much amazing. The animation is great, which is really important. But mostly it's just a really really hilarious show. It's a lot of fun. And. I watched Summer Wars yesterday or something. It was ok I suppose. Maybe.
  19. Ok, not gonna lie. I was kind of disappointed that the plot of this comic didn't involve someone launching the bird at the Lego person (you know, Angry Birds style), shooting them over the line. That. That would have been really clever. But. Jetpack. Ok. Anyway. This sounds kind of weird. I'm not sure how it'll translate to Lego, but I'm equally curious. Guess we'll see how this goes.
  20. This is really cool. Lots of great concept work here. It's interesting to see the bats and scorpions were there from the get go, and that the idea for the second year was already forming even back then. Those insect characters look really cool, especially the beetle. And the zombies too, look even cooler than what we got.
  21. green and black Hello are you pulse
  22. Anyway, since I'm way over the spring season and we are close enough to summer to pretty much know everything that's going on with that, the time has come again. How are your summers looking, anime-wise? Every season I feel like I want to cut back on the amount of series I'm watching yet almost always I end up with even more than before, it's a real issue. Anyway my summer watch list is looking like this. -World Trigger (continuing from spring) -Go! Princess Precure (continuing from spring) -The Heroic Legend of Arslan (continuing from spring) -Ninja Slayer from Animation (continuing from spring) -My Love Story!! (continuing from spring) -DRRR!!x2 Ten (for once really looking forward to this) -Gatchaman Crowds Insight (all the hype) -The iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls 2nd Season (should be fun) -Wooser's Hand-to-Mouth Life Mugen-hen (guess so) -Charlotte (apparent spiritual successor to angel beats? sign me the heck up) -Classroom*Crisis (looks good, like the director) -Himouto! Umaru-chan (seems to be pretty funny) -Jitsu wa Watashi wa (art style looks good, have liked the director's previous work on ika musume) -Castle Town Dandelion (premise seems promising) -Sore ga Seiyuu! (anime based on a manga made by a seiyuu. should be interesting.) There's a couple others under my "maybe" category, but these are what I'm planning on watching. It's a lot! :/
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