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Everything posted by dotcom

  1. It's probably cause they didn't have a charismatic rap to remind you of their existence.
  2. Story of my life. The worst thing is cleaning them, missing a spot, then putting them back on and it's all clear except for this one part is all awful and it's somehow even worse than when they were all dirty. Ahhh.
  3. My phone is old and terrible and apparently its photos don't care to be visible. :/ I also can't remember seeing any cool displays at a Wal-Mart in a while. At the same time, I don't really go to Wal-Mart, so I wouldn't know. Other places do have them, but...I don't think I've seen any constraction displays anywhere (except for Lego stores) in years...
  4. I was at a Wal-Mart earlier , and I saw this display on, well, display. (woo for terrible photography) I've never seen it before, nor do I think I've even heard about it? Anyway, it was pretty cool. The interesting part I think is that that's the combiner model, not just the powered-up form. So that's, well, something I guess. Though, clearly not fully the combo model? He had the powered up hand weapons, for one thing...
  5. I would have been perfectly fine with it. I don't have any solid opinions regarding who, but I voted for Tahu and Pohatu. That could have been interesting.
  6. Sounds like a noisy dog. I like your dog. I like all dogs, really. Your dog looks nice.
  7. Yeah, I'm pretty excited for all of them, not just the big one. Well, maybe not all of them all of them. Skull Scorpio is just sort of there still, I guess. Warrior though. I really like the color scheme and mask and weapons, he looks like he'll be really good. Basher should have a great function, and Slicer seems pretty imposing as a build (though the lack of a unique mask is still lamentable). And the blended masks for all of them I'm definitely looking forward to. Especially the Mask of Jungle.
  8. It's unlikely that any Disney properties will appear in the game, since Disney already has its own toys-to-life game and everything. Being in direct competition with this, I really don't see it happening.
  9. So I guess we finally found out what the deal is with Digimon Adventure Tri and...it's a 6 part film series? Starting in November? Way to not be misleading, Toei. I guess I don't mind too much, but still, kind of disappointing? /hopefully the animation quality is consistent and high. Also, animated Alphamon, that's pretty rad? Finished Cardcaptor Sakura after, what, five months? Sure was fast on that one. It was fun! Not sure if it suffered a little from Seinfield Is Unfunny or not, I did really enjoy it but can't say I loved it exactly. Certainly was old fashioned in any case. But it had good characters (the Li family is my fave) and music for the most part. (I honestly hated the third ed, though. I wish Honey had been used for the third season rather than Fruit Candy or whatever that stupid song was called. Honey is fantastic.) And. I got through Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono, Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono: Encore, and have caught up with Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono Spin-Off: Purupurun Charm to Asobi. Tesagure may just be my favorite anime ever (I mean, maybe not, but it sure feels like it) It's just really incredible to me. The series revolves around 4 girls in a club where they think about new club activities after thinking about and discussing other clubs through a manga/anime-aware lens. It's so self aware it hurts and so smart and clever in its riffing of tropes and in its humor in general, I just really really love it. Each episode has a part where the actors just ad-lib a discussion, talking about new ideas, and it's where the true heart of the series becomes evident. The way they interact in those segments is genuine and it's utterly hilarious. Running gags are born, puns are made, it is a riot. Even where Tesagure fails, it succeeds. When jokes fall flat during the improv parts, it just makes everything better. It adds to that genuine feeling, and the ensuing scenes can be true gems. Characters trying to recover from a bad joke, the others making fun of them or just responding in turn to stupid ideas. It's a trial-and-error process that's very true to the spirit of the series and it's so great. The latest episode in the spin-off had actual on-site recording at a fricking haunted house, it was everything I could have wished for and more. The beginning of the second season was apparently a really spur-of the moment thing, so there were a couple of episodes where the characters are like "they're not making the animation deadlines, so they asked us not to move too much." What follows is nothing short of stupid, and nothing short of hilarious. I really really like the Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono series. It is my new favorite comedy if nothing else. Also I just finished No.6. It wasn't the best thing I've ever seen, but it was pretty good nonetheless! Good characters, decent enough setting I guess, a fine soundtrack and good art and animation. The way the entire thing was structured felt completely non-tv-series-like to me, it really struck me more like a long movie. Not sure if that makes any sense. But I liked it well enough. End was really dang weird and hasty though. Can't win them all I guess.
  10. Well, they fly, so presumably it's a lot less likely for them to fall off with the pods. Also, you can use them as normal spinners if you just turn them upside down, in which case the capsule whatevers are what they spin on.
  11. We know why it ended. Decreasing sales over a long period of time that can be attributed to a convoluted storyline that alienated potential new fans from the series. More or less. There's not much use for theories.
  12. Hm. Interesting. Combo models confirmed: a powered-up Skull Grinder, and some unholy Skull abomination from the other 3 skull guys. The Skull Slicer description seems to imply that they are indeed controlled by the Mask of Skull Spiders. And apparently the Grinder/Warrior mask is just named Skull Mask, with the Basher/Scorpio being the Bull Skull Mask. Good names, I guess.
  13. Your job still sounds so great. It's awesome that it has been a good experience so far! A while ago here you mentioned that the Bionicle team gave you Kopaka and one other mystery set. A Skull Villain?
  14. From Homestuck Dave Rose Jade John Maybe???? At least at some point...maybe. Probably Dirk Jake Roxy Ok, definitely not Jane here. AR? But then there's not two girls... For the post-Scratch session, hm...
  15. Daaaaang, that's a real bummer. :/ This mask looks super great. Exclusivity, you strike again....sigh.
  16. Or foreshadowing to some incidents with the summer waves? One of the skull villains has a Mask of Air in his set; perhaps an infected/power drained version? It's a possibility, but the same could be said for Onua, Kopaka, and Pohatu, so it's not like Lewa's luck would be exceptionally bad in that regard.
  17. How come 2003 is your least favorite? I personally thought it was a good year since we got Takanuva, the rebuilt matoran forms, a physical set of Makuta Teridax, bendable knees in the Rahkshi. The Bohrok-Kal storyline, I guess. Because of that...whole thing, it was the least unified year, and I wasn't even that fond of the MoL story or movie either. I'm not saying it was a bad year, but I'm not really in love with it either.
  18. Hey, the Bohrok weren't that bad.
  19. 2004 is probably my favorite year. It was the year I got into it, so understandably there is some heavy nostalgia at play, but I just also really like it. The Toa Metru are pretty nice sets, the titans weren't too bad, Metru Nui had a great atmosphere, LoMN was the best Bionicle movie period, I really liked the Toa Metru as characters as well, their arcs and such, and 2004 has the most books of a single year as well as some of my favorites. It's good stuff all around. Only really weak parts I'd say are that the Metru Nui comic art was always my least favorite in the entire run of the series, and like. I guess, the Vahki. The Vahki could be better. And the collectibles left something to be desired but I'm reaching by that point. Least favorite is probably 2010, for reasons that shouldn't really need to be explained. Other than that...I dunno. 2003, maybe? Probably.
  20. Yeah, it's certainly not a very valid comparison, but ok let's run with it. Far as sets go, even from the comparatively smaller pool of new Bionicle sets, I think it is clear that they're head and shoulders above most Hero Factory sets. Not all of them, of course, but in general. They are an improvement. The story...definitely the wonkiest point of comparison. Bionicle so far really only has the ten animations, which I personally found disappointing. Whereas Hero Factory had a good number of also disappointing-to-mediocre-to-bad, more full-length episodes. So I don't know, HF had more in that regard but it was worse than even the little Bionicle has. If HF was just limited to those episodes, I'd give Bionicle the point. But, HF did have the secret mission novels. Which, marginal though they may have been, were still part of the story, and I've enjoyed the ones I've managed to read quite a bit. Plus, I found the media in HF's first year to be rather more engaging in general. So I will say HF is stronger in this regard, for the moment. Hopefully the summer animations and the upcoming books will strengthen this aspect of the new Bionicle. All in all, I do currently prefer HF, if only slightly. I always did like it, mediocre though it often was, and it had more than enough time to grow on me and leave a positive impression over the years during which it ran. But the new Bionicle has started strong, on the sets if nothing else, and I think given a year or two it will quickly overtake HF in most areas. At least, I hope so.
  21. dotcom

    New Elements

    It's like an earth/stone kind of deal.
  22. The top of the new skull gang cladding part very vaguely reminds me of the top of the skull spider masks, just all decayed and such...I like it for that reason, though I'll agree with Dina that it sticks out a bit oddly.
  23. dotcom

    New Elements

    Where speed.
  24. Bluhhhhh let's see. i finished reading Oyasumi Punpun, it was a really strange and great and weird and impactful experience. This mangaka is truly a brilliant artist. Also I started reading and caught up with the WataMote manga, it was great and hilarious and cringey. Just like the anime really. And I've started reading the Ika Musume manga, it's pretty fun, also not unlike the anime. I haven't seen anything new yet, but it's good. I finished Psycho-Pass 2. It wasn't like. The worst thing ever, but it really didn't have much on the first season, did it? It was more shallow, had less interesting and solid characters and villains and developed the new characters kind of awkwardly in some respects. Also the eyepatch brainwashed inspector was super super dumb but whatever. I'm not super sure how to feel about it all in all. I guess I'd say it's ok. Just started watching Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono. From just the first episode I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about it, but, oh my god. The opening. The lyrics. It is incredible. Just. Behold: amazing Looks like it should be a somewhat meta experience in any case, which is good, because if there's anything I just eat up, it is metafiction. Also it is made in MMD and I think that is kinda funny. It's pretty mediocre animation and graphics obviously, (kind of redundant to say I guess since the MM in MMD both already stand for mediocre) but it adds a weird charm to it.
  25. Part of what made Breezy obnoxious to me is that it was episode 6 in season 6, and he lost his arm in episode 2, so that lasted like no time at all. It was sudden and drastic and ehhhh. the only episode related to it in the meantime was The Tower. Anyway, Breezy aired last June or something, so there's been quite a bit of content since, almost thirty episodes I think? There's seen some really good episodes (furniture and meat is a nice callback to AT's simpler days), some advancement in PLOT STUFF with his dad and stuff. Interesting stuff here and there. The episode before last, Jermaine, saw Finn and Jake's brother finally make an appearance in the present, so that was really cool. Only took over four years...
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