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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. Indeed.The below has trouble thinking of things to write about the person below them in this topic. ~~
  2. This has got to be the longest string of 5/5s in a while. Anyway, a 5/5 for you, of course.~~
  3. Where have you gone now. D:

  4. STEAMPUNK KOPAKA I guess so. :POn topic: Italics, italics everywhere, at least in the case of stories.~ ~
  5. Look out, lava-affected city! There are letters in front of you! LETTERS DESCRIBING AN EPIC... oh wait this sounds derivative.~ ~
  6. It's by the member's name - the MOC is automatically named after them and isn't really an independent thing.Anyway, on topic: the link to your comics is in a different color, I see. It prompted me to visit the topic. Again.~~
  7. Depends on how early I get up. The earlier the better, though I'm generally not very lucid when I first wake up. :PThe below mainly listens to very specific kinds of music.~ ~
  8. It's more a metaphorical title than either of those options, and though I can't of course choose the title you suggested ( ), it's more that the fire is lost.If I'm not mistaken, that's a pixelated lava flow with faint designs in it, but I'm probably mistaken.~~
  9. One of the major reasons I like it is the same stylistic reason I chose my own name: it's short, pithy, and memorable.The below didn't post in the version of this topic on the old version of BZP.~ ~
  10. I read it, but haven't watched it.The below knows nothing about the old Doctor Who serials.~ ~
  11. I figured that might be the one you were thinking of. You're more a philosopher than a dendrologist (is that term outdated?), as far as I know.Anyway, to the actual topic: pretty much, or if I've experienced true empathy I wasn't really thinking about it.The below receives more small numbers of important gifts than large numbers of less-dear gifts, when receiving gifts at all.~~
  12. I've actually found three species in North America - the tree kind, that is. (Those would be Eastern, Western, and Mountain Hemlock, but most of the Eastern Hemlock was just planted.) There's also a ton of invasive Poison Hemlock (yes... that Socrates-killing herb) a little ways north and east of where I live.The below has seen a species of larch in the wild before. ~~
  13. The thing is, these are the Takanuva ones, and I never actually saw the Takanuva versions sold back in the day. I wonder if Nike didn't properly release these for some reason?I'm sorry to say, though, that neither the red Avohkii shoes linked in this topic and the old Hau Nuva ones (which are catalogued but not being sold on Bricklink) seem to come in size 12.~ ~
  14. No, certainly not, I don't hate repetition at all, I don't hate it. In seriousness, it's not my favorite thing, but I use it a lot for the sake of irony (what else?).The below owns no computers but is using one to read this topic anyway.~~
  15. Oh... yeah. "Coming soon", I see now. Also, I chose red for the taken slots so that people would be more aware of what they couldn't choose.I keep mistaking everything underlined for a link, but it's just most of it.~~
  16. Mostly it's out of irony as well as lengthened to "sonny", but sometimes, yes. :PThe below never says the term "y'all".~ ~
  17. There are actually two captioned versions of the banner, which I may have to use sometime. :PI see your banner has no problem with lack of captioning, but the "The" is kind of hard to read. Also you just updated the epic it mentions.~ ~
  18. I guess I understand that, but if kids back when the MNOLGs came out were able to play those with no problem, shouldn't the LEGO Group not have to dumb down these new ones? :| It could just be that the actual storylines of the themes themselves are less full and rich now, which is how it seems to me. Besides Hero Factory, almost none (that I can remember) of this year's themes have any more storyline than just a basic premise. I should have been more specific here, Lego did indeed cut Bionicle for having a too "in-depth" storyline, but MNOG was sort of a foundation for that story, or at least a large component of it. From what I heard, Hero Factory's story is more simplistic. I guess I should have thought of that... if LEGO did cut BIONICLE for its complicated storyline, then they wouldn't produce another MNOLG-like game.Personally, I wouldn't say Hero Factory is more simplistic, but they don't seem to explore the potentially rich story-universe they have in the same way that BIONICLE fleshed out its own. It's worth noting that "simple" doesn't carry the same connotation as "simplistic", but you're right anyway, and I wish LEGO would move Hero Factory beyond its current simplistic level even if the main part of the storyline remained simple. ~~
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